Wednesday, September 28, 2016

21st Century America Requires Police-Community Unity

The recent fatal police shootings that occurred in Tulsa and Charlotte are sobering reminders of the critical importance of building trust to enhance police-community unity in America.

Police-community collaboration is one of the hot buttons of the presidential campaign trail, with both candidates continually arguing their proposals.

The issue took center stage on Sept. 26 at the first presidential debate.

During the night, candidates focused on race relations, building trust, justifiable force, police reform, violence prevention, law and order, stop and frisk, gangs, and fallen officers.

Democratic Candidate: A Recap

The Democratic nominee stressed that race relations remains “a significant challenge” in America and is influenced by where individuals reside, the public-school education available, and their treatment by the criminal justice system.

The candidate also stated that “we have to make sure our police are using the best training, the best techniques, that they’re well prepared to use deadly force only when necessary … and that everyone should be respected by law and everyone should respect the law.”

The Democratic candidate also argued that since "the first day" of her campaign, she's called for criminal justice reform-a two-step process she believes would help to solve existing issues.

"We have to recognize...there are so many good, brave, police officers who equally want reform," she said. "So we have to bring communities together in order to begin working on that, as a mutual goal."

She also stated that it is necessary “to tackle the plague of gun violence” as it is a “big contributor” to contemporary problems and it’s the “leading cause of death of young African-American men.”

Republican Candidate: A Recap

The Republican nominee presented a rebuttal by stressing that his adversary failed to use the term “law and order,” a major theme of his campaign.

He stressed, “If we don’t have it, we’re not gonna have a country.”

The candidate stated that in inner cities, African-Americans and Hispanics are “living in hell because it’s so dangerous.” He continued that “You walk down the street, you get shot.”

He said, “You take the guns away from criminals that shouldn't be having it.”

“We have gangs roaming the street, and they have guns, and they shoot people, and we have to be strong.”

He said, “We have to protect our inner cities, because African-American communities are being decimated by crime.”

Presidential Candidates: Some Recommendations

While observing the presidential candidates, I reflected on the many articles authored for the Epoch Times for the last few years.

These articles address issues critical to America, and police-community unity, as detailed throughout the articles, is paramount for our nations healing, security, and renewal.

I respectfully recommend that America’s presidential candidates, as well as their leadership teams, take time to review these articles. It is my humble opinion that they crystallize concepts on police-community unity, an issue demanding unwavering leadership from our next president.

Many of the articles in my Reawakening the Nation column, stress police-community collaboration, leadership principles, ethical guardian development, violence prevention, law enforcement and race, transforming policing, policing principles, gangs, community policing, enhancing police-community trust, and security insights on protecting our communities and homeland.

These issues demand American leadership.

Final Reflections

As an American, I am privileged to serve the nation by addressing issues of leadership, vigilance, and collaboration. These are critical issues of our time and demand a sense of urgency, determination, and resolve.

I am confident that America’s finest hours are ahead of us. But, I am realistic that police-community controversies, violence, and our crisis of leadership may intensify before our renewal takes place.

Presidential nominees, I implore you, for the best interests of America, to reflect on the police-community issues memorialized in the Reawakening the Nation column over the last two years in the Epoch Times.

Reviewing the insights documented in these articles, will be time well spent. I am confident our presidential nominees will find them enlightening and beneficial.

Implementing the lessons in these articles will benefit America with the healing, renewal, and rejuvenation our destiny deserves.

May our next president have the wisdom, leadership, and character our nation requires to enhance our police-community partnerships, and set us on the path of unity.

Related Coverage:

Police-Community Collaboration: America’s Public Safety Lifeline

America’s Mission: Eradicating Discrimination, Prejudice, Racism

The 21st Century Cop: Vigilance, Community, Protecting America

Transforming American Policing: A Defining Moment

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Mourners attend a candlelight vigil honoring Officer Matthew Gerald in Baton Rouge, La., on July 18, 2016. (Sean Gardner/Getty Images)

2. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton answers a question during the presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., on Sept. 26, 2016. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

3. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at the presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., on Sept. 26. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

4. Protesters block I-277 during a third night of unrest following Tuesday’s police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, N.C., on Sept. 22, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

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Friday, September 23, 2016

Terrorism Prevention Requires Police-Community Collaboration

The recent terror attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota are a chilling reminder to America of the contemptuous realities that some are referring to as “the new normal.”

After three attacks in just 12 hours, with explosions in New York City and New Jersey communities, and a bloody stabbing rampage in a Minnesota mall, America was under siege.

These incidents occurred in the shadows of the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, once again demanding our courage, resolve, and perseverance.

The Terror Attacks: A Recap

Seaside Park, N.J.—Around 9:30 am, one of three wired together pipe-bomb-type devices explodes in a garbage bin. Although the detonation was nefariously planted to wreck devastation at a U.S. Marine Corps charity run, no one was injured since a registration technicality delayed the race. This chilling intention was likely influenced by the Boston Marathon attack.

