Bergen 200 Club: Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker Speaks

On Thursday, March 22, 2007, Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker gave a captivating address to a breakfast crowd of 200 law enforcement, emergency service, corporate and government officials at Season's Restaurant in Washington Township, New Jersey. The event was organized under the leadership of the 200 Club of Bergen County President Anthony Scardino, Jr. in collaboration with his executive board and trustees.
Mayor Booker's passion for attaining community transformation was evident in his heartfelt and stirring remarks which inspired the entire assembly:
- As a product of hope, I must honor the heroism of those who nurtured me, especially my family and the Bergen County community.
- It is important to live by hope despite moments of despair.
- America's strength is the bonds of love which are weaved into a poignant, powerful and persevering nation; a nation founded on precious ideals, as articulated in the pledge of allegiance which we recited together before breakfast, "one nation under God with liberty and justice for all."
- New Jersey's strength is the legacy of those who fought in the revolutionary war and, despite being beaten, battered and bashed by the British, persevered in the fight to win our liberty.
- Our communities must rise to the challenge of maintaining our democracy since there are individuals who threaten us. Critical to this challenge is a determined dedication to law enforcement.
- Newark law enforcement needed a critical transformation to support the crime fighting effort:
- computer and equipment upgrades
- facility repairs
- hiring the right people to initiate fundamental law enforcement strategies and improvements including:
- more cops on the street
- a narcotics bureau
- community policing initiatives
- getting tough with felons who violate parole
- gun recovery initiatives.
Mayor Booker encouraged all to live by hope and urged a re-dedication to the enduring values of our nation. He expressed his admiration for all in law enforcement and stressed the importance of their sacred professions. Every valiant act in the line of duty, whether ordinary or heroic, honors Americans and honors our flag and all that it stands for. Mayor Booker encouraged attendees to support those who wear the uniform and reminded them that all must be dedicated to justice. He concluded with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

"The 200 Club of Bergen County is committed to supporting - both financially and emotionally - residents of Bergen County serving as Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS personnel and their families in the event of death or serious injury in the line of duty. We also provide support in the form of scholarships and special needs appropriations to agencies that serve and protect Bergen County communities."

200 Club of Bergen County, NJ | Click here to visit site |
City of Newark, NJ | Click here to visit site |
Labels: Collaborative Policing, Community Policing, Diversity, Events, Leadership, Patriotism
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