Monmouth University NHS Induction: Over 800 Celebrate Academics, Character, Family
My signature PowerPoint presentation titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World was delivered to the assembly with 249 honor inductees. Each inductee received a copy of my newest book Listen To Their Cries: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech through the generosity of Monmouth University.
A special commendation is due to Dr. Golam M. Mathbor for his leadership with the students as well as to these student leaders of Phi Eta Sigma:
*Amanda Kruzynski, President
*Alexis DeCarvalho, Vice President
*Taylor Bernosky, Historian
*Carolina Carvalho, Secretary
*Rebecca Groom, Treasurer
All of these 249 honor students represent the best of America and our hope for the future. Each of them were commended for their academic excellence and encouraged to change the world through acts of kindness, respect, character, compassion and community. Their families expressed their admiration and support for the students with thunderous applauses and standing ovation's throughout the presentation.
On behalf of Phi Eta Sigma, National Freshman Honor, we would like to thank you very much for your eloquent keynote speech to our new honor society members and their guests for a total audience of 800 people. These new members are the finest group of students who maintained a 3.5 or higher GPA in their first semester at Monmouth University during the 2013 fall semester. This year 249 students are inducted as members of this prestigious honor society from a freshman class of close to 1000 students. The theme of your address Be a Person of Character is pivotal in maintaining academic excellence in their future career at Monmouth and beyond. I am sure the new members will take advantage of the advice given in your book Listen to their Cries: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech.
Golam M. Mathbor, Ph.D.
This presentation is a continuation of character education initiatives for students from throughout the nation. Although this keynote was customized for the Monmouth University Honor Society Inductees, it was also recently presented in Bergen County, New Jersey where I have served the Bergen County Police Chief's Association as safe schools chairperson for the last 12 years. It has also been presented for other college, university, high school and middle school students:
Cultivating Character in American Schools-November 13, 2014 Blog
On Wednesday, November 13, 2013, I returned to Wood-Ridge Jr/Sr High School in New Jersey for the second phase of my Be a Person of Character: Change the World initiative.
During the day I addressed over 250 juniors, seniors and students throughout the school during assemblies and classroom visits.
Throughout the program, the character of the students was evident and their goodness gives great hope for the future of our nation.
Dear Mr. Bove:
On behalf of the students and staff of Wood-Ridge Junior-Senior High School, please accept our sincere appreciation…Your message strongly emphasized the importance of being a person of character and it truly impacted the lives of the students. Your dedication to spreading your positive message continued to be felt when you stayed to speak with other classrooms…Thank you, in addition for staying to train our Neutral Zone students…wherein peer leaders work to sustain a healthy and safe school climate.
Principal Sue DeNobile and Guidance Counselor/SAC Laura Goodman
America's Youth: Be a Person of Character-November 12, 2013 Blog
On Tuesday, November 12, 2013, I addressed 250 7th and 8th graders of the Wood-Ridge Public School District in New Jersey. The presentation was titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World.
This event was possible through the leadership of Police Chief Joseph T. Rutigliano and a team of police officers in collaboration with Dr. Sue De Nobile and Guidance Counselor Laura Goodman.
After my presentations I met with a cadre of hand selected high school student leaders and facilitated a mentoring/neutral zone initiative encouraging their dedication to character and bullying prevention.
This program is a continuation of years of educational initiatives designed to motivate a chain reaction to enhance character education in American schools.
Robert Waters School: Encouraging Character in Union City Students-April 13, 2011 Program

Social networking technology includes:
- Instant Messaging, email, voice connection and web cams
- Online Community websites, such as MySpace and Facebook
- Media sharing websites, such as YouTube, Picasa and Flickr
- Cell Phones for voice, text, picture and video sharing
Some of the highlights of the event included:
- Focusing on what it means to be a student which includes personal responsibility, reaching one’s full potential and achieving greatness by making sacrifices. Students discussed the importance of encouraging one another and avoiding negativity and criticism.
- Honestly confronting problems at home and school.
- The importance of working together and being involved with the community including family and friends, church, community organizations and school.
- Developing personal leadership especially through the quality of character.
- The use of a Secret Power: "You have the power to change the world by helping each other do what is right."

We then explored the dangers of inappropriate content, including:
- Misinformation
- Pictures / Videos
- Language / Sexting
- Gangs / Criminal Activity
- Bullies / Cyberbullying
- Predators
All students were encouraged to get involved, making "Character: The Heart of the Matter," as inspired by Rachel Scott's Challenge:
by looking for the Best in Others
Set Goals—Keep a Journal
Input Determines Output
Small Acts of Kindness = Huge Impact
With Family & Friends
As with all of my presentations, we concluded with a tribute honoring American Military Sacrifices.
Robert Waters School is to be highly commended for this initiative that encourages students to reach their full potential, wisely using the tools of the computer age, helping one another, developing personal character and enhancing a sense of patriotism.
Rachel Joy Scott (3:32) |
Rachel's Challenge | Click here to visit site |
Character Education Partnership | Click here to visit site |
Sacred Honor: Police Officer, Soldier, Patriot | Click here to visit site |
Labels: Character Education, Character Training/Development for Students, Events, Presentations, Youth
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