Monday, March 31, 2014

Resuscitating America: Character, Ethics, Leadership

The following is an excerpt from my newest article titled Resuscitating America: Character, Ethics, Leadership released today in The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine, April 2014 edition:

Lincoln: An Icon of Character

During speaking engagements with students, educators and law enforcement personnel throughout the country, I am continually astounded at the detailed information individuals have on Abraham Lincoln including specific dates from his life, the Civil War, the Gettysburg Address, the Emancipation Proclamation, his second inaugural and his assassination by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC on April 14, 1865.

During one of my character education presentations, students from a 3rd grade class were able quote with admirable precision Lincoln's words from Gettysburg on November 19, 1863:

"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

In our troubled times, so besieged by violence, turmoil and scandal, Abraham Lincoln remains an icon of character, ethics and leadership. From his early days of studying by the fireside as a young boy to his presidency; Lincoln is worthy of emulation. His courage and perseverance in the face of great adversity serve as an example that what is needed in America's response to the current corruption, scandal and violence is dedication to perseverance, determination and transformation.

Character Education: Vital to America’s Future

“Within the character of the citizen lies the welfare of the nation.” — Cicero

It has taken generations for this culture of corruption to cultivate and it will take time for America’s transformation. This is why the enhancement of character education initiatives in our nation’s schools is paramount to America and must clearly be understood by all who are dedicated to transforming the nation. Since law enforcement officials are critical to this call as they work in partnership with school officials; their understanding of character education, a philosophy that teaches the habits of thought and deed that help people live and work together as families, friends, neighbors, communities and nations, is essential.

As specified on the United States Department of Education website, Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenship, and responsibility for self and others. Upon such core values, we form the attitudes and actions that are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities that serve as the foundation of our society.

Details on Photo's in Blog
*Statue of Lincoln reading riding a horse titled "On the Circuit" by Anna Hyatt Huntington at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York. (Vincent J. Bove)
*Bust of Abraham Lincoln is by Daniel Chester French-photographed at the New York Historical Society, New York City. (Vincent J. Bove)

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Friday, March 28, 2014

WTC Security Breaches: NYC Wake-Up Call

The disturbing security breach last week by a 16-year-old thrill-seeker who climbed to the spire of One World Trade Center-one of the world’s most critical security sites-past a sleeping security guard and what should have been layers of impenetrable security is a wake-up call. This incident follows the arrests this week of three extreme-skydivers, and their accomplice, for recklessly parachuting of the WTC last fall.

In a post-9/11 world, these violations of elementary access control and defense in depth security principles must inspire renewed vigilance. Protecting our homeland is critical not only at the WTC; a building that represents America’s dedication to freedom, but throughout New York City.

In my many security initiatives in New York over the years, including presentations for museums, hospitals, cultural properties, educational institutions, landmark locations, law enforcement and security professionals on crisis planning, public-private partnerships and violence prevention; vigilance is always emphasized.

These security violations at the WTC are alarming. Safeguarding New York; home to millions and a city welcoming visitors from all over the world requires nothing less than the most tenacious, proficient and unwavering vigilance.


“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” from a January 28, 1852 speech by Wendell Phillips and engraved in stone outside the National Archives in Washington D.C. serves as inspiration to basic principles:

*Vigilance insures board certified security vulnerability assessments are conducted to address security issues.

*Vigilance requires comprehensive training of physical, personal, informational and procedural security issues.

*Vigilance insures advanced technology is utilized including security personnel patrol systems, radio communication, digital recording, emergency notification procedures as well as the most professional continually updated post orders and crisis management procedures.

*Vigilance respects the right-to-know so individuals may take appropriate measures for personal safety in the event of an incident or its possibility. An abundance of caution must always be the mindset.

*Vigilance initiatives active law enforcement presence and forged public-private partnerships.

*Vigilance is proactive with continual tabletop, partial-scale and full-scale emergency preparedness drills and simulations.

*Vigilance requires well paid, highly motivated, respectively uniformed and continually trained and certified security professionals. Training must exceed status quo requirements which often fall short. It should include AED/CPR, first aid, leadership, ethics, emergency preparedness, lockdowns, evacuations, sheltering in place, conflict resolution, fire prevention and response, crisis planning, mental health warning signs, diversity, internet and equipment protocols, communication, report writing, terrorism awareness, crime prevention, gang awareness, domestic violence, public relations, problem solving and substance abuse topics.