Chelsea, New York City—An explosion from a device planted in or near a dumpster injured 29 people in the normally idyllic Manhattan neighborhood. Law enforcement found an intact pressure cooker blocks away from this 23rd Street and 6th Avenue location, and said this device and the exploded one were similar. Cell phones were programed as the apparent timers.

St. Cloud, Minnesota—A man garbed in a security uniform, stabbed nine people at the Crossroads Mall, before an off-duty police officer shot him dead.

People stand near the entrance on the north side of Crossroads Center mall as officials investigate a reported multiple stabbing incident in St. Cloud, Minn., on Sept. 17, 2016. (Dave Schwarz/St. Cloud Times via AP)

Police-Community Unity Limited Attacks

Minnesota—Officer Jason Falconer heroically prevented additional carnage after fatally shooting the individual who stabbed nine people at the Minnesota Mall. He was the right man at the right time who protected his community as an ethical guardian of society.

New York / New Jersey—The terrorism mantra, “If you see something, say something,” became a reality that led to the arrest of the suspect in the Sept. 17 bombings in New York and New Jersey. Harinder Bains, owner of a tavern in Linden, New Jersey, noticed a man sleeping in the doorway of his establishment.

Since Bains recognized the suspect due to extensive media coverage, he called the police which led to the suspect arrest.

“I did what I think every American would have done,” Bains said. “My neighbor would have done the same thing. Any Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Muslim. We would be more stronger if we do everything together… I’m from Sikh faith,” he added. “I’ve been taught always stand up against the atrocities, any kind of persecution.”

“Anybody would have done the same thing… Cops are the real hero, law enforcement is the real hero… when you see something, say something.”

Law enforcement certainly deserves our most profound appreciation for apprehending the bombing suspect, after a dangerous gunfight with two officers injured, in just under four hours after he was publicly identified.

FBI Director’s Remarks on Unity

Prior to these attacks, a foreshadowing audio by FBI Director James Comey was posted on the Bureau’s website.

Although unaware of any plans of the aforementioned attacks, Comey emphasized the agencies strategy to combating the evolving terror threat.

“Our focus now is on a much more desperate threat that’s hard to see, unpredictable, motivated, and driven by people who are just disturbed. Although we have different responsibilities, different authorities, different focuses to be effective, the circles have to not just touch, they have to overlap.”

As someone privileged to meet Director Comey, and attend his presentations, I am confident that his concept of different responsibilities needed to prevent terrorism, refers not only on interagency law enforcement unity, but an iron-clad collaboration between police and the community.

Tips for Preventing Terrorism

Based on these recent attacks, and the eventuality of additional incidents, these tips from the FBI are worth reviewing:

Surveillance: Are you aware of anyone video recording or monitoring activities, taking notes, using cameras, maps, binoculars, and so on, near key facilities/events?

Suspicious Questioning: Are you aware of anyone attempting to gain information in person, by phone, mail, email, etc., regarding a key facility or people who work there?

Tests of Security: Are you aware of any attempts to penetrate or test physical security or procedures at a key facility/event?

Acquiring Supplies: Are you aware of anyone attempting to improperly acquire explosives, weapons, ammunition, dangerous chemicals, uniforms, badges, flight manuals, access cards or identification for a key facility/event or to legally obtain items under suspicious circumstances that could be used in a terrorist attack?

Suspicious Persons: Are you aware of anyone who does not appear to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, business establishment, or near a key facility/event?

“Dry Runs”: Have you observed any behavior that appears to be preparation for a terrorist act, such as mapping out routes, playing out scenarios with other people, monitoring key facilities/events, timing traffic lights or traffic flow, or other suspicious activities?

Deploying Assets: Have you observed abandoned vehicles, stockpiling of suspicious materials, or persons being deployed near a key facility/event?

If you answered yes to any of the above … if you have observed any suspicious activity that may relate to terrorism, please contact the Joint Terrorist Task Force or law enforcement/counterterrorism agency closest to you immediately. Your tip could save the lives of innocent people, just like you and yours.

Complementing these FBI tips, I strongly recommend security countermeasures noted in my article titled “Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis,” for the Dec. 10, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times.

Final Reflections

Despite recent controversies of police-community relations, citizen support and the commendable swift response of law enforcement is worthy of admiration. Unity of effort is critical to safeguarding our communities and nation is clear and must continue.

As detailed in my published work titled “Terrorism Demands Police-Community Unity” for the July 28, 2016 edition of the Epoch Times, terrorism is a reality of our times. America must enhance its leadership, vigilance, and collaboration to protect our homeland.

Terrorism incidents are accelerating throughout the nation, and the next attack can take place anywhere, anytime, and by any means.

