Thursday, February 27, 2025

NYPD 19th Precinct Roll Call Remarks: The Wounded Protector

Privileged to share remarks at the NYPD 19th Precinct Manhattan roll-call on Feb. 26, 2025.

The focus was to thank those who protect NYC communities for their service, and to inspire the concept of the wounded protector.

The event was made possible thanks to the leadership of NYPD Lieutenant Alex Advic.

Lieutenant Advic and I first met while I was conducting an ethical leadership, morale, and resiliency presentation at the NYPD academy for newly promoted lieutenants.

Also made a visit next-door and shared remarks to firefighters from FDNY Engine Company 38.

The visits perfectly compliments an unprecedented collaborative initiative I developed for the NYPD and FDNY.

The initiative assists New York City police officers and firefighters, and was made possible thanks to the leadership of both their commissioners.

"The 19th Precinct command serves the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The precinct is one of the most densely populated residential areas in Manhattan. The southern part of the precinct has a large commercial area and features Madison, Lexington, and 3rd Avenues, which are well known for their shopping."

The signs of our times illuminate compelling challenges with the mental health of those who protect and serve our communities.

These challenges exist not only with the NYPD, but law enforcement nationwide.

Based on my appointment as the NYPD Honorary Law Enforcement Motivational Speaker last year,  I am fully dedicated to addressing the concerns.  

As an expression of my resolve, my previous post, is shared as follows:

America’s Law Enforcement Suicide Crisis: Issues and Response

The post was based on my December 24, 2024 email to key NYPD officials.

It is my hope that by spotlighting concerns again, a wholehearted perseverance will continue. 

Leadership, vigilance, and collaboration, my slogan for over 20 years, are the pillars for addressing the mental health issues, and all crisis management issues.  

May we work together with a full force resolve to protect those who protect us.

Continue the Clarion Call

Mental health demands moral courage.  

It also irrefutably requires continual reminders of the fundamentals of crisis management.  These include good planning, communication, procedures, protocols, guidelines, policies, and continuous follow through with updates.

We must have unwavering commitment to helping our protectors. And we must also assist not only active sworn officers, but all (including civilian personnel) who serve, and have served law enforcement agencies.

The ongoing unity of effort with my law enforcement and first responder colleagues must continue. 

All who serve our communities, and all dedicated to supporting them, deserve our respect, admiration, and support.

Below is the concept of the Wounded Healer, inspired by Henri Nouwen.

I have modified his insight into the Wounded Protector for my work with law enforcement and first responders. It is memorialized in my article for the National Association of Chiefs of Police.

During roll call with the 19th Precinct, I crystallized this concept. 

I also encouraged the officers to be aware of the Northwell contact number for support for themselves, and for their colleagues.

"When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.”

·       “Nobody escapes being wounded. We are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.”

·       “Our service will not be perceived as authentic, unless it comes from a heart wounded by the suffering we encounter in others.”

·       “The main question is not ‘How can we hide our wounds?’ so we don’t have to be embarrassed, but ‘How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?” 


Vincent J. Bove is a national speaker, author, and confidant on issues critical to America with 325 published works.

His most recent of four books are Reawakening America © and Listen to Their Cries.© 

Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award, former confidant of players from two world-champion New York Yankee teams, and served as spokesperson for a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy victim's families. 

He is the appointed Honorary Law Enforcement Motivational Speaker by the NYPD.  

In this role he addresses ethical leadership, building morale, emotional resiliency, and suicide prevention at NYPD and FDNY events, roll calls, firehouses, and in published works.

Bove has been an author for the National Association of Chiefs of Police for 15 years. He has over 60 published works, and an unprecedented 18 cover stories for their magazine.

Bove served the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association for 20 consecutive years as liaison and chairperson on policing leadership, violence prevention, and public safety issues.

He conducted Leadership Principles: Crisis Planning, Community Partnerships, Violence Prevention © keynotes to safeguard New York City at sites including:

·       Museums hosted by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

·       Corporations hosted by The New York Stock Exchange

·       Hospitals hosted by Rockefeller University

·       Properties hosted by The Union Club of New York

·       Universities hosted by Columbia University, the New York Athletic Club and Fordham University.

Bove has conducted extensive leadership presentations for the NYPD, FBI, the United States Military Academy, law enforcement, educators, security professionals, and students nationwide.

“We must all serve as catalysts to protect our workplaces, schools, communities, public spaces, houses of worship, and one another. 

"Public safety demands leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.  

"Security and personal safety demands comprehensive enhancements, on-going training, effective response to warning signs, and building bridges with law enforcement, private security, and every member of the community.”  Vincent J Bove

Related Bove Published Works by the National Association of Chiefs of Police:

The NYPD: Leading Through a National Crisis ©

NYPD Employee Assistance Unit: Leading Through a National Crisis ©

21st Century Policing: Issues and Response                           

21st Century American Policing Demands Ethical Leadership

Police Suicides: Awareness, Compassion, Action

Safeguarding America’s Protectors: A Community Responsibility

America’s Law Enforcement Sacrifices Demand Eternal Gratitude

Igniting 21st Century Ethical Policing: Understanding the Profession

PHOTO: Collage of 19th Precinct Roll Call Remarks, Feb. 26, 2025. (RALLC)

NYPD / FDNY Operation Resiliency

Ethical Leadership, Morale, Emotional Resiliency,

Suicide Prevention

Presentations / Remarks 2024 – 2025

Memorialized in The Sentinel

*Published by The National Association of Chiefs of Police

·              The NYPD Initiative: Principled Leadership, Morale, Resilience©

·              The NYPD Commissioner: A Time for Ethical Leadership ©

·              The NYPD: Leading Through a National Crisis © *

·              NYPD Employee Assistance Unit: Leading Through a National Crisis © *

·              NYPD Sergeants: Leading Through a National Crisis ©

·              NYPD Lieutenants and Captains: Leading Through a National Crisis ©

·              NYPD American Legion Post 460: My Standard Will Remain Perfection © (Remarks)

·              NYPD Police Self Support Group: Respect, Honor, Resiliency ©

·              NYPD and FDNY Chaplains: Purpose, Service, Respect © (remarks)

·              America’s Law Enforcement Suicide Crisis: Issues and Response ©

·              NYPD Police Academy: Empowering Lieutenants to Prevent Suicide©

·              NYPD / FDNY: Operation Resiliency – Rescue Co 1 ©

·              NYPD / FDNY: Operation Resiliency – Squad Co 18 ©

·              FDNY Peer Support: The Heart of Operation Resiliency ©

·              The NYPD Guardians Association: Leadership, Honor, Respect © (Remarks)

·              Policewomen’s Endowment Association: Ethical Leadership, Morale, Resiliency © (Remarks)

·              The NYPD Candidate Assessment Division: Ethical Leadership, Morale, Influence©

·              NYPD / FDNY / MTAPD Leading Through a National Crisis: Empowering Leaders to Prevent Suicide© (Presentation)

·              NYPD 19th Precinct Roll Call: The Wounded Protector © (Remarks)

·              FDNY Engine Co. 38: The Wounded Protector © (Remarks)

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