Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Vanquishing Intolerance, Bigotry, Discrimination After Hatred Is Unleashed

The recent desecration of a Philadelphia Jewish Cemetery follows a disturbing trend of contemptuous acts of intolerance on American soil.

These acts of hatred, bigotry, and discrimination demand the strongest condemnation and firmest resolve.

We must be a society of character that has the unwavering dedication to vanquishing intolerance,bigotry, and discrimination.

Desecration of Sacred Grounds

On Feb. 27, law enforcement officials were investigating the desecration of about 100 tombstones at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia. Many of these sacred headstones were not only criminally toppled but broken.

The words of Rabbi Yosef Goldman of Temple Beth Zion-Beth, who viewed the scene at Mount Carmel Cemetery express the violation of the sacred. “When I got there, I saw the degree of desecration … Seeing it in person was heartbreaking … you feel the violation.”

This desecration took place shortly after another massive violation of another cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri.

Chesed Shel Emeth, one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the state, had more than 170 tombstones vandalized sometime during the last weekend of February.

These desecration's not only destroy property, but they violate the dignity of loved ones, families, faith-based communities, and America itself.

Our nation is built on the foundation of freedom of religion and this sacrosanct principle must be eternally defended.

All privileged to call America home must denounce this desecration. All forms of hatred must be vanquished through not only the words, but the actions of America.

Society can only have harmony when it is built on a foundation of respect, dignity, and tolerance. These virtues must be expressed toward every human being, not only in life, but also in death.

All who have died deserve being remembered with dignity and the places where they rest deserve honor.

The Muslim Community Responds

A response from a faith-based community to these reprehensible acts from the Muslim community gives hope to America.

It is a reminder that human decency is a powerful antidote to the venom of hatred.

With profound sensitivity to the desecration at the St. Louis Cemetery, members of the Muslim community united in a fundraiser to repair the damaged tombstones.

The heartwarming success of their charity resulted in the raising of over $100,000 in just over 24 hours.

This silver lining is a reminder of the decency of humanity and a celebration of goodness overcoming hatred.

Jewish Communities Victimized by Bomb Threats

The desecration of Jewish cemeteries is being compounded by pervasive bomb threats against their communities and schools.

Since the beginning of the year, bomb threats have continually disrupted the normal routines of Jewish communities.

On Feb. 27, the threats continued victimizing Jewish communities in Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

These crimes reflect nothing less than hatred, bigotry, and discrimination and demand leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.

Bomb Threats: Have a Plan

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security website has information on a bomb threat deserving of review.
Information on the site must also be used for training initiatives and includes the following:

“Having a plan in advance makes the response to bomb threats, unattended items, or suspicious items as orderly and controlled as possible, reducing risk and the impact of false alarms on regular activities. Facility supervisors—such as school, office, or building managers responsible for the facility—should:

• Review the DHS-DOJ Bomb Threat Guidance.
• Develop a Bomb Threat Response Plan for their organization or facility. Contact the Office for Bombing Prevention at OBP@hq.dhs.gov for more information on planning workshops.
• Train employees, tenants, and/or visitors to take appropriate actions in the event of a bomb threat and/or identification of an unattended or suspicious item.

“Developed in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-Department of Justice (DOJ) Bomb Threat Guidance is a quick reference guide that provides facility supervisors with details on pre-threat preparation, threat assessment, staff response guidelines, and evacuation and shelter-in-place considerations. Download the DHS-DOJ Bomb Threat Guidance for more information.

“School-specific bomb threat guidance can also be found at ThreatPlan.org and the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistant Center.”

Final Reflections

While earning one of my post-graduate degrees, I wrote a paper titled “Reflections on the Holocaust.”
The work, complemented by courses to understand the Hebrew language, profoundly moved me. It was an expression of my esteem for the Jewish people. The work also reflected my commitment to defend humanity against hatred, bigotry, and discrimination because we are all members of the human family. Each and every human being is mystically connected as a member of humanity.

The dark chapter of the holocaust must have eternal lessons for humanity. All of us must be completely dedicated to forever vanquishing hatred from the face of the earth.

Hatred has resurfaced in America with crimes against the Jewish community, as well as with a lack of tolerance toward anyone who is different.

America must stand against all who violate the principles of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and every noble principle of humanity.

The character of the good people of America will rise to the occasion. We will overcome hatred and be reawakened because tolerance, respect, and charity are the heartbeat that unites us.