America will be on the path to reawakening the nation when our police-community unity is fortified, as to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Related Coverage:

Terrorism Attacks Demand America’s Leadership

America, Wake Up: Harden Your Soft Targets

Terrorism Concerns Accelerate: Protecting America

Police-Community Collaboration: America’s Public Safety Lifeline

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) carry on investigations at the scene of Saturday's explosion on West 23rd Street and Sixth Avenue in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, in New York, on Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

2. People stand near the entrance on the north side of Crossroads Center mall as officials investigate a reported multiple stabbing incident in St. Cloud, Minn., on Sept. 17, 2016. (Dave Schwarz/St. Cloud Times via AP)

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Monday, September 12, 2016

America’s Flag Deserves Honor, Respect, Reverence

As America commemorated the sacred fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy this past Sunday, expressions of respect for our flag were profoundly inspirational.

America’s flag is the sacrosanct symbol of our beloved nation, and always deserves the greatest honor, respect, and reverence.

Respect for our flag was immortalized by the iconic flag-raising by U.S. Marines during the battle of Iwo Jima, and again at Ground Zero by New York City firefighters.

America’s Flag: Our Rallying Point

The America flag is, and will forever be, the rallying point for our dedication, devotion, and duty to country.

Each of us must do everything according to our vocation in life, to respect what our flag represents.

These are challenging times throughout the nation, especially with police-community relations, political polarization, escalating violence, and a crisis of leadership.

But we have always had challenging times, as with the war to earn our independence, world wars, and the civil rights movement of the 1960’s.

Throughout our history, and in the aftermath of 9/11, America’s flag must always be raised high, as at Iwo Jima. Our flag is our rallying point of hope, unity, and patriotism.

America’s Flag: Our Current Scandal

Currently, there is an intensifying scandal toward our flag on America’s athletic fields. This contempt for our sacred symbol during the National Anthem deserves condemnation without reserve.

This scandal began with one National Football League (NFL) player, and has senselessly escalated to numerous players, teams, and even a high school football team in Camden, New Jersey.

Over the past few years, there have been numerous sports scandals including extensive arrests of NFL players for crimes including aggravated assault, unlawfully possession of weapons, disorderly conduct, drunken driving, resisting arrest, drug possession, and domestic violence.

Aside from the NFL, there have also been other sports scandals including Major League Baseball’s steroid abuse, and disgraceful behavior by an Olympic swimmer at the recent games in Brazil.

As shameful as these acts are, any purposeful disrespect for America’s flag, which has draped coffins of countless armed forces heroes throughout our history, is also contemptuous.

One can only wonder if any of those involved with this reprehensible dishonoring of our sacred symbol, would have the courage to endure the sacrifices made at Iwo Jima.

Furthermore, would any of them have the courage to serve America on the shores of Normandy, in the jungles of Vietnam, or in the blistering heat of Afghanistan or Iraq.

One can only surmise where the lack of wisdom, family guidance, understanding, fortitude, reverence, or character education was so lost in such contempt for our flag.

Perhaps a deficiency took place somewhere during formative years in the family, community, or school, or was planted by a manipulative media.

More tragically, this outrageous contempt for America’ flag is receiving no condemnation from NFL leadership. Yet, this should come as no surprise, as this is the same leadership that tried to cover-up an outrageous domestic violence crime by one of its players.

The current NFL leadership only responded to this barbaric domestic incident after their ineptitude, superficiality, and complicity was brought to light by an elevator video.

The NFL needs to send a clear message, not only to current players, but also to all aspiring athletes at colleges and high schools throughout America.

The message must be clear, strong, and immediate, that the NFL will not ever tolerate criminal behavior by its athletes, nor will it accept dishonoring the flag as an acceptable expression of players rights.

Players, who are privileged to play the game, and reap extraordinary financial rewards, must be held to the highest standards of professional ethics, and reflect responsibility to our nation.

Final Reflections

Respect for America through our flag is a sacred privilege, responsibility, and duty.

This respect is solemnly proclaimed in our Star Spangled Banner, Pledge of Allegiance, prayers for our beloved nation, and honoring our flag.

The next time anyone in the NFL, or anywhere considers dishonoring our flag, let them be mindful that this same flag is draped over countless coffins of armed forces and law enforcement heroes.

It is the same flag over the coffins of all who have offered the ultimate sacrifice serving our nation on foreign soil and here at home, and this flag deserves eternal honor without compromise.

May honor for America’s flag forever live in the hearts of all who are truly sons and daughters of our nation.

