Monday, May 30, 2022

A Memorial Day Prayer

Merciful God, we honor Memorial Day by remembering all who gave their lives for America, in the service of  freedom.

They made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our Constitution, democracy and way of life. 

We, and countless others throughout the world are free because of their sacrifices. The light of the flame of liberty burns because of them. They are our heroes, and our Nation is forever grateful.

We pray that all who wear the United States Armed Forces uniform understand the immeasurable dignity of a cause greater than themselves. As they serve freedom and put their lives on the line, protect them. 

As we honor all who consecrated America and the ideals that we stand for with their blood, we rededicate ourselves to the unending work of bringing our country ever closer to that more perfect Union for which they died.  

Today and every day, we implore you to protect our troops, to shine light perpetual upon the fallen, and to bring your comfort to their loved ones.  

Bestow your grace to America’s Gold Star Families and to all who have lost a loved one. Inspire us to honor the memories of the fallen and to support the families, caregivers, and survivors they left behind. 

We pause on Memorial Day, grateful for the freedom our fallen have given us. We forever dedicate ourselves to seeking enduring peace.

Our heroes gave their lives for our country. They live forever in our hearts — forever cherished, forever honorable, and forever the heartbeat of America. Amen. 

The independently prepared White House Memorial Day Proclamation, by a separate author, was modified into prayer by Vincent Bove.

Related Coverage:

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove, Reawakening America LLC

twitter: vincentjbove

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

About the Author

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America with over 300 published works. His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries. Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award and former confident of the New York Yankees.  He is co-founder of Global Security Resolutions, and served as spokesperson for a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy families of victims.  He has authored 17 cover stories for The Chief of Police.

For twenty years, Vincent has been a Board Certified Protection Professional (CPP), Board Certified Crime Prevention Specialist, Certified Police Training Commission Instructor, Crime Prevention Practitioner, and USDOJ Certified Community Anti-Terrorism Instructor Trainer.  He is also a licensed State of New Jersey / Division of State Police SORA Instructor. 


1. Changing of the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, May 18, 2019. As published with article Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Leadership, Honor, America (Article and Photo: Vincent J. Bove)

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

19 Children, 2 Adults Killed: America’s Culture of Violence and Failure of Leadership

Tragically, my presentations nationwide and extensive published articles since Columbine in 1999 need to continue.

America’s culture of violence and failure of leadership, with a heart wrenching story from Uvalde, Texas today, demand the nation’s transformation.

According to published reports and briefings from law enforcement sources, an 18-year-old gunman entered the Robb Elementary School with a handgun, AR-15 assault weapon and high capacity magazines. Soon thereafter, he began killing 19 children and 2 teachers.

It was the deadliest elementary school shooting since the 2012 massacre in Newtown, CT.  The students are from the second, third, and fourth grade.

We must compassionately pause to unite ourselves with broken hearted families. Incomprehensibly, they now plan funerals not summer vacations. 

We must honestly confront America’s failure to remedy these tragedies.

Just weeks ago, on Apr. 21, I shared remarks titled Echoes of Columbine: School Violence Awareness and Prevention.  These were shared in my responsibility as liaison on violence prevention with the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association for the past 20 years.

The remarks were memorialized in the article below, shared now again as a resource.

Hopefully, it will assist to ignite the ethical renaissance essential for America. We must remedy our head on collision, our crisis of violence and failure of leadership.

Echoes of Columbine: School Violence Awareness and Prevention

On Thursday, April 21, 2022, I was privileged to address 90 police chiefs and associate members of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association (BCPCA).

My remarks were titled Echoes of Columbine: School Violence Awareness and Prevention, and were delivered in Alpine, New Jersey.

As liaison for the BCPCA on issues of leadership, violence prevention, and public safety, I have shared monthly remarks to the association for the last 20 years.

During today’s event, I summarized a 30 minute FBI video titled Echoes of Columbine, and added some of my own insights.

The remarks shared today are as follows: 

Since this week was the anniversary date of Columbine, Apr. 20, 1999:

*23 years later – what have we learned.

*Unprecedented act of American violence

*13 dead and 21 others wounded and two suicides by the shooters

Columbine resonates with a new breed of shooters. Inspired a cult like following, a twisted blue print to follow or surpass.

      The Columbine Effect

     Origin of shootings that followed it – the Columbine Effect, a psychological empowering of other shooters – Columbine is their inspiration – one of the first active shooter incidents that unfolded in real time on International TV.