Related Coverage:

Commemorating the Auschwitz Liberation: Renewing American Patriotism

Bigotry, Prejudice, Racism: America’s Toxic Virus

America, Wake Up: Harden Your Soft Targets

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Rabbi Joshua Bolton of the University of Pennsylvania's Hillel center surveys damaged headstones at Mount Carmel Cemetery on in Philadelphia on Feb. 27, 2017. (AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma)

2. The Diary of Anne Frank

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

America’s Shadow of Internment: Executive Order 9066

Every year, on Feb. 19, the Japanese American community honors Remembrance Day.

It is a solemn day to reflect, resolve, and renew lessons from Executive Order 9066 which was signed on Feb. 19, 1942.

The executive order took place shortly after the “date which will live in infamy,” speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) on Dec. 8, 1941.

Although on face value, the order was neutral, allowing for areas of land to serve as military zones, it resulted in a dark shadow of American history.

This order, as cited on the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) website, gave the U.S. Army authority to remove civilians from military zones established in Washington, Oregon, and California during World War II.

The JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights league in America, and dedicated to preserving the memory of these events. Their website details information on Executive Order 9066 that includes the following:

“It is a reminder of the impact the incarceration experience has on our families, our community, and our country. It is an opportunity to educate others on the fragility of civil liberties in times of crisis, and the importance of remaining vigilant in protecting the rights and freedoms of all.”

Intolerance, Discrimination, Incarceration

Executive Order 9066 led to military removal, often by soldiers with bayonets ready, to residents of peaceful, law-abiding Japanese Americans.

The executive order led to the forced removal of 120,000 American’s of Japanese descent. These Americans, many with families including young children and infants, had to abandon everything. They lost the freedom they treasured and were immediately incarcerated into ten different concentration camps.

Although no Japanese Americans were ever afforded due process, nor charged, nor convicted of any acts of espionage or sabotage, they lost their freedom. They were forced by an executive order from their homes into years of intolerance, discrimination, and imprisonment.

America: A New Crisis of Intolerance

As America marked the 75th Anniversary of FDR’s executive order 9066 this year, we must have our eyes wide open to a new crisis of intolerance. Confusion has been ignited throughout our homeland and issues will apparently get much worse before the nation is reawakened to the principles of tolerance.

America must not compromise our national security. We must work vigorously to protect our homeland with principles that respect our Constitution.

America must also honor the dedicated men and women who serve in our armed forces and law enforcement agencies. We have the blessings of freedom, democracy, and liberty because of their sacrifices.

But America must also honor every person who respects our values despite our differences. These differences include race, color, religion, national origin, citizen status, gender, physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientation, ancestry, and military status.

Each and every human being is sacred and deserves dignity, freedom, respect, and security.

Broad Stroke Dangers

The lessons of Remembrance Day teach America of the dangers of a broad stroke approach to security, immigration, and patriotism.

The broad stroke of an American president’s pen with Executive Order 9066 led to 120,000 acts of intolerable injustice against innocent, law-abiding people.

These people, families with men, women, and children dedicated to American values, was a travesty of justice. They were discriminated against and lost their freedoms, properties, possessions, homes, and businesses.

America must learn the lessons of the past. There are mechanism’s with today’s state of the art security and technology that must be used to protect the homeland. But these must always be utilized with respect to our Constitution.

These mechanism’s, complimented by our Armed Forces, law enforcement, and all dedicated to our values have the capacity to safeguard America. Yet, we must eternally remember that safeguarding America must never violate the dignity of the human person.

America must always be faithful to its call to uphold and defend human rights. Respecting human rights is the heartbeat of America. Human rights is also the antidote to the venom of intolerance, conflict, ignorance, and misunderstanding.

Final Reflections

As detailed in my March 6, 2016 article for the Epoch Times titled “Understanding Islam Is Essential to Community Policing", America must cultivate dialogue. This must include with all who are different from us and with all the great faiths of the world.

Tensions, fear, and misunderstandings are high in America, and there are concerns world-wide about our nation.

America must have unwavering dedication to building harmony on the pillars of human rights, social justice, religious freedom, and ethical principles that honor our Constitution.

Perhaps these words, memorialized in the aforementioned article, may serve to light a fire of patriotism within us:

“For those who represent the great faiths of the world, especially Christians, Muslims, and Jews, dialogue is expressed through respect, dignity, and charity. Dialogue has the power to build harmony for faith-based communities—as well as for nonbelievers—fostering social justice, moral values, freedom and liberty.

“America is a land filled with churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples with the responsibility to intensify dialogue through faith-based communities. Our Bill of Rights proclaims that freedom of religion is sacrosanct.

“Therefore, we have the moral foundation to cultivate human rights, religious freedom, and peaceful coexistence. Our nation must be the catalyst for resolving misunderstandings between nations and faiths that include intolerance, racism, injustices, ignorance, wars, and violence.”