*Vigilance encourages ongoing education and certifications. These include crime prevention, fire safety and ASIS International certifications including the certified protection professional (CPP), the professional certified investigator (PCI), and the physical security professional (PSP).

*Vigilance inspires security and law enforcement morale through educational assistance programs and awards recognizing outstanding service, meritorious action and exemplary conduct. Education and community service accomplishments also deserve commendations.

*Vigilance inspires ethical protectors, steadfastly dedicated to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of all entrusted to their care.

*Vigilance is the process of paying close and continuous attention—alert watchfulness. It is protecting and serving 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The WTC is a symbol of America’s freedom, courage and perseverance. It is our duty to ensure what it represents and the dignity, security and rights of all in the great city of New York are enhanced through leadership, collaboration and vigilance. New York must serve America as a national model of security and preparedness.

As published in Reawakening the Nation: WTC Security Breaches: NYC Wake Up Call Vincent’s weekly column in the March 28, 2014 edition of The Epoch Times. This column is a modified excerpt from Vincent’s newest book titled Listen To Their Cries.

Photo’s in Blog by Vincent J. Bove

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spotlight On: Steven Benvenisti, Esq. - 25th Anniversary of Life Celebration

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014, I proudly attended the 25th Anniversary of Life Dinner in honor of my friend Steven Benvenisti, Esq. The event, attended by 300 friends, family, students and community leaders, commemorated Steven’s miraculous escape from death after being struck as a pedestrian by a drunk driver. The horrific accident caused catastrophic brain and orthopedic injuries as well as a 10 day coma. Although Steven had little chance for survival, he dispelled all odds through his hope and determination.

Steven shows his profound appreciation for life by giving back through representing personal injury victims and educating students on drunk driving dangers and traumatic brain injury. He does this through inspiring presentations that have touched countless lives and his compelling book titled Spring Break: A True Story of Hope and Determination.”

As immediately as we met in 2007, Steven and I became great friends. Yet, Steven is also an inspirational model of perseverance whose life shines bright through his character, generosity and courage.

Spotlight On: Mr. Steven Benvenisti, Esq.-March 28, 2007 Blog

Although there are many speakers, seminars, symposiums, conferences, in-service days and presentations, there are times when an individual stands out by the efficacy of words so clearly spoken from the heart.

Steven Benvenisti, an attorney at law and motivational speaker is one such individual who was able to transform an audience on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at a monthly meeting of The North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association at the Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies of Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey. The event turned an ordinary day into a truly memorable experience as Steven presented "The Most Significant Case of My Entire Life."

[Reprinted from the Event Handout]

For more than 10 years, Steven Benvenisti, an award winning motivation speaker and personal injury attorney has been featured on television, radio and appeared before thousands of people to share his story of the most significant case he has ever handled. The lessons learned from this case have inspired individuals and audiences throughout America. As a result of this case, Steven Benvenisti has devoted his legal career towards representing personal injury victims, DWI victims and others including those suffering from traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and other catastrophic injuries. Steven Benvenisti has been honored with many awards including an official proclamation by the Governor of New Jersey, a Joint Resolution of the New Jersey Senate and Assembly; and Resolutions by both The United States Senate and The U.S. House of Representatives. Steven is a member of the Teaneck, New Jersey based law firm of Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C.
During his presentation, Steven stressed the following:
  • There are too many high school and college students who are victims of DWI and many are tragically fatalities. Steven's personal mission with the thousands of students he speaks to is to end DWI.
  • The problem has no quick fix but the message must be clear and consistent, "Do not drink and drive."
  • The Most Significant Case of My Entire Career was about a New Jersey College Student who excelled academically, socially and athletically. Yet, his world changed dramatically during a spring break fraternity brothers trip to Daytona, Florida.
    • While walking with his friends on a evening that all of them were alcohol free, this student was hit by a vehicle being driven by a driver under the influence at 50 miles per hour. The student had both of his legs crushed immediately and witnesses explained hearing a "horribly unusual exploding sound" in explaining the impact of the vehicle upon the student's body. He was thrown 70 feet away, suffered from intense bleeding and both legs were terrible disfigured. The sight was so distressing that many of the bystanders were sobbing as they watched his two friends try to assist him.
    • The police responded almost immediately, found the victim's wallet and called the victim's home. Due to the hour, his mother immediately sensed that something was seriously wrong. The family was told to stand by and await the doctor's call. Each minute the father, mother and three brothers and sisters waited seemed like an eternity.
    • When the doctor called, he explained that the son had been hit by a car, that portions of the bones in his left leg were missing, he lost a tremendous amount of blood and the brain was seriously swelling. The father asked the doctor, "What are my son's chances of living?" Hearing this had a chilling effect on the family who were listening to each of his words . The doctor explained that the young man could die within hours and received permission to use his organs should he die. The family rushed to the airport and was able to board a flight to Daytona within 90 minutes.
    • After being in a coma for 10 days, the student opened his eyes but did not recognize his parents, could not speak and had no short term memory. His legs were an orthopedic nightmare. Yet, this student eventually recovered, went on to live a life happier than ever imagined and became the inspiration for the great mission of Steven Benvenisti.
According to Steven, Madison Square Garden can be filled to capacity with the amount of people killed each year by a drunk driver. And Steven Benvenisti is on a mission to empty the arena.