The two killers screamed their rage & received world-wide attention. Columbine is the template that has inspired over 100 other copy-cat attacks resulting in:

*Hundreds of lives lost

*Countless injuries

The tragic ramifications of Columbine continues.  For example, Virginia Tech’s (32 Dead / 23 wounded) killer (Apr. 16, 2007) wrote essay expressing admiration for the Columbine shootings.

Patterns and Behaviors of a School Shooter

Apparently, there is no typical profile but patterns and behaviors of a school shooter. 

FBI Profiling Unit Conclusion – profiling does not work for school shooters but studies over the last 20 years show many school shooters share common characteristics as follows:

Perceived injustices inflicted upon the attacker, they become an injustice collector with bruises that never heal.

Revenge – born from humiliation and the loss of control.

Need for Attention – their 15 minutes of fame no matter what the price of carnage is to pay for it.

Troubled, alienated, hopeless, withdrawn – desperate to express their dysfunction and brokenness.

Notoriety by the Media is appealing – the twisted notion of being recognize.

Mental Health Concerns

25% of attackers had mental health diagnosis prior to the attack.

Evidence of mental health issues in 61% of the attackers.  These mental health issues are not predictive but may factor in especially with issues of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, domestic violence, instability and family crisis – indicators which may amplify the need to act out the injustices.

90% of some evidence of suicidal ideation.

Pathological Fascination: A Catalyst

Another Catalyst – inspiration from previous attacks – not just an interest in the attacks but a pathological fascination supported by research, articles & video clips.

77% active shooters – including school shooters spend days, weeks, months to prepare – individuals do not just snap – they methodically prepare, often with pre-attack indicators.

Example: Oregon Community College Shooting (Oct. 1, 2015) – 9 dead, 8 wounded, then the shooter’s suicide. 

The shooter was hospitalized multiple times for wanting to harm others.

Like the Virginia Tech Shooter, he prepared a Manifesto – instructing deliver of his to law enforcement.

His warning signs – unbridled anger, false sense of entitlement, hopelessness, loner, no job, and the world was against him – a fascination with Columbine.

Pre-Attack Behavior Indicators

Inordinate impulsiveness



Dramatic Changes – Red Flags, often noticeable by others – obsession with weapons and noticeable downward spiral on social media.

Shooters become desensitized to violence and dehumanize others – they are merely statistics.

Leakage, Broadcasting, Manifesto's

One Warning Sign – LEAKAGE – intentional or unintentional signals they are on the path to violence.

BROADCASTING – social media, comments, papers, drawings.

1/3 of cases – MANIFESTOS with detailed motives.  

After Columbine, I was privileged to travel the nation speaking with Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept. Spokesperson – former tough Motorcycle cop whom I observed unable to watch the shared video coverage of Columbine with the audience, he would leave the assembly – he knew many of the students and families, and was devastated to be reminded of the violence.

Since 1999, I have been privileged to travel the country addressing issues of school violence awareness and prevention.  These concerns have also been covered in scores of published works, as well as my books Listen To Their Cries and Reawakening America.  

Today, I would like to thank the BCPCA for allowing my insights to be shared, so we never forget, and that we work together to prevent additional tragedies. 

Echoes of Columbine - FBI Documentary featuring the DeAngelis Center (Survivor Trigger Warning)

Note Well:

Both my wife Lily and I would like to express our appreciation to the BCPCA for unexpectedly announcing  congratulations for her American citizenship at the event, and for the kind applause from the attendees.

Related Article:

Lily Bove, New American Citizen: A Family Legacy Continues


About the Author

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America with 300 published works.  Bove is founder of Reawakening America LLC and recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award. Vincent is a former confident of the New York Yankees. His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries. 

For more information see or twitter@vincentjbove 

Read Vincent's Report

A Crisis of Leadership: A Response to the Virginia Tech Panel Report 

As with many of my presentations, copies of my articles published in The Chief of Police were available to attendees. Today, articles from The Chief of Police, Vol. XXXV were distributed.  Originally, the articles were distributed hard copy to police chiefs and law enforcement executives nationwide by the National Association of Chiefs of Police.  Additionally, they are posted in The Sentinel as follows:

Vincent J. Bove has conducted keynotes, presentations, and training throughout the United States. This partial client list in his home state of New Jersey reflects a microcosm of his programs on ethical leadership, violence prevention, and public safety nationwide:

Ø  The Southern New Jersey Prosecutor’s School Security Conference

Ø  Bergen County Education Association Conference in partnership with the Bergen County Sheriff's Office, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, and Bergen County Police Chiefs Association