Related Coverage

Bigotry, Prejudice, Racism: America’s Toxic Virus

Honoring American Immigrants: Family, Neighbors, Heroes

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Bainbridge Island (Wash.) evacuation -- Group of young evacuees wave from special train as it leaves Seattle with Island evacuees, March 30, 1942. (Courtesy U.S. Government)

2. Poster (Courtesy U.S Park Service)

3. Japanese-American World War II soldier George Yamada places flowers on the "Go for Broke Monument", in downtown Los Angeles, on June 5, 1999. (LUCY NICHOLSON/AFP/Getty Images)

4. Members of the Mochida family awaiting evacuation bus. Identification tags are used to aid in keeping the family unit intact during all phases of evacuation. Mochida operated a nursery and five greenhouses on a two-acre site in Eden Township. He raised snapdragons and sweet peas. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)

5. Leenah Safi (L) looks on during a lecture at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif., on Aug. 30, 2010. (Justin Sullivan/ Getty Images)

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Personality of American Leadership

As detailed extensively in my published works and presentations, leadership is critical to America.

Leadership has been addressed, as recently as last week, in my Feb. 10 article for the Epoch Times titled “America’s Hope: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration.”

It was argued that leadership is the solution to America’s challenges.

Before I continue with some personal insights on the personality of American Leadership, allow me to stress the necessity of cultivating leadership qualities throughout all of society. This includes our young people, the future of the nation.

The youth of America deserve our unwavering efforts, dedication, and good example. The power to influence begins in the family, continues in the schools, and expresses itself throughout every level of society. Our families, schools, communities, workplaces, houses of worship, and government must be dedicated to character.

All who are privileged to be in roles of leadership must remember the eyes of the nation are upon them.
Leadership is more than a privilege. It is a responsibility that demands the highest expression of character that is driven by respect, ethics, and dignity.

Ethics is critical to the nation and character education initiatives must be front and center in all of our educational communities.

Character, or the lack thereof, is the very heartbeat of the individual, and the nation. It is the essence of leadership and the antidote for remedying deficiencies throughout society.

Currently, America is under siege with divisive issues. These issues include immigration, civil rights, national security, violence prevention, racism, police-community relations, poverty, unemployment, education, and discrimination. A crisis of leadership compounds these issues.

America must ignite an ethical renaissance through all in privileged positions of leadership. This renaissance can only be ignited and sustained by the fire of character. It must be ignited throughout every facet of society.

Character must also be inspirited in every home, without compromise, from the inner city to the White House.

When each and every person in America realizes that they have the responsibility to exemplify character, we will be on the path to an ethical renaissance.

Personality of Leadership: Practical Tips

America is continually scorched with headlines illuminating a crisis of leadership throughout every level of society.

Individuals within privileged responsibilities throughout society, from the inner city classroom to the oval office, must are called to lives of character. Character is built on the pillars of sacrosanct trust that demands conduct beyond reproach.

Each of us must walk the path of character that is highlighted by courtesy, respect, and dignity.

Perhaps some of these principles of leadership, may serve to inspire:

• Leaders speak the truth with moral courage. They express words and actions that affirm the goodness of others. This affirmation has the capacity to inspire as individuals are uplifted through honesty, respect, and encouragement. Words can either be poisonous darts or healing remedies. A true leader is a person of word and action who persuades, influences, and encourages from a heart of character.

• Leaders realize that kindness is a power that is expressed through time, patience, and involvement. We are surrounded by individuals in our communities and families who are challenged by difficulties we may never imagine. We must listen to words and actions and use kindness to transform, inspire, and elevate broken lives.

• Leadership demands service that exemplifies compassion, empathy, and authenticity. Each of us must roll up our selves, get involved, and serve others from the heart.

Final Reflections

America is currently experiencing conflict, divisiveness, and dissipation. We must rise to the occasion.
This will only be possible when character is the foundation of society and the heartbeat of all privileged to lead.

Perhaps the character of Abraham Lincoln can motivate every American, from the student to the President.

As one studies the life of Lincoln, one observes character, ethical behavior, and moral responsibility.
These qualities are reflected in his life as a young student at the fireside, and throughout the decisions of his presidency.

Lincoln is a model of character for America. He realized that responsibility must have moral fiber.

Our sixteenth president lived during a time of national divisiveness, but his character served to transform the nation.

Each of us privileged to call America home must listen and understand Lincoln well.

We must exemplify the moral courage to ignite character into the arteries of the nation. Lincoln’s words from February 27, 1860 deserve our reflection:

“Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”

America, listen, understand, and live the message of Lincoln, as character is the foundation for reawakening the nation.

Related Coverage

American Government Requires Ethical Leadership

America’s Graduates: Transform the Nation With Character

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Students with their teacher at a character education presentation by Vincent J. Bove at Union City Public Schools, N.J., on Feb. 27, 2009. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. The White House in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6, 2012. (Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)

3. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

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Thursday, February 09, 2017

America’s Hope: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration

These are challenging times for America, but for those who cherish the nation, we must remain confident that we will endure.

America, despite the challenges, will rise as radiant as a morning summer sun.

These verses from The Stars and Stripes Forever, the official National March of the United States of
America, must serve to resuscitate our hearts with a renewed devotion:

Hurrah for the flag of the free.
May it wave as our standard forever
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
That by their might and by their right
It waves forever.

This American treasure, was written by the composer John Philip Sousa in 1897. Sousa was a patriot who grew up during the Civil War with a devotion to inspiring the nation through music.

The song was influenced by the tragic loss of his band manager, which prompted Sousa to terminate his European holiday and return home to America.

America is now at a crossroads, and music from our tradition has the capacity to inspire leadership, vigilance and collaboration.

These qualities are desperately needed for the reawakening of the nation.

America Demands Ethical Leadership

The contemporary issues facing America demand leadership from competent, ethical, and inspirational leaders who are truly dedicated to the nation.

America demands ethical leadership, individuals who will steer the ship of the nation with steady hands and personalities that inspire confidence.

We must be honest about our current leadership crisis since throughout every facet of society – corporate, government, sports, entertainment, faith-based communities, schools, and families – we experience the flaws of human nature. These flaws, expressed through continuous scandals, do not represent the best of any of us. These scandals do not represent the best of America, and our nation deserves a reawakening.

Character must be the heartbeat of all entrusted with the responsibility of leadership. With good character, as the heartbeat of America, we will have the antitoxin for remedying challenges, deficiencies, and divisions.

The issues of immigration, national security, civil rights, violence prevention, discrimination, veteran’s services, education, police-community relations, racism, unemployment, and poverty are surmountable.

America will conquer these shortcomings when we have ethical leadership throughout the nation. But leadership will only be able to inspire, empower, and persuade when it is energized by character.

America Demands Unwavering Vigilance

While sitting at a meeting this week of the National Law Enforcement Associates (NLEA) with 125 law enforcement and private security professionals, there was a moment when everyone spontaneously received an Amber Alert on their smartphones.

The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Program’s website provides the following definition of this outstanding program:

“The Amber Alert Program is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement agencies, broadcasters, transportation agencies, and the wireless industry, to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases. The goal of the Amber Alert is to instantly galvanize the community to assist in the search for and safe recovery of the child.”

Fortunately, the Amber Alert Program proved to be successful on Feb. 7, as a 2-year-old Staten Island toddler, snatched by her father was rescued. This took place just a few hours after the abduction.

The Amber Alert prompted a vigilant driver, Rui Fernandes, to contact the NYPD after matching a vehicle and its plates with details communicated to his phone.

This is a practical example of positive results for our communities, possible when vigilance is the order of the day.

Vigilance is also the heartbeat of our military personnel and we must be profoundly grateful.

The world is often a dangerous, volatile, and tumultuous place. Our armed forces must always be honored for their service. The liberty, freedom and way of life that America cherishes is only possible because of their sacrifices.

America Demands Collaboration

Collaboration within every facet of American society is critical as divisiveness is demoralizing, discouraging, and disheartening.

For the best interests of America, collaboration is critical between government officials, political parties, police and communities, corporate leaders and employees, faith-based servants and their congregations, educators and students, and family members.

Collaboration, particularly among government leaders, is also critical to fostering diplomacy and good-will between nations.

Final Reflections

In another verse of the song “The Stars and Stripes Forever’ are these immortal words:

A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
The banner of the Western land.
The emblem of the brave and true
Its folds protect no tyrant crew;
The red and white and starry blue
Is freedom's shield and hope.

The eyes of the nation, and indeed the world, are upon America. All who are privileged to live in the land of the free must boldly profess our patriotism. The profession of patriotism must be expressed not only in song but in action.

America is destined to be freedom’s “shield and hope” and we must not disappoint, but inspire those who are watching us.

Related Coverage:
America Matters: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration

America’s Flag, Patriotism: Resuscitating Our Destiny

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Stars and Stripes, Rockefeller Center, NYC. (Vincent J. Bove)
2. Stars and Stripes, Fifth Avenue, NYC. (Vincent J. Bove)
3. Essex County Police Academy Honor Guard, graduation service, Aug. 13, 2009. (Vincent J. Bove)
4. Stars and Stripes, Rockefeller Center, NYC. (Vincent J. Bove)

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