Wednesday, August 07, 2024

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Reflection

On August 5, 2024, my wife and I visited the home, library, museum and gravesite of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) at Hyde Park, New York.

After the visit, I was compelled to revisit some of my published works including my cover story for The Chief of Police.

The Summer 2018 article titled American Government Requires Leaders of Character, was released hard-cover to police chiefs and law enforcement executives nationwide.  

It was also released in The Sentinel, my opinion column for Epoch Times, and as a chapter in my book Reawakening America.

The article in its entirely is noted below. Yet, the spotlight in the section titled Character: America’s Wake Up Call, highlighting FDR, is as follows:

“All who truly love America must stand on the pillar of moral indignation against the crisis of character in our society.

“We must be dedicated to the ideals of character in order to expedite our transformation from a culture that is often callous, crass, and corrupt.

“America must reflect retrospectively on events from our past that exemplified character, courage, and compassion.

“We must rise up against the moral deficiencies of the day. 

"The immortal words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) are applicable to us once again, ‘this generation has a rendezvous with destiny.’

“If the call to America by FDR during the ominous days of World War II were now reignited, our reawakening would be resuscitated.

“FDR stated that America have a ‘toughness of moral and physical fiber which is precisely the characteristic of a free people, a people dedicated to the institutions they have built.’”    

FDR Reflections

These reflections on FDR have their foundation on my appreciation his service to America. 

They are also inspired in a favorite book on American history titled No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II.

Reflections of Roosevelt are also in my 2006 article titled America’s Resolve in a New Era of Leadership for The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine:

"Moral outrage in a calm, demanding and persevering manner must be the order of the day and America must respond with a new resolution to leadership; highlighted by character, to expedite transformation from a culture of corruption to the ideals of service and dedication to community. America need only reflect retrospectively on the leadership and events of its noble past to be reignited with the call of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 'this generation has a rendezvous with destiny'".

The Original Article /  The Chief of Police, Summer of 2018 Cover Story

American Government Requires Leaders of Character

For the past twenty years I have addressed a crisis of character in American society through my presentations and published works.

This crisis is witnessed in the public sector at the highest levels of government with scandals, arrests, indictments, and prison sentences.

Yet, the crisis is also evident in the private sector with blistering violations of moral decency.

America’s crisis of character has also lacerated the reputation of the entertainment industry, professional sports, and even religious institutions thought to be sacrosanct.

Our nation must respond the crisis with a commitment to an ethical renaissance. The heartbeat of character is our nation’s destiny and it needs to be resuscitated.

A Warning from Lincoln

In my opinion, lessons of character from Abraham Lincoln are critical to the reawakening of America.

Abraham Lincoln is admired as an ethical leader, who possessed masterful communication skills built on the pillars of honesty, ethics, and character.

With character as Lincoln’s foundation, his timeless words are a new clarion call for America. They serve as a prophetic warning for a nation whose character has been diminished:

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

If only the character of Abraham Lincoln were truly taken to heart, America would be transformed.

Character: America’s Wakeup Call

All who truly love America must stand on the pillar of moral indignation against the crisis of character in our society.

We must be dedicated to the ideals of character in order to expedite our transformation from a culture that is often callous, crass, and corrupt.

America must reflect retrospectively on events from our past that exemplified character, courage, and compassion.

We must rise up against the moral deficiencies of the day. The immortal words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) are applicable to us once again, “this generation has a rendezvous with destiny.”

If the call to America by FDR during the ominous days of World War II were now reignited, our reawakening would be resuscitated.

FDR stated that America have a “toughness of moral and physical fiber which is precisely the characteristic of a free people, a people dedicated to the institutions they have built.”

Complementing the leadership of FDR was General Dwight Eisenhower. General Eisenhower had a reputation of never yelling, shouting, or losing his temper. He was a dedicated father and grandfather figure to those entrusted to his care.

Eisenhower’s temperament helped foster collaboration without ever undermining his authority. He cultivated a mentality of patriotism among the special young men and women who will be eternally honored for saving democracy and civilization.

General Eisenhower made America proud of its call to be liberators. He kept his troops focused by his reminder that “the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and the security for us in a free world is our mission.

Truth: A Pillar of Character

As detailed in my article for the March 21, 2017 Epoch Times titled “America’s Culture of Deception: The Art of the Con,” I argued that “truth is the indispensable moral sanction for a healthy society.”

The article also stated that America is “experiencing a massive and pervasive pandemic of deception.” It argued that “wherever there is deception, or the misrepresentation of truth, the moral order required by society is wounded.”