Ø  Saint Peter's College

Ø  Port Authority Police Academy 

Ø  Department of the Air Force, Joint Base McGuire-Dix

Ø  New Jersey Education Association

Ø  North Arlington Public Schools

Ø  Hackensack Public Schools

Ø  Hackensack Police Department - numerous domestic violence, school violence and community policing presentations, including Community Policing Summit in partnership with Hackensack University Medical Center

Ø  Tenafly Public Schools

Ø  West Milford Public Schools

Ø  Monmouth University

Ø  The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Ø  Cinnaminson Township Public Schools

Ø  Wood-Ridge Public Schools

Ø  North Arlington Public Schools

Ø  Fort Lee Public Schools

Ø  Morris County Professional Counselors Association

Ø  Fairleigh Dickinson University

Ø  North Bergen Board of Education

Ø  Union City Board of Education

Ø  Rebeka Verea Foundation

Ø  Bergenfield Public Schools

Ø  New Jersey School Boards Association

Ø  New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association

Ø  Morris County Council of Education Associations

Ø  Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute

Ø  New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police

Ø  New Jersey City University 

Ø  New Jersey Association of School Administrators

Ø  West New York Board of Education

Ø  Carlstadt Public Schools

Ø  Livingston Police Department

Ø  New Milford Board of Education

Ø  New Jersey Association of School Business Officials

Ø  North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association (board member)

Ø  New Jersey Bias Crime Officers Association

Ø  FBI, Newark Field Division - numerous presentations including Fort Monmouth, Fort Dix, the FBI Newark Field Office & the New Jersey Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory

Ø  Jersey City Police Department, East District (numerous domestic violence, school violence, and workplace violence keynotes & leadership keynote in partnership with cadets of the United States Military Academy on Ellis Island)


Ø  River Vale Police Department Youth Police Academy Graduation Keynote

Ø  Teaneck Police Department

Ø  Essex County Police Chiefs Association

Ø  Essex County Police Academy Graduation Keynote

Ø  Essex County Crime Prevention Officers Association

Ø  Passaic Arts and Science Center

Ø  Northern Highlands Regional High School

Bove has also served the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association as liaison on issues including ethical leadership and violence prevention for 20 consecutive years. He shares monthly remarks to 75 - 100 members of the association including police chiefs from over 70 departments, the FBI, the NYPD, the Port Authority Police Department and community leaders.  


1. The Chief of Police, Cover story by Vincent J. Bove, Summer 2010.

2. Columbine Victims. (Facebook, Governor Jared Polis)

3. Virginia Tech Victims. (Credit: Virginia Tech Police, twitter)

4. Listen To Their Cries by Vincent J. Bove - this book on leadership and violence prevention, was sponsored by West Point for 350 attendees from colleges nationwide during his National Conference on Ethics in America conference presentation.

Listen To Their Cries was also sponsored for all attendees - law enforcement, educators, and community leaders at events including The Southern New Jersey Prosecutors Safe Schools Conference (SNJPSSC) and the Bergen County Education Association (BCEA). 

The SNJPSSC initiative was a collaboration of seven prosecutors representing over 300 agencies and schools in their respective counties. 

The BCEA event involved 279 schools in partnership with the Bergen County Sheriff's Department and Bergen County Police Chiefs Association and the Bergen County Prosecutor.

LISTEN TO THEIR CRIES: Calling the Nation to Renewal from Columbine to Virginia Tech, also served initiatives including the New Jersey Education Association, D.A.R.E.NJ, West New York Schools, Allied Barton Security Services, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Monmouth University, the Rebeka Verea Foundation, the Jersey City PD, Wallkill Public School District, and the Hackensack Public Schools.

5. Reawakening America book / collage, Vincent J. Bove

6. Vincent J. Bove, cover story for The Chief of Police, Fall 2021, Vol. XXXIX.  

In the interests of time, the review of the FBI documentary for the BCPCA was 15:28 of the 28:59 minutes of the film.

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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Buffalo Supermarket: Racially Motivated Hate Crime Claims Ten Lives, Issues and Resources

Let us first pause to honor the senseless loss of life in Buffalo, New York and all effected by this horrendous act of violence.

We hold them in prayer along with their families, as well as those injured today.  

We thank God for the courageous response of law enforcement and all first responders who prevented additional loss of life, and ask for healing for all influenced by this heartbreaking tragedy.

Buffalo police identified the victims as follows:

     • Roberta A. Drury, 32, of Buffalo

     • Margus D. Morrison, 52, of Buffalo 

     • Andre Mackneil, 53, of Auburn, New York

     • Aaron Salter, 55, of Lockport, New York

     • Geraldine Talley, 62, of Buffalo

     • Celestine Chaney, 65, of Buffalo

     • Heyward Patterson, 67, of Buffalo

     • Katherine Massey, 72, of Buffalo

     • Pearl Young, 77, of Buffalo

     • Ruth Whitfield, 86, of Buffalo

     • Zaire Goodman, 20, of Buffalo, was treated and released from hospital

     • Jennifer Warrington, 50, of Tonawanda, New York, was treated and released from hospital

     • Christopher Braden, 55, of Lackawanna, New York, had non-life threatening injuries

Racially Motivated Hate Crime

Law enforcement authorities have stated that the shooting in Buffalo, New York that claimed ten lives is a racially motivated hate crime.

In light of this tragedy, noted below are some resources with connecting links from some of my published works, and from official government sites. 

These are shared to assist with understanding the issue and responding as necessary to protect American communities.

FBI Hate Crimes / FBI Website    

Excerpt: Defining a Hate Crime

“A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.”

America's Warning: Hatred Fully Transparent in Charlottesville


Months before the violence was unleashed on Aug. 12 in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulting in the tragic loss of innocent life and senseless injuries, members of the intelligence community gave warning to an emerging threat.

In a Joint Intelligence Bulletin (JIB) dated May 10, 2017, the JIB provided “insight into the targeting preferences of white supremacist extremists and the state of white supremacist extremism in the United States.”

America's Mass Shooter Crisis Demands Police-Community Unity


"Let us have it seared into our souls that America must build bridges between the police and community.  Only this unity will serve as the antidote to the venom of violence that has infected communities throughout the nation."

Mass Shootings, Police Fatalities: America’s Culture of Trauma


"Violence has been unleashed in America, as video allows us to witness horrific mass shooting incidents and reprehensible killings of law enforcement officials.

"The pervasiveness of violence has no end in sight and every community, citizen, and police officer is a potential victim.

"The antidote to this culture of trauma is police-community unity, indispensable to the security of our society.

"Citizens and law enforcement must unite and turn the tide of this culture of trauma. America’s healing will only be possible with ethical leadership, unwavering collaboration, and moral courage. We must vigilantly work together for the common good."

Quick Look: 277 Active Shooter Incidents in the United States From 2000 to 2018

The FBI Encourages the Public to Report Hate Crimes


"The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement.

"Hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s civil rights program because of the devastating impact they have on families and communities. Hate crimes are not only an attack on the victim—they are meant to threaten and intimidate an entire community."

America’s Active Shooter Tragedies: Protecting Our Schools


"During my presentation, I took the approach of prevention. My focus included the importance of effectively responding to warning signs, security vulnerability assessments as more comprehensive than surveys, school resource officers, police-community partnerships, situational awareness, student empowerment, academic excellence, teacher and staff training, and the preventive pedagogy of education. 

"This pedagogy is critical for American schools as it enhances trust, builds bridges with all members of the school community, and fosters a vigilant, active, and respected presence by staff in the school community."

Protecting America’s Houses of Worship, Schools, Facilities: A National Model


"A robust security program must be comprehensive, proactive, and continually updated. Security must never be piecemeal, negligent, or have its importance minimized.

"Approaches to security in houses of worship, as well as in workplaces, schools, campuses, and facilities, must include the insights within the link noted above."

About the Author

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America with over 300 published works. 

His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries. 

Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award and former confident of the New York Yankees.  He is co-founder of Global Security Resolutions, and served as spokesperson for a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy families of victims.  Bove has authored 17 cover stories for The Chief of Police.

For twenty years, he has been a Board Certified Protection Professional (CPP), Board Certified Crime Prevention Specialist, Certified Police Training Commission Instructor, Crime Prevention Practitioner, and USDOJ Certified Community Anti-Terrorism Instructor Trainer.  

Bove is also a licensed State of New Jersey / Division of State Police SORA Instructor.


1. Cover story by Vincent J. Bove, The Chief of Police, Fall 2017, Vol. XXXII, No. 3.

2. Vincent J. Bove Reawakening America Book and pics of his presentation, PHAMA event, Champion, PA, Oct. 20, 2017. (Photo Credit: Lily Bove)

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove, Reawakening America LLC

twitter: vincentjbove

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

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