CDC Impaired Driving Fact Sheet Click here to visit site
MADD Click here to visit site
SADD Click here to visit site
Potsdam University
Alcohol Problems & Solutions
Click here to visit site
Contract for Life Click here to visit site

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Reawakening the Nation: Life Lessons from the United States Military

American’s and all who appreciate our country must honor life lessons from the United States Military.

United States Military Academy: Honesty

The cadet honor code of the United States Military Academy at West Point is engraved on marble in the center of campus:

A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.

Corrupt government officials and dishonest executives have been destructive to America’s character. Sports figures, entertainers and even faith based leaders compound the crisis. Lies take place continually under oath in courtrooms and through legal proceedings and are destructive to society, families, government and companies.

Leadership principles from the ideals of the United States Military Academy are counter cultural wisdom to this crisis. America must learn from the honor code of West Point as well as from its motto; Duty, Honor, Country to ignite a national transformation:

Duty – perseverance to moral courage as the heart of responsibility.
Honor – living and speaking truthfully and standing as a moral force against a culture of lies.
Country – living with devotion to the ideals of America and its call to character.

World War II: Sacrifice

During World War II over 400,000 Americans made the ultimate sacrifice to save civilization from tyranny.

One such American was U.S. Marine 2nd Lt. August Sacker, Jr. who joined the Marines when he was 22-years-old. After previously quitting high school, August went back to earn his diploma to meet marine requirements.

Lt. Sacker was killed June 15, 1944 on the first day of the Battle of Saipan, one week after his 31st birthday. Six months prior, he was wounded in the Pacific theater and received the Purple Heart. After convalescence, Lt. Sacker requested deployment to the European theater but was sent back to the Pacific where he was killed.

I learned about Lt. Sacker after noticing his vintage World War II photograph in the living room of my neighbor Marie, his surviving sister who since then has also passed on. Marie inspired me by her devotion to her brother August by visiting his grave on a monthly basis for over 40 years while she was healthy enough to do so.

Lt. August Sacker is buried in Beverly National Cemetery, Beverly, New Jersey. As stated by Marie, Visiting the grave of my brother and remembering all who made the ultimate sacrifice reminds us of the enduring value of character that is America’s destiny.

The Tomb of the Unknowns/Arlington National Cemetery: Discipline

•The Tomb of the Unknowns has been guarded since July 2, 1937; 24 hours per day, 365 days a year and in any weather by Tomb Sentinels.
•Each Sentinel must learn Arlington’s history and grave locations of nearly 300 veterans.
•Sentinels undergo rigorous requirements before earning the Tomb Guard Badge.
•After serving at the Tomb of the Unknowns for nine months, the Tomb Guard Badge becomes permanent and worn throughout a military career.
•Representing teamwork, there are three relief’s, one relief commander and about six sentinels. Relief’s are organized by height for uniformity and rotate every hour during winter and every half hour in summer.
•An impeccably uniformed relief commander appears on the plaza announcing the Changing of the Guard. He salutes the Tomb, and then faces the spectators requesting them to stand in silence during the ceremony.
•The Tomb Guard marches 21 steps, faces east for 21 seconds, turns and faces north for 21 seconds, then takes 21 steps down the mat and repeats the process. Twenty-one symbolizes the highest military honor, the 21-gun salute.