Let the words of Nathan Hale (June 6, 1755 – September 22, 1776), a true patriot, who served to gain America’s freedom and offered the ultimate sacrifice, forever be engraved in our souls:

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

Related Coverage

Viewpoints Gold Star Families: Honoring Those Who Make the Ultimate Sacrifice

America’s Flag, Patriotism: Resuscitating Our Destiny

America’s Leadership Crisis: Reigniting Our Character

NFL Domestic Violence Scandal: Time for Action

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. American flags, Rockefeller Center, NYC. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. The Iwo Jima Memorial is silhouetted in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., on April 27, 2005. (Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

3. Nathan Hale by Frederick William MacMonnies, model 1889-1890, cast 1890, bronze - National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (Public Domain / Wikimedia)

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Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Honoring 9/11: Compassion, Character, Community

As one travels throughout American communities, we are reminded of the tragic loss of life on 9/11 through plaques, monuments, and memorials.

These tributes are set in bronze, marble, and stone throughout our train stations, shopping malls, workplaces, and community centers.

They are sacramental reminders of lives gone too soon, whose memories must be eternally engraved into our hearts and souls.

America will perpetually honor those who perished on 9/11, and we must be passionately dedicated to transforming our nation, as a fitting tribute to their memory.

Eternal Remembrance

America will pause again on Patriot Day, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 to reverently observe the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11.

This sacrosanct anniversary reminds us of a day that changed the soul of America forever.

It is a day to honor the fallen, their loved ones, and all the heroes who served and protected, and who continue to serve our nation.

The lost lives of our beloved families, friends, community members, and colleagues will not be in vain.

These victims from the World Trade Center, Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77, Flight 93, and the Pentagon will continue to keep the eternal flame of patriotism alive in our hearts.

America will be stronger and renewed through the fire of devotion burning in our hearts, homes, communities, workplaces, schools, churches, synagogues, and mosques.

In each of these places, America will pray for the repose of the souls of all who were lost on 9/11, and we will stand tall to honor our nation.

As we solemnly honor the nearly 3,000 lost lives of that fateful day, let us remain vigilant with protecting our communities and strengthening our homeland. Our vigilance is a tribute to all who perished, so their lives may not be in vain.

Honoring 9/11 Heroes

Each 9/11 commemoration is a time to pause and honor countless heroes who protected others and served victims through inestimable acts of selflessness, compassion, and mercy.

These heroes, all who are known by the eyes of heaven, will certainly be rewarded there by their sacrifices, as they represent the heart of America. Those who served on 9/11 and afterwards with acts of kindness, sacrifice, and generosity represent the best of all of us.

Our nation will forever honor all who perished on 9/11, and all who served, as well as those who continue to serve including our military. Those tirelessly dedicated to serving our communities, colleagues, and country deserve our greatest respect.

Honoring the 9/11 fallen, we must dedicate ourselves to peace in communities across America.

Our efforts must be practical with developing violence prevention initiatives especially through enhancing police-community collaboration.

Yet, our efforts must also be profoundly spiritual, worshiping as community, and praying from our hearts.

We must stand above the anguish of hearts broken by violence, and fill our lives with deeds of faith, hope, and charity.

Fallen Emergency Workers on 9/11

Each person lost on 9/11 was a life gone too soon.

The 9/11 fallen includes over 400 emergency workers who were killed on the day of the attack.

These heroes include the following:

• 343 firefighters (including a chaplain and two paramedics) representing the New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
• 37 police officers of the Port Authority Police Department (PAPD)
• 23 police officers of New York City Police Department (NYPD)
• 8 emergency medical technicians and paramedics

Although 9/11 changed our mindset with security, one thing will remain forever, our esteem for all who protect and serve, especially those who have offered the ultimate sacrifice in serving others.

One of these first responder’s was a Franciscan priest, Father Mychal F.Judge, killed by fallen debris while ministering to a fallen firefighter.

Father Judge, from St. Francis of Assisi Church on West 31st Street in Manhattan, was a chaplain for the FDNY.

A photo of Father Judge, being carried away from the rubble on 9/11 by firefighters, police officers, and first responders, remains one of the tragedies most iconic photos.

Final Reflections

During the solemn remembrances of 9/11 in communities, workplaces, houses of worship, and schools throughout America, let us cling to hope as we honor the fallen.

America must have hope and continue to stand tall as a nation of character, compassion, and courage.

These virtues represent the heart of America, and will lead us to our rightful destiny as a light of goodness for the world.


1. A white rose placed at at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, Sept. 15, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. “World Trade Center Tribute in Light,” in New York City, on Sept. 11, 2010. (Dennis Leung/Wikimedia Commons)

3. FDNY honoring the 343 fallen New York City Firefighters during the Veterans Day Parade, Nov. 12, 2011. The event commemorated the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11, 2011. (Vincent J. Bove)

4. A mortally injured Father Mychal F. Judge, O.F.M., is carried out of the World Trade Center by first responders, including Bill Cosgrove (in white shirt). Cosgrove says, "everybody you see in that picture was saved" from the North Tower's collapse, moments later. (Photo Credit: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters /Landov)

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.

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