Essex County College Police Academy Graduation: Reawakening the Heart of America

Essex County leaders in attendance included A. Zachary Yamba, President of Essex County College, Vernell Patrick, Executive Vice President & Provost of Essex County College, Rocco L. Miscia Jr., Director of the Essex County College Police Academy and Wayne J. Morrison, Associate Director of the Essex County College Police Academy.
As the keynote speaker I reminded the graduates that they have the power to Reawaken the Heart of America—they represent hope for their agencies, communities and the nation in response to a head-on collision of corruption and violence in society today.
Reawakening the Heart of America
This is a night of achievement, hope and excitement for our police academy graduates.
This celebration is larger than personal accomplishment… each of these graduates stands for something larger than themselves…they are a sign, symbol and reality for their families, friends, communities, county and country.
Tonight, we are reminded that we are at pivotal crossroads of American history… we are reminded of the dignity of the law enforcement profession, of the call to integrity of all who serve in public office and of the importance of each member of our communities…
A Reawakening of the Heart of America begins tonight as together we proclaim:
We the People will reawaken the heart of America by serving our communities and holding the virtue of justice as our banner.We the People will reawaken the heart of America by honoring diversity and treating each person with dignity.
We the People will reawaken the heart of America by lighting a fire of character within our souls and realigning our nation's moral compass.
We the People will reawaken the heart of America through hearts of compassion, especially toward those who are marginalized, abandoned and without hope.
We the People will reawaken the heart of America by committing ourselves to moral courage that inspires the right choices.
We the People will reawaken the heart of America by honoring those who are serve in the military and all who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this nation.
A moving moment of the ceremony took place during its conclusion when, in unison before hundreds of inspired witnesses, the graduates proudly proclaimed the Law Enforcement Officers Code:
- I am an American Law Enforcement Officer – a protector of the greatest Nation on earth, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
- I will treat others with dignity and respect, and expect others to do the same.
- I will honor my Country, my department, and my fellow law enforcement officers, by living the Essex County College Police Academy values.
- No matter what situation I am in, I will never do anything for pleasure, profit or personal safety, which will disgrace my uniform, my department, or my country.
- Lastly, I am proud of my Country and its flag. I want to look back and say that I am proud to have served my Country, as a law enforcement officer.
Congratulations to the graduates of the Essex County College Police Academy Basic Police Officer's Class 09-1 for their achievement as they are sent forth to represent the highest ideals of being an American.
Bell, Rakem | West Orange PO |
Brienza, Gia | Alternate Route |
Cromartie, Nathaniel | EC Sheriff's Office |
DeRosa, Christopher | West Orange PO |
Haase, Jason | EC Sheriff's Office |
Kral, Jeffrey | Alternate Route |
Manley, Daniel | Glen Ridge PO |
Marone, John | West Orange PO |
Martinez, Jorge | Alternate Route |
Marzullo, Gerardo | EC Sheriff's Office |
Megaro, Christian | EC Sheriff's Office |
Novak, Charles | NJ Transit PO |
O'Toole, Robert | West Orange PO |
Paye, Neumen | West Orange PO |
Ruane, Robert | EC Sheriff's Office |
Ryals, Ozie | EC Sheriff's Office |
Salogiannis, Dimitrios | Alternate Route |
Shutz, Keri | Alternate Route |
Tripodi, Patrick | EC Sheriff's Office |
Wachterhauser, Scott | NJ Transit PO |
Zavistoski, Brian | Alternate Route |
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