Tuesday, June 21, 2016

21st Century Policing: America’s Ethical Guardians

As detailed in published works for the Epoch Times over the last two years, these are defining times for American policing that demands ethical guardians.

There has always been corruption in government, but this is no excuse for unethical behavior to continue.

The dignity that represents America demands renewal, and our police, so vital to the integrity of government and security in our communities must rise to the occasion.

Every law enforcement official who takes the sacred oath to protect and serve, must be fully dedicated to society as an ethical guardian.

There can be no compromise by law enforcement officials to ethical values. Law enforcement must be totally and wholeheartedly committed to their sacrosanct duty, never faltering with the responsibilities bestowed upon them.

NYPD Scandals: Leadership, Transparency, Accountability

In my Oct. 10, 2014 article for the Epoch Times titled “Transforming the NYPD: Terminating Toxic Police Officers,” I encouraged the NYPD-and every police department-to be inspired by the ideals of the United States Military Academy (USMA), commonly referred to as West Point.

The article stressed that the mission of West Point is to educate, train, and inspire leaders of character, ethics, and moral courage.

In the article, I also expressed by appreciation for the ethical leadership of NYPD Commissioner William J. Bratton, detailed during his words to over 800 top department officials in 2014.

Bratton addressed the small percentage of NYPD officers who are “poisoning the well” and needed to be weeded out.

“My intention going forward is to ensure that we will aggressively seek to get those out of the department who should not be there—the brutal, the corrupt, the racist, the incompetent…

“They are poisoning the well, and the trust that we deserve and the trust that we need is eroded by some of their actions,” Bratton said.

U. S. Attorney, NYPD, FBI: Collaborative Ethical Leadership

On Monday, June 20, 2016, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York posted a document on their website reminding society that no one is above the law.

The document, complimented by a news conference on the same day, was titled “Senior NYPD Officials and others charged with Federal Public Corruption Offenses.”

It detailed the arrests of NYPD officials and charges against them.

These NYPD arrests complement the commitment expressed by Commissioner Bratton throughout his career, and during the retreat. The arrests also reflected the collaborative ethical leadership of the U.S. Attorney, NYPD, and FBI as detailed in the following statements:

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara: “The alleged conduct violates the basic principle that public servants are to serve the public, not help themselves to cash and benefits just for doing their jobs. Jeremy Reichberg allegedly showered senior police officials, Commanding Officers Michael Harrington and James Grant, with bribes, and in exchange, got ‘cops on call,’ a private police force for themselves and their friends. As alleged, Sergeant David Villanueva and Officer Richard Ochetal in the NYPD’s gun licensing division were also on the take, issuing gun licenses in exchange for cash, liquor, and limo rides. It is heartbreaking to see police officers who have taken the oath to serve and protect allegedly bring dishonor to an institution and profession deserving of the greatest honor. I thank the FBI for their work on this important investigation and the NYPD for its commitment and courage to police itself.”

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Diego Rodriquez: “The abuses of power alleged in this case are not victimless crimes. The victims are the citizens of New York, who rely on officers to fulfill their sworn duty. The victims are the upstanding police officers who do everything in their power to uphold the law and protect the public. The victims are public trust and confidence in law enforcement, both critical to ensuring public safety. The FBI, along with our partners, will continue to root out this kind of decay at every level in order to protect our citizens from the devastating consequences of corruption that undermines safety, and erodes the trust between law enforcement and the public.”

NYPD Commissioner William J. Bratton: “These charges and today's arrests are a culmination of the joint investigative efforts of the NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau along with the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. During the past three years, NYPD Internal Affairs and FBI investigators worked diligently in pursuing leads into alleged corrupt activity involving uniformed members of this department. Two separate investigations, by the NYPD and the FBI, merged seamlessly and resulted in today’s arrests of four members of the department as well as another individual. This investigation is not over and we will continue to work together with our law enforcement partners to go where the facts of these cases lead us.‎”

Final Reflections
One of my responsibilities throughout my career, has been empowering law enforcement with the character needed to serve society as ethical guardians.