As published in Reawakening the Nation: Life Lessons from the United States Military, Vincent’s weekly column in the March 21, 2014 edition of The Epoch Times,.

Vincent's Epoch Times column, Reawakening the Nation: Leadership Lessons from the United States Military, was modified as he originally authored in an article titled Leadership Lessons from the United States Military in The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine, April 2007 edition and updated as Law Enforcement Leadership Principles from the United States Military for The Chief of Police Magazine, Fall 2013 edition.

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Friday, March 14, 2014

The Police and The People: Unity of Effort

A police department is most effective when dedicated to properly upholding community policing which promotes a unity of effort between the police and the people. This collaboration is critical to New York City and to communities across the globe.

William J. Bratton returned to the New York City as police commissioner on January 1, 2014. During remarks at a December 5 press conference, he stressed bringing the police and community together; I will work very hard and very quickly to bring legitimacy and trust between the citizens and the police department.

The commissioner highlighted his goals:
•Maintaining low crime rates
•Preventing terrorism
•Bringing the NYPD and its 50,000 members and 8 1/2 million New Yorkers together with mutual trust and respect.

He also emphasized public safety as the foundation of democracy with focusing on safe streets, safe subways and traffic safety. But he stated that police will serve constitutionally, respectfully and compassionately.

Bratton showed a children's book titled Your Police which he has cherished since he was a nine-year-old boy. He read its final words; we must always remember that whenever you see a policeman he is your friend. He is there to protect you. He has dedicated his life to the preservation of the laws, properties, civil rights and people he serves. He would not hesitate to save your life at the cost of his own.

Bratton concluded with a thought from Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern policing who wrote ethical mandates in 1829 in his Nine Principles of Policing. Bratton stressed, the basic mission for which police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. The prevention of crime should be accomplished without intruding unnecessarily into the lives of citizens. The Nine Principles was held in Bratton’s hand and he stated it as his philosophy for policing throughout his career.
These principles are critical for enhancing a unity of effort between the police and the people not only in New York but in cities across the globe:

Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles
1. The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder
2. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions.
3. Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.
4. The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.
5. Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.
6. Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient.
7. Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
8. Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
9. The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.

As published in Reawakening the Nation, the weekly column of Vincent J. Bove in the Friday, March 14, 2014 edition of The Epoch Times.

Vincent's column, The Police and The People: Unity of Effort, was modified as originally authored in his article titled Community Policing Spotlight: NYPD Commissioner William J. Bratton in The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine, January 2014 edition.

1. NYPD at Times Square (Vincent J. Bove)
2. Statue of NYPD officer with child of slain officer at NYPD Headquarters, One Police Plaza, NYC (Vincent J. Bove)

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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Monmouth University NHS Induction: Over 800 Celebrate Academics, Character, Family

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, I was privileged to serve Monmouth University's National Honor Society Induction Ceremony as the keynote speaker. It was a day of celebrating academic excellence, character and family with over 800 student and family members in attendance.

My signature PowerPoint presentation titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World was delivered to the assembly with 249 honor inductees. Each inductee received a copy of my newest book Listen To Their Cries: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech through the generosity of Monmouth University.

A special commendation is due to Dr. Golam M. Mathbor for his leadership with the students as well as to these student leaders of Phi Eta Sigma:

*Amanda Kruzynski, President
*Alexis DeCarvalho, Vice President
*Taylor Bernosky, Historian
*Carolina Carvalho, Secretary
*Rebecca Groom, Treasurer

All of these 249 honor students represent the best of America and our hope for the future. Each of them were commended for their academic excellence and encouraged to change the world through acts of kindness, respect, character, compassion and community. Their families expressed their admiration and support for the students with thunderous applauses and standing ovation's throughout the presentation.

On behalf of Phi Eta Sigma, National Freshman Honor, we would like to thank you very much for your eloquent keynote speech to our new honor society members and their guests for a total audience of 800 people. These new members are the finest group of students who maintained a 3.5 or higher GPA in their first semester at Monmouth University during the 2013 fall semester. This year 249 students are inducted as members of this prestigious honor society from a freshman class of close to 1000 students. The theme of your address Be a Person of Character is pivotal in maintaining academic excellence in their future career at Monmouth and beyond. I am sure the new members will take advantage of the advice given in your book Listen to their Cries: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech.
Golam M. Mathbor, Ph.D.