America must respond to our crisis of character and dedicate itself to truthfulness. Truth must be reflected in our words, both verbal and written, and in our actions. Truth must be the light that emanates from our souls and inspires all the activities of our lives.

The illumination of truth is a light that penetrates the darkness. We are reminded of its power through the words of Winston Churchill who stated that “the truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

West Point: Developing Leaders of Character

The United States Military Academy (USMA) has lessons on character for all of America.

Their mission statement includes “to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character to the values of Duty, Honor, Country.”

The USMA leadership development system is designed to define outcomes. The demands including to “live honorably and build trust” and to “pursue excellence and continue to grow” are applicable not only to the Corps of Cadets, but to all truly dedicated to America.

As Lt. General L. Caslen, Jr., Superintendent of the USMA states, “As the Army looks to the future, our officers’ need for competence and character has never been greater.”

Character is critical to the future of the U.S. Army. Yet, the wisdom of the USMA and Lt. General Caslen, Jr. on character for the Corps of Cadets is also critical to all of America. Character must be the heartbeat of the duties, responsibilities, and circumstances of life for all privileged to call America home.

Final Reflections

The heart of America demands character which will be the only antidote to our current crisis of moral decency.

Character is the virtue which animated the great leaders in our history.

The resuscitation of our character is our responsibility and our destiny. Character must be alive in our homes, schools, workplaces, courts, communities, social media activities, and government.

Character must especially be alive, and continually beating, in the heart of every person privileged to call America home.

A Prayer for America

“Almighty God, enkindle us to be radiant light so darkness can be vanquished and our communities reawakened.

“Let us live by the splendor of truth and high ethical standards, so deception can be eradicated from our nation.

“Give us an unwavering confidence in our task, and keep the torch of character burning in our hearts.

“Forge partnerships between all members of every community.  Let apathy be conquered. Inspire us to exemplify respect, courtesy, and charity.

“Allow the providential wisdom of our American heritage to guide us.  Empower us with unfailing strength to bear all trials.

“Enlighten us so this unique time of challenge may impel us to transform the nation.

“Protect each person privileged to call America home with the ironclad shield of virtue, and the shelter of justice. 

“Ignite wisdom, understanding, and compassion within our souls.

“Animate our hearts, so we may work with one another and live in a nation of tranquility, solidarity, and liberty.  Amen.”                   

Vincent J. Bove, Reawakening America LLC, 11/21/21

On June 6, 1944, President Franklin Roosevelt's usual "fireside chat" would be replaced with a joint prayer with the American people. 

About the Author

Vincent J. Bove is a national speaker and author. He authored eighteen cover stories for The Chief of Police, and 300 additional articles for numerous publications. His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen to Their Cries.

Bove is recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award, and former confidant for players from two world champion New York Yankee teams.

He developed “Leadership Principles: Crisis Planning, Community Partnerships, Violence Prevention” keynotes to safeguard New York City at sites including:

·         Museums hosted by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

·         Corporations hosted by The New York Stock Exchange

·         Hospitals hosted by Rockefeller University

·         Properties hosted by The Union Club of New York

·         Universities hosted by Columbia University, the New York Athletic Club and Fordham University.

Bove has conducted extensive leadership presentations for the FBI, the United States Military Academy, law enforcement, educators, security professionals, and students nationwide.

“We must all serve as catalysts to protect our workplaces, schools, communities, public spaces, and houses of worship.  Public safety demands leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.  Security demands comprehensive enhancements, on-going training, effective response to warning signs, and building bridges with law enforcement, private security, and every member of the community.”  Vincent J Bove


1a. Collage from Aug. 5, 2024 visit to the gravesite of FDR.
1b. Section of published work for The Chief of Police.

1. The Cadet Honor Code memorial at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, Jan. 1, 2006. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. Abraham Lincoln portrait, seated and holding his spectacles and a pencil, Feb. 5, 1865, about 2 months before his death. (Alexander Gardner / public domain)

3. General Dwight D. Eisenhower addresses American paratroopers prior to D-Day. His order of the Day. 'Full victory-nothing less' to paratroopers in England, just before they board their airplanes to participate in the first assault in the invasion of the continent of Europe. Eisenhower is meeting with US Co. E, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment (Strike) of the 101st Airborne Division, photo taken at Greenham Common Airfield in England about 8:30 p.m. on June 5, 1944. The General was talking about fly fishing with his men as he always did before a stressful operation. (Unknown U.S. Army photographer / public domain)

4. Cadets changing class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. (Vincent J. Bove)

5. Headshot Vincent and Yiyi Bove, FDR bedroom, Aug. 5, 2024. (Reawakening America LLC)

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