This work will continue with a New Jersey conference scheduled for a partnership of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association, Bergen County Sheriff’s Office, Bergen County Prosecutor, and Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute (BCLPSI).

The conference, titled “21st Century Policing: America’s Ethical Guardians” will take place on Oct. 4, 2016 at the BCLPSI.

It will be my goal with this event, to compliment the noble efforts of countless police officials throughout the nation serving as ethical guardians.

I am confident their commitment, upheld by the U.S. Attorney, NYPD Commissioner, and FBI Assistant Director this week, will inspire police renewal, so critical to reawakening the nation.

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 185 articles including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.

An extended version of this article was published in The Chief of Police, summer edition, the official publication of The National Association of Chiefs of Police, Volume XXXI / Number 2.

Related Coverage

The Cop: America’s Ethical Guardian

Ethical Guardians: Repudiating the Ferguson Effect

Policing Demands Ethical Sentinels

Transforming American Policing: A Defining Moment

Principles of American Policing

Policing in America: Protect, Respect, Community


1. NYPD officer assisting Times Square visitor. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. NYPD Motorcycle Unit, Herald Square at 34th Street and Sixth Avenue, April 18, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

3. NYPD presence in Rockefeller Center. (Vincent J. Bove)

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Orlando Shootings: Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy

America must prayerfully pause with profound compassion and listen to the cries flowing from the city of Orlando.

The senseless killing of 49 innocent people and wounding of 53 others inside a nightclub must ignite the deepest emotions of sorrow, empathy, and sympathy in the heart of America.

This most recent manifestation of hatred demands our condolences for the indescribable suffering of the victims, as well as for their families and friends.

We must also honor many unsung heroes who placed themselves in harm’s way to prevent additional fatalities. First-responders and medical professionals also deserve our praise for their dedication to help the victims.

Empowered by prayerful hearts that refuse to despair, we must encourage the suffering, and remain vigilant to prevent future tragedies.

America must have hope, courage, and resolve so healing may come to the heart of our wounded nation.

Orlando Victims: A Spotlight

In order to enflame compassion in our hearts, let us take the time to reflect on some who died in Orlando.

Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49, a two time cancer survivor who raised 12 children. One of these children, a son, was with her dancing on that fateful night and would see her collapse after being fatally struck by a bullet.

Akyra Murray, 18, was celebrating her graduation from West Catholic Prepatory School with a trip to Orlando. Akyra had graduated third in her class and was a star basketball player who had signed to play form Mercyhurst College in Pennsylvania.

Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez
, 25, grew up in Manati, Puerto Rico, and moved to Orlando a few years ago. His Facebook page detailed his studying health care management at the Ana G. Mendez University’s Orlando campus.

Jean Carlos Nieves Rodriguez, 27, had just purchased his first home, so his mom could have a nice place to live. He was the general manager of a check-cashing store, who according to his sister Valeria Monroig, “cared more about other than about himself.”

Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26, was a native of Queens, N.Y., who according to her Facebook page, graduated from Ridge Community High School in 2008. She was at Pulse Nightclub with her friend, Amanda Alvear, both of whom were confirmed killed during the shootings.

Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25 was a leasing agent in Orlando whose loss is best described on his Facebook page by his mother, "My heart is broken with the news of your departure, I can't contain the tears and the pain I feel inside of me. You will always be my baby and I will always love you. May the Lord receive you with open arms and I hope to see you soon my love."

Cory James Connell, 21, was a graduate of Edgewater High School, studying at Valencia College. His aspiration according to his Facebook page was to be a firefighter with one message noting him as “the greatest friend.” Cory was celebrating his 21st birthday on the night he was killed at the nightclub.

Jerald Arthur Wright, 31, was employed by Walt Disney World in Orlando. He was with his friend, Cory James Connell, apparently celebrating his 21st birthday on the night both were killed at the nightclub.

Final Reflections

The heartbreaking loss of these men and women, so cherished by their families, friends, and communities reminds us of the sacredness of human life and that we are all members of the same human family.

As we eternally honor their memories with compassion, empathy, and sympathy, let us remember that each life is sacred and every human being deserves dignity, respect, and reverence.

