Wednesday, January 27, 2016

America’s Reawakening Demands Collaboration

During my seven years of coaching my son’s baseball team, along with many years as an educator, I continually witnessed the lack of parental involvement with children.

It is heartbreaking that our society is deeply wounded by broken families, walls of resentment between previously married couples and parents are so disconnected from their children.

There is a lesson for America with such a lack of communication between parents and their children, as communication, interest, and involvement is critical, not only to families, but to society itself.

Parents must get involved with their children, especially in a society dominated by one-parent families.

All of us must also strive to be involved with our communities, schools, government, workplaces, and houses of worship.

Encouraging Collaboration

During my two years of writing this weekly column for the Epoch Times, collaboration is continually emphasized as a critical principle for society.

Achievements are always possible throughout American society, as well as internationally, and stone walls can be torn down, when good will is manifested and collaboration cultivated.

We need to communicate with one another in a manner reflecting integrity, respect, and charity; so that the gifts of each person can be discovered. All of us must be dedicