Friday, September 29, 2006

Principal Shot Three Times by Ninth Grader

A ninth grader shot his principal three times with a handgun at Weston School in rural Cazenovia, Wisconsin today. The student also had a shotgun which was grabbed by a janitor but he managed to pull a .22 out of his pants and started shooting the principal. John Klang, the principal who has three children died. The 15 year old, who pried open his families gun cabinet to obtain the weapons, was taken into custody and charged as an adult with murder.

This incident and other recent tragic events of school violence that claimed lives in Colorado and Montreal as well as a deviant detailed plan in Green Bay, Wisconsin demand that schools renew and enhance their commitment to school security.
School violence prevention must be comprehensive and include:
  • Security Vulnerability Assessments
  • Crisis Management/Emergency Planning/Evacuations
  • Bullying Awareness and Prevention
  • Gang Awareness and Resistance
  • Internet Security
  • School Resource Officers/Community Policing
  • Character and Leadership Programs
  • Faculty, Staff and Community Training Initiatives
  • Security Personnel Assessments and Training
  • Prevention Programs for Impaired Driving, Underage Drinking and Illicit Drug Use
  • Terrorism Awareness
  • Diversity Training
Read more on safe school initiatives from the Department of Education:

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Understanding Islam through Community Policing Initiatives

On September 26, the North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association held an extraordinary meeting at Fairleigh Dickinson University.  The meeting featured Sohail Mohammed, an attorney who delivered an insightful presentation on "Understanding Islam and the Muslims."
The presentation was attended by civilians, numerous law enforcement agencies, and  security personnel which included the:
  • New Jersey Office of Homeland Security
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University Security
  • Federal Air Marshall Service
  • Rutgers University Security
  • Moonachie Police Department
  • Carlstadt Police Department
  • Bergen County Sheriff's Department
  • Cliffside Park Police Department
  • Hackensack Constable's Office
  • Meadowlands Sports Authority Security
  • Hackensack Police Department
  • Teaneck Police Department
Sohail Mohammed demonstrated how the Muslim community in New Jersey developed strong ties to law enforcement, including the FBI as well as with government officials and religious leaders from other faiths.  His presentation was community building and enhanced an understanding of the pillars of Islam (Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting and Pilgrimage), the Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, sayings of the prophet, Ramadan and Jihad.
Forged partnerships within the entire community and respect for freedom of religion is the strength of our nation and America must be fully dedicated to the principles of diversity and the conviction that in many we are one.
Read More About Islam:

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Colorado School Evacuated:Gunman Holds Hostages, Kills Student and Commits Suicide

Students were evacuated from a Colorado high school today after shots were fired, hostages were taken and the perpetrator claimed to have explosives.

Lance Clem, a spokesperson for the Colorado State Troopers confirmed the crisis as well as a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office.

Platte Canyon High School is about 30 miles from Littleton, Colorado, which was the scene of the Columbine High School shooting rampage that shocked America.

"We moved up here for the mountain solitude and I just thought this would never happen in this school, but it happens everywhere," said a parent according to an AP report.

The crisis ended after the gunman shot and critically wounded a student who later died and then committed suicide when the SWAT team entered the facility.

Other schools in the area were put in lockdown, preventing egress until authorized by school administrators.

Read more about School Emergency Planning...


Former Hazlet New Jersey Mayor Sentenced for Corruption

Former Hazlet, New Jersey Mayor Paul A. Coughlin was sentenced to two years in prison on September 22 for taking a $3,000.00 bribe. This recent sentencing represents a continuous scandal of corruption within many levels of New Jersey government.
"We are pleased with the long sentence imposed.  Each time a plea or sentencing occurs in these corruption cases, we hope that other public officials tempted to serve themselves will consider what has happened to Mr. Coughlin and others," said U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie. Mr. Christie has an impressive track record in the work of restoring integrity to New Jersey government.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Bloods" Gang Members Admit Murders, Drug Trafficking, Armed Robberies

Amir Winn admitted shooting the father of an 8 year old boy in front of the child because the father wanted Winn and the Bloods not to bother his son.
"These are cold blooded killers and remorseless thugs who murdered to intimidate, to consolidate their hold on neighborhoods where they sell drugs and to avenge disputes with rivals", said U. S. Attorney of New Jersey Christopher J. Christie.
On September 21, four members and one associate of a notorious set of the Bloods in Essex County, N.J. pleaded guilty, admitting among other crimes, that each of them murdered at least one person.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Youth Police Academy: A Community Policing Diamond

A youth police academy develops rapport, respect and interaction between young citizens with law enforcement and the community.  The academy cultivates appreciation for the law and motivates positive citizenship.  Youth police academies improve leadership, self-esteem, discipline, self confidence, character and patriotism.
Youth are encouraged to enter into a partnership with all facets of their community through this extraordinary community policing program.  Youth police academies can be held on the federal, state, county or local level and can be scheduled during summer or the school year for various age groups of elementary, middle or high school students.
The youth police academy also builds morale within law enforcement through the collaboration and leadership expressed in planning and executing the program with the community and various law enforcement agency partners.  School resource officers greatly compliment the program and are complimentary to assisting with its success.
American youth are the hope of the future and deserving of a full force commitment to community policing youth police academies throughout the nation.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Project Safe Neighborhoods: America's Network Against Gun Violence

Project Safe Neighborhoods is a nationwide commitment to reduce gun crime in America by networking existing local programs that target gun crime and providing these programs with additional tools necessary to be successful.
The White House committed over $1.5 billion to this effort since PSN's inception in 2001. This funding is being used to hire new federal and state prosecutors, support investigators, provide training, distribute gun lock safety kits, deter juvenile gun crime, develop and promote community outreach efforts as well as to support other gun violence reduction strategies.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Violent Crime, Drug Abuse and Gang Activity Prevention, Control and Reduction

Weed and Seed, a community-based strategy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, is an innovative, comprehensive multiagency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization.

Weed and Seed is foremost a strategy – rather than a grant program – that aims to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in designated high crime neighborhoods across the country.

The strategy involves a two-pronged approach:
  • law enforcement agencies and prosecutors cooperate in "weeding out" violent criminals and drug abusers and
  • public agencies and community-based private organizations collaborate to "seed" much-needed human services, including prevention, intervention, treatment, and neighborhood restoration programs.
A community-oriented policing component bridges the weeding and seeding elements.

The Weed and Seed strategy is a multilevel strategic plan that includes four basic components:
  • law enforcement;
  • community policing;
  • prevention, intervention, and treatment; and
  • neighborhood restoration.
Four fundamental principles underlie the Weed and Seed strategy:
  • collaboration,
  • coordination,
  • community participation, and
  • leveraging of resources.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Former New Jersey Senate President Pleads Guilty to Corruption

"Today an era of corruption and influence peddling for personal profit has been put to an end. There is no one in this state, no matter how powerful, who is above the law," said U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie.

For receiving payments in return for illegal official action and senatorial influence, former N.J. state senator John A. Lynch pleaded guilty on September 15.

Lynch pleaded guilty to one count of mail fraud and one count of tax evasion and faces a federal prison sentence of 33-41 months.


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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

National Violent Crime Increases Demands a Community Policing Resurgence

The 2005 annual report on crime has just been released showing an increase in violent crime in the United States.  Violent crime rose 2.3 percent. Murders were up 3.4 percent and arrests for juveniles for murder tragically rose nearly 20 percent over 2004!  According to the FBI Uniform Reporting Program Crime Time Clock there is one violent crime every 22 seconds in the U.S. which includes:
  • Every 31.5 minutes-One Murder
  • Every 5.6 minutes-One Forcible Rape
  • Every 1.3 minutes-One Robbery
  • Every 36.5 seconds-One Aggravated Assault
The definition of violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.  Essentially, violent crimes involve force or threat of force.
In my opinion, crime prevention and community policing are inseparable and a full force commitment to the "community policing philosophy" throughout American law enforcement agencies demands a tenacious resurgence.  This is extremely critical to schools where the young can be favorably impressed to avoid the deceptive allurement of the gang culture which only leads to disillusionment, broken lives, prison, violence and death.

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Student Prevents Teens School Killing Spree

Homemade bombs and weapons were found by police at the homes of two 17 year olds suspected of plotting a Columbine style killing spree at East High School in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
The plan was prevented by a student who went to an associate principal.  The Brown County District Attorney John Zakowski was quoted by AP as saying, "If someone hadn't come forward, we'd be talking about funerals instead of charges." 
Zakowski plans to file charges against William C. Cornell and Shawn R. Sturtz for suspicion of conspiracy to commit first degree homicide and conspiracy to commit arson.  Officials stated they were obsessed with pain and death and wanted to die via "suicide by cop".
According to Detective Tom Molitor, they planned to set off bombs near bathrooms, light the exits on fire with jelled gasoline to prevent egress and shoot people.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Transformation through Collaboration

On September 14, Director Robert S. Mueller of the FBI provided insight before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the bureau's transformation since 9/11. A snapshot of initiatives and accomplishments which are new and improved include:
  • The National Joint Terrorism Task Force
  • The MS-13 National Gang Task Force
  • An Office of Law Enforcement Coordination
  • Prevention of several terrorist attacks with arrests
  • Convictions of over 1,000 corrupt government officials
  • Investigations of Enron, WorldCom and 465 other corporate cases resulting in more then 2,500 convictions

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Columbine" Video Game Linked to Montreal College Shootings

As the Dawson College, Montreal investigation continues on the shooting rampage that killed one and wounded 19, associated press stated the shooter reenacted the Columbine shootings through a role playing game and fore casted a "Super Columbine Massacre".
Six victims remain in critical condition, including two in extremely critical condition.
Anger, hatred and an obsession with guns are warning signs of the shooters personality according to the AP.
The Montreal Police Chief Yvan Delorme stated that lessons learned from other mass shootings changed his departments procedure and saved lives.  Previously, a perimeter would be established while police responders waited for the SWAT team but now the first police responders immediately enter.
Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools offers school communities identifiable warning signs and assistance in developing prevention, intervention and crisis management plans.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

22 High-Level Gang Members of the Crips Arrested in New Jersey

In a series of sweeps over the last 24 hours, members of the Crips street gang, responsible for the distribution of crack cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and illegal firearms in East Orange, Irvington and Newark were arrested.

Authorities confirmed that along with the 22 arrests, half a kilo of crack cocaine, 500 ecstasy pills, heroin, $8,500 in U.S. currency and 16 guns were seized throughout the investigation. During the arrests, a 9mm and .38 caliber handguns, a shotgun, a bulletproof vest and approximately 40 grams of crack cocaine were seized.

The U.S. Attorney, Christopher J. Christie, credited the collaborative efforts of the FBI, the Essex County Sheriff Department, and the Newark, Irvington and East Orange Police Departments for the investigation of the case.


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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Facility Protection Demands Trained Security Personnel

Unfortunately, there are security personnel (in house and contract) at major facilities throughout America whom have been trained inadequately at best or not trained at all. 
Security personnel are responsible for lives, property and potentially the very survival of a corporation or organization.  They must be professionally trained and have educational and motivational on going in service training enhancements.
Often, requirements for security personnel training are perfunctory at best and have loopholes which can be exploited to save money.  In New Jersey, the "Security Officer Registration Act" (SORA) was enacted on August 31, 2004 and further established a deadline of March 2006 for industry compliance.  Corresponding regulations were delayed until adoption on May 1, 2006, yet, according to a New Jersey State Police document await a transition date of January 1, 2007.
The changes, when finally implemented, will be a positive step toward professionalizing contract security officers, who will need to attend a 24 hour education and training course taught by certified instructors who complete a NJ State Police program.
Although this training will assist in professionalizing the contract security personnel industry, they will unfortunately not apply to in house (proprietary) security personnel throughout the state which will not regulated by SORA. 
In a post 9/11 era, and with the possibilities of workplace violence incidents and other compelling issues, it is critical that in house security programs develop a culture of training for their personnel.  This training must include understanding the responsibilities of the security profession, crime prevention, terrorism awareness, interpersonal relationship skills, community policing, workplace violence, CPR/AED, ethics, sexual harassment, emergency response, evacuations, leadership development as well as physical, personnel and informational security.

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Monday, September 11, 2006

America's Solemn Fifth Anniversary of 9/11 Petitions a Pledge

As America solemnly reflects on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 and mourns for the nearly 3,000 lost lives, we must remain vigilant in the securing and strengthening of our nation.
America must shine as a beacon of compassion and express empathy and pledge assistance to those who are suffering from the consequences of 9/11, especially those who assisted at the ground zero site.
A nation champions admiration, inspiration and patriotism when it remembers those in need and responds with full force understanding, justice and benevolence.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Community Policing: A Call for Renewal

In an age of escalating terror concerns, natural disasters, workplace and school violence, diversity issues, gangs, guns,drugs and private and public scandals, community policing must be renewed.
Community policing is a philosophy encouraging the police to be inseparable from the community and cohesively collaborating with all elements of their jurisdictions.  The essence of community policing is to sincerely create teamwork within the department and bonds of trust, open communication, respect and cooperation between the police and the public.
Modules of community policing training include ethics, leadership, crime prevention, problem solving, conflict resolution, communication, teamwork and diversity.  Police cultivate respect, empathy and sincere concern for community problems.
The philosophy of community policing is more critical now then ever and must be revitalized and accentuated in the demanding  post 9/11 environment.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Disaster Preparedness Demands Leadership

As America remembers the fifth anniversary of 9/11 and reflects on the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, national preparedness month reminds us to prepare for emergencies.
The Department of Homeland Security has chosen the month of September to serve as National Preparedness month.  This campaign emphasizes the importance of leadership and collaboration in preparing for terrorist attacks, natural disasters and various calamities.
Also in September, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study on catastrophic disasters entitled, "Enhanced Leadership, Capabilities and Accountability Controls Will Improve the Effectiveness of the Nation's Preparedness, Response and Recovery System."
"Leadership in the form of legal authorities, roles and responsibilities, and lines of authority at all levels of government must be clearly defined, effectively communicated and well understood in order to facilitate rapid and effective decision making," stated the report.
There is a critical need for leadership not only in the government but in corporations, educational institutions and communities.  America must be vigilant for the violent possibilities of terror or devastation from the forces of nature remain an unfortunate eventuality.

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Convicted Former Illinois Governor Sentenced to 6 1/2 Years

Former Governor George Ryan of Illinois was sentenced to 6 1/2 years for public corruption based on his conviction of racketeering conspiracy, mail fraud, false statements and tax fraud.  Along with certain associates, Ryan spearheaded a pattern of corruption including official government acts, awarding lucrative contracts and using the State of Illinois for self aggrandizement. 
Prosecutors charged that Ryan's terms, including secretary of state, supported underlings taking bribes from unqualified drivers in exchange for commercial drivers licenses with money donated to his campaign fund.  Among one of the many illegally licensed drivers was one who caused a 1994 collision killing six children.
"People must stop and think about how horrible corruption is and what it does to other people..." said U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, whose office has compiled dozens of convictions associated with a long federal corruption investigation.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

School Shootings: U.S. Secret Service Findings and Implications

The National Threat Assessment Center of the United States Secret Service has a compelling Safe School Initiative.  It is based on completion of a in dept study of various school shootings and school based attacks conducted in collaboration with the Department of Education.
The insightful study found that school shootings are rarely impulsive and are typically planned out in advance.  Also, prior to most school shootings, other youth were aware of its likelihood but remained silent.
The tragic consequences of some school shootings and other acts of violence are preventable and school climates can be cultivated by administrators providing vigilant leadership with establishing continuous educational venues on violence prevention for the entire school community.  In service day staff training highlighting the U.S. Secret Services findings and implications is one of many recommended violence prevention programs.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

School is Open: Preparedness, Vigilance and Character Training

As the 2006-2007 school year dawns upon America, with millions of youth in every state returning to school; emergency preparedness, vigilant violence prevention and character training must be integral to school lesson plans. These characteristics must be cultivated for the entire educational community which includes students, parents, teachers, counselors, administrators and employees.

Emergency planning, gang awareness, drug and violence prevention, character development, bullying prevention, safe school initiatives, diversity appreciation, personnel safety and teacher training highlighting educational hallmarks must be central to the agenda of each American school.

Individuals in leadership positions in public and private schools have the privilege and the responsibility of impacting the future of America and must do so through continuous comprehensive evaluations, improvements and training of their entire school community with all that relates to its health, safety and welfare.

A school is not an institution but a community where preparedness, vigilance and training must be the order of the day and deeply ingrained into its culture.


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Friday, September 01, 2006

Atlantic City Council President, Camden Councilman Plead Guilty to Extortion

"Public officials selling their offices, lining their pockets and making a mockery of their service to the public," stated U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie in reference to the on going scandal of New Jersey corruption.  The newest guilty pleas were based on a three-year investigation of Atlantic City Council President Craig Calloway and Camden Councilman Ali Sloan El.
Calloway admitted taking approximately $36,000.00 in payments between 2003-2005 in exchange for assisting a contractor, Terry Jacobs, obtain Atlantic City construction work.  Sloan El steered Camden redevelopment work to the contractor for about the same amount.
Jacobs pleaded guilty to an unrelated drug offense, admitting to conspiracy to distribute cocaine in Gloucester County, NJ. 
Christie stated that the investigation into public corruption will remain vigorous in New Jersey, in pursuit of anyone who betrayed the public trust bestowed on them when they took public office.

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