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 180 articles including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.

Related Coverage

Terrorism Attacks Demand America’s Leadership

Mass Shootings, Police Fatalities: America’s Culture of Trauma

America’s Mission: Eradicating Discrimination, Prejudice, Racism

Diversity: America’s Heartbeat


People attend a prayer service for the Pulse nightclub shooting victims at Delaney Street Baptist Church in Orlando, Fla., on June 15, 2016. The shooting, which killed 49 people and injured 53, is the worst mass shooting in American history. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

America’s Violent Culture: A Disturbing Reality

According to published reports, violent crime-including homicides, rapes, and robberies-have experienced an uptick in numerous American cities.

Although these concerns follow a period of historic low crime rates, the rise is disturbing and must raise concerns among law enforcement, private security, and law abiding community members.

Any level of violence is unacceptable as it brings brokenness to the lives of victims and their families, and wounds the heart of American communities.

The director of the FBI, James B. Comey, poignantly expressed his concern on violence by recently stating, “Sometimes people say to me, 'Well the increases are off historic lows.' How does that make any of us feel better? A whole lot more people are dying this year than the year before. And I don’t know why for sure.”

Chicago: America’s Violence Epicenter

In my July 10, 2015 article for the Epoch Times titled “Chicago Gang Crisis: Epicenter of Violence in America,” I detailed blistering violence continually making headlines in the Chicago.

The article detailed tragedies on Chicago’s murdered children and summoned a clarion call to America. I pleaded with the nation to listen to the cries of broken-hearted mothers losing their children to violence.

I cited sobering information, including a 2009 published report indicating that 508 Chicago children were shot during a 16-month span, with 25 killed.

The Chicago crisis continues especially in poorer neighborhoods. This past Memorial Day weekend saw six people fatally shot and 56 wounded. The blood bath in America’s windy city has no end in site as the 66 homicides this May are 19 more than May 2015 and 25 more than May 2014. Already, May is already 50 percent higher than last year, putting it on pace to surpass the 500 homicides it experienced in 2012.

Aside from the fatalities, is the dramatic number of people being shot, making Chicago hospitals like triage centers for the battlefield.

As of the end of May, there are already over 1,200 shootings, compared to 800 at the same time last year.

Chicago is a city in crisis and the gangs, inseparable from the drugs, violence, shootings, mayhem, chaos, and death are at the heart of the issue.

Gangs are injecting venom into America’s communities and throughout the nation. The FBI website describes it, “Thousands of street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs … sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money making activities, which include drug and gun trafficking, robbery, fraud, extortion, human trafficking, sex trafficking, and prostitution.”

Violence is Chicago is out of control and America must have a full-force violence prevention commitment ignite in the city.

The renewal of Chicago will only be possible with transforming the Chicago Police to be ethical guardians building trust with the communities they have sworn to protect and serve.

Yet, as the police have responsibilities, so does the community. The police and the people in Chicago, and throughout America must enhance a unity of effort, trust, and confidence.

There must be unity of effort, and it must take place in law enforcement agencies, neighborhoods, families, schools, workplaces, and faith-based communities.

Final Reflections

We have just commemorated Memorial Day, one of America’s most solemn holidays that traditionally begins the summer season.

Unfortunately, the summer is off to a tragic start in Chicago. America must end the venom of violence being injected into the arteries of one of its most cherished cities.

When America realizes that being pro-police is inseparable from being pro-community, and fully dedicates itself to forging a unity of effort that builds trust, we will be on the path to violence prevention and reawakening the nation.


Ethical Guardians: Repudiating the Ferguson Effect

Mass Shootings, Police Fatalities: America’s Culture of Trauma

Police-Community Collaboration: America’s Public Safety Lifeline

Videos Are Transforming Police–Community Relations

Police-Community Crisis: Rise to the Occasion

Principles of American Policing

America’s Gangs: Guns, Drugs, Violence, Prison, Death

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 180 articles including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


Police investigate the scene where a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed by police after he reportedly pointed a gun at officers during a foot chase in Chicago, Ill., on June 17, 2013. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

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