This presentation is a continuation of character education initiatives for students from throughout the nation. Although this keynote was customized for the Monmouth University Honor Society Inductees, it was also recently presented in Bergen County, New Jersey where I have served the Bergen County Police Chief's Association as safe schools chairperson for the last 12 years. It has also been presented for other college, university, high school and middle school students:

Cultivating Character in American Schools-November 13, 2014 Blog

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013, I returned to Wood-Ridge Jr/Sr High School in New Jersey for the second phase of my Be a Person of Character: Change the World initiative.

During the day I addressed over 250 juniors, seniors and students throughout the school during assemblies and classroom visits.

Throughout the program, the character of the students was evident and their goodness gives great hope for the future of our nation.

Dear Mr. Bove:
On behalf of the students and staff of Wood-Ridge Junior-Senior High School, please accept our sincere appreciation…Your message strongly emphasized the importance of being a person of character and it truly impacted the lives of the students. Your dedication to spreading your positive message continued to be felt when you stayed to speak with other classrooms…Thank you, in addition for staying to train our Neutral Zone students…wherein peer leaders work to sustain a healthy and safe school climate.
Principal Sue DeNobile and Guidance Counselor/SAC Laura Goodman

America's Youth: Be a Person of Character-November 12, 2013 Blog

On Tuesday, November 12, 2013, I addressed 250 7th and 8th graders of the Wood-Ridge Public School District in New Jersey. The presentation was titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World.

This event was possible through the leadership of Police Chief Joseph T. Rutigliano and a team of police officers in collaboration with Dr. Sue De Nobile and Guidance Counselor Laura Goodman.

After my presentations I met with a cadre of hand selected high school student leaders and facilitated a mentoring/neutral zone initiative encouraging their dedication to character and bullying prevention.

This program is a continuation of years of educational initiatives designed to motivate a chain reaction to enhance character education in American schools.

Robert Waters School: Encouraging Character in Union City Students-April 13, 2011 Program

On Wednesday, April 13, 2011, I had the pleasure of returning to the Union City Public Schools in Hudson County, New Jersey to provide presentations to over 300 students and educators at the Robert Waters School. This was a continuation of numerous educational initiatives for administrators, security personnel, school crossing guards, parents and students throughout the district. At this event, the students met in the gym for a presentation titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World that included the importance of character through social networking.

Social networking technology includes:

  • Instant Messaging, email, voice connection and web cams
  • Online Community websites, such as MySpace and Facebook
  • Media sharing websites, such as YouTube, Picasa and Flickr
  • Cell Phones for voice, text, picture and video sharing

Some of the highlights of the event included:

  • Focusing on what it means to be a student which includes personal responsibility, reaching one’s full potential and achieving greatness by making sacrifices. Students discussed the importance of encouraging one another and avoiding negativity and criticism.
  • Honestly confronting problems at home and school.
  • The importance of working together and being involved with the community including family and friends, church, community organizations and school.
  • Developing personal leadership especially through the quality of character.
  • The use of a Secret Power: "You have the power to change the world by helping each other do what is right."

We then explored the dangers of inappropriate content, including:

  • Misinformation
  • Pictures / Videos
  • Language / Sexting
  • Gangs / Criminal Activity
  • Bullies / Cyberbullying
  • Predators

All students were encouraged to get involved, making "Character: The Heart of the Matter," as inspired by Rachel Scott's Challenge:

    by looking for the Best in Others
    Set Goals—Keep a Journal
    Input Determines Output
    Small Acts of Kindness = Huge Impact
    With Family & Friends

As with all of my presentations, we concluded with a tribute honoring American Military Sacrifices.

Robert Waters School is to be highly commended for this initiative that encourages students to reach their full potential, wisely using the tools of the computer age, helping one another, developing personal character and enhancing a sense of patriotism.

