Securing American Schools Demands the Preventive System
Safeguarding our schools is an indisputable priority. It includes many facets such as security vulnerability assessments, training initiatives, physical security measures, personnel security, law enforcement partnerships, cybersecurity, emergency plans, and protocols.
Additional elements of security include board certified security directors, bullying prevention programs, mental health initiatives, crisis and threat assessment teams, and character education initiatives that cultivate an ethical protector culture throughout the entire school community.
Listening from the Heart
Although I have shared the aforementioned topics extensively throughout my career, I would like to emphasize the preventive system of education in this article.
Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel and Da Vinci portrayed the Mona Lisa. Through the works of artistic masters, people can glimpse moments of darkness and brutality, but also find serenity, comfort, and inspiration.
But above and beyond the mastery of all of the world’s greatest artists, only a teacher can mold the heart of a child and the future of a nation.
Since the Columbine tragedy I have been privileged to travel America, speaking to thousands of teachers. My constant message is that our teachers must educate from the heart and truly care about their students. Whenever I visit schools, the teachers who care stand out. They earn trust from their students and inspire determination—because the students know these teachers care about them.
In one of my experiences, while conducting an assessment for a school district, a student approached me with a commentary of what can happen without a culture of caring. The student told me that each day when she came to school she felt “invisible.” She explained that she was not popular, attractive, talented, smart, or fashionable and ate lunch by herself in a corner of the cafeteria on a daily basis.
Seizing the moment, I introduced her to a dynamic new teacher who I had interviewed a few days prior and asked this educator to take her under her wing. Weeks later I visited the district again and marveled at the transformation the teacher ignited—the student was vibrant with enthusiasm, new friends, and a new sense of belonging and purpose.
Inspire the Heart, Transform the Nation
In my opinion, there are essentially two basic forms of education in American schools. There is the repressive system that makes rules known, watches for transgressions, and is quick to discipline a student by inflicting condescending correction and punishment. The errant zero-tolerance policy in so many schools is an example of a repressive system—rigid, bureaucratic, and impersonal.
The proper approach is the preventive system of education. In this system, educators are vigilant in a caring manner and offer patient guidance from the heart consistent with kindness, character, and reasonableness. The preventive system of education builds trust and connections with students and the community.
The opposite of a zero-tolerance approach is a measured intervention approach that promotes reasonableness, dignity, and respect. Simply expressed, the repressive system is dictatorial and may temporarily stop a disorder, but will not inspire students. The preventive system speaks the language of the heart and is transformational.
These are some of the principles of the preventive system of education, which is critical to reawakening the nation and must be cultivated in America’s schools:
• Teachers inspire admiration as they care for youth entrusted to their care.
• Teachers are respected as individuals with character, and motivate the same in their students.
• The edifice of the preventive system is character and its pillars, which include respect, responsibility, fairness, and citizenship.
• A vigilant presence is exercised to prevent inappropriate behavior and reward proper behavior.
• Improvements with behavior are motivated through kindness and respect rather than punishment.
• A collaborative and speedy intervention to warning signs takes place due to the educator’s presence and awareness.
• Educators influence through positive attitudes, professionalism, and approachability.
• Discipline can be as effective as an expression of disappointment or a reproachful look because the student admires the teacher and is loyal and respectful.
• Students are affirmed for their qualities and do not lose heart when mistakes are made.
• Students are encouraged to do what is right through the teacher’s patience, guidance, and understanding.
Interestingly, this system of education has insights not only for our schools, but for leaders of law enforcement, corporations, government, our military, and families. It deserves review, reflection, and implementation accordingly.
Note Well:
Twitter: vincentjbove
Vincent’s Newest Book: Reawakening America
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Vincent is author of 275 articles, including his weekly column titled Reawakening the Nation for the Epoch Times. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.
Photo: Students with their teacher at a character education presentation by Vincent J. Bove at Union City Public Schools, N.J., on Feb. 27, 2009.(Vincent J. Bove)
Labels: Character Education, Character Training/Development for Students, Education, Parenting, School Resource Officer, Youth