Rachel Joy Scott (3:32) <a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>


Rachel's Challenge Click here to visit site
Character Education Partnership Click here to visit site
Sacred Honor: Police Officer, Soldier, Patriot Click here to visit site

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Friday, March 07, 2014

America's Breath of Life: Resuscitating the Nation

A heart pounding life-or-death drama from a Florida expressway recently gave hope to America. It also serves as an inspiration to reawaken the nation through courage, compassion, and community.

A woman driving on a Florida expressway pulled over screaming for help when her 5-month-old nephew stopped breathing on the afternoon of Feb. 20. Motorists stuck in traffic rushed to help Pamela Rauseo perform CPR on her nephew, Sebastian de la Cruz, on the Dolphin Expressway in Miami. Photographer Al Diaz was behind Rauseo and helped get the attention of a police officer, who then aided in resuscitation efforts. The baby boy was taken to a hospital, where he was listed as stable.

This incident captures all that is great about America and symbolically reminds us of our need for a resuscitating breath of life. We are suffering from a crisis of character evident in continuous corruption headlines. Government, corporate, sports, entertainment, and even faith-based scandals are never ending.

America’s Culture of Corruption
For example, on Jan. 3, 2006, lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy, tax evasion, and mail fraud, agreeing to fully cooperate in an influence peddling investigation that threatened powerful members of Congress.

He agreed with U.S. District Judge Ellen Havelle that he engaged in a conspiracy involving corruption of public officials as well as a scheme to provide campaign contributions, trips, and other items in exchange for certain official acts. His plea agreement recommended a sentence of 9.5 to 11 years providing he cooperates with federal prosecutors in the corruption investigation focusing on 21 members of Congress and their aides. He was sentenced to six years in federal prison for mail fraud, conspiracy to bribe public officials, and tax evasion and ordered to pay $23,164,695 in restitution to victims.

Along with Abramoff, 21 others either pleaded or were found guilty, including White House officials, a U.S. representative, and 9 other lobbyists and congressional aides. Abramoff served 43 months before his release on Dec. 3, 2010.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, during congressional testimony on March 25, 2009, crystallized our corruption crisis with the following statistics:

•2,500 pending cases of public corruption, which was a 58 percent increase since 2003
•60 percent increase in FBI agents working public corruption cases over the previous 5 years
•1,618 convictions of federal, state, and local officials in the previous 2 years alone

New York City’s Recent Corruption Scandal
Corruption recently reared its ugly head in New York City on Jan. 7 when charges were brought against 106 people in a huge fraud over disability scheme. Many of the 72 city police officers and eight firefighters named in the 205-count indictment attributed mental disorders to the Sept. 11 attacks. Yet investigations and Facebook activities documented their lives of intense physical activity, international travel, and frivolity.

New York City Police Department Commissioner William J. Bratton remarked, “The retired members of the NYPD indicted in this case have disgraced all first responders who perished during the search and rescue efforts on Sept. 11, 2001, and those who subsequently died from 9/11-related illness, by exploiting their involvements on that tragic day for personal gain.”

Responding to the Crisis
This crisis has been cultivated over generations and it will take time to transform America to our rightful destiny of character. Aside from the criticality of enhanced character education initiatives for youth in our schools, we would do well to reflect on the life of Abraham Lincoln. From his early days of studying by the fireside as a young boy to his rise to the presidency, Lincoln’s courage and perseverance in the face of great adversity must ignite America’s transformation.

Note Well
As originally published in Vincent's weekly "Reawakening the Nation" column for the Epoch Times on Friday, March 7, 2014.

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Monday, March 03, 2014

American School Violence: Warning Signs, Violence Prevention, Crisis Planning

School violence prevention initiatives continued today with the release of my newest article titled American School Violence: Warning Signs, Violence Prevention, Crisis Planning. The article was released in The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine March 2014 edition and included a chronology of school violence incidents with insights from numerous government documents that shed light on warning signs, threat assessment and crisis planning.

This work began sixteen years ago after the Columbine tragedy in April, 1999 when I began traveling the country and speaking at conferences and seminars. It has evolved to include my newest book titled Listen To Their Cries: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech and articles, presentations, district professional development events, Virginia Tech Crisis of Leadership Report and blogs including:

Transforming New Jersey Schools: Security, Character, Academics

On Tuesday, September 4, 2013 I returned to Southern New Jersey to present my signature presentation titled Transforming Our Schools: The Heart and Brick of School Security. Over 400 teachers, administrators and professional support staff from the Cinnaminson Township Public Schools attended as a required security and professional development initiative. The event was the kickoff for the 2013-2014 school year and was held at Cinnaminson High School in Burlington County.

My 90 minute keynote addressed the contemporary issues of violence, corruption, substance abuse, gangs, bullying and the repressive system of education. It offered solutions of a culture of preparedness, community connections, crisis management, character education, academic motivation and the preventive system of education that inspires with the language of the heart.

Cinnaminson Township Public Schools Testimonial
"Thank you for your meaningful presentation to the Cinnaminson School District staff on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 on the topic of Transforming Our Schools: The Heart and Brick of School Security. Our administrators, teachers and support staff were most receptive to your message of promoting good character in order to change the culture of violence in our schools and in society."
Assistant Superintendent

This was a follow up to my previous keynote for a collaboration of 7 Southern New Jersey prosecutors with schools and law enforcement agencies from 7 southern New Jersey counties:

Over 300 Attend Southern New Jersey Prosecutors School Security Conference (August 13, 2010)

A Note from the Prosecutors

Welcome to the 4th Annual School Security Conference. The goal of the conference is to educate law enforcement and school officials alike on the challenges of safeguarding our students and school personnel. School security issues are common to us all. We are all dealing with providing important public service with limited financial resources.

Against this backdrop, it is imperative for law enforcement and school districts to coordinate our efforts to deal effectively with the challenges facing us all. It is our firm belief that working together, we will keep our schools safe.


Theodore F. L. Housel — Atlantic County Prosecutor
Robert D. Bernardi — Burlington County Prosecutor
Warren W. Faulk — Camden County Prosecutor
Robert L. Taylor — Cape May Prosecutor
Jennifer Webb — McRae-Cumberland County Prosecutor
Sean F. Dalton — Gloucester County Prosecutor
John T. Lenahan — Salem County Prosecutor

These prosecutors of southern New Jersey held their conference on August 12, 2010 at Washington Township High School in Sewell, New Jersey with over 300 law enforcement, school and community officials attending. The speakers included:

  • Sean F. Dalton—Gloucester County Prosecutor
  • Jennifer Webb-McRae—Cumberland County Prosecutor
  • Michael Pohle—Father of Michael Pohle, Jr., a student killed at Virginia Tech
  • Vincent J. Bove—Leadership and Security Educator
  • Paula T. Dow—Attorney General of the State of New Jersey
  • Richard Norcross—Gang Awareness Authority

As a featured speaker, I was privileged to deliver a 60 minute presentation titled Transforming Our Schools: Reawakening the Heart of the Nation. The presentation integrated elements of school security, character education, academic achievement and community collaboration so vital to our schools and to the future of our nation. The metaphor of a head on collision with the culture of violence and crisis of character was utilized as well as critical New Jersey compliance issues. These included the Commissioner of Education School Administrator Procedures of Responding to Critical Incidents and Model School Security Policies:

  • Active Shooter Response Procedures
  • Bomb Threat Response Procedures
  • Evacuation Procedures
  • School Lockdown Procedures
  • Public Information Procedures

The School Security Drill Guide for the State of New Jersey was also discussed since beginning November 1, 2010 all New Jersey schools must comply with various security drills aside from fire drills.

Critical documents from the U.S. Department of Education, Secret Service and FBI on crisis planning, early warning signs, safeguarding our students, threat assessments, character education and violence prevention were also addressed. Attendees were encouraged to work collaboratively and to implement programs through professional development, security vulnerability assessments and initiatives that encompass all elements of the community.

The presentation was complimented with copies of my newest book Listen To Their Cries which was sponsored for all attendees through the generosity of the prosecutors as facilitated by the leadership of Prosecutor Dalton. As with all of my presentations, it concluded with a tribute to the American Military.

The prosecutors are to be commended for their practical response to school security through this conference. It is an event highly recommended and mission critical to our nation and will hopefully be imitated through the leadership of prosecutors throughout the nation.


Listen To Their Cries Click here to visit site
New Jersey Department of Education School Security Click here to visit site
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FAQs Click here to visit site
Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools – August 1998 Click here to visit site
Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide – April 2000 Click here to visit site
Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and Creating Safe School Climates Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove School Violence Blogs Click here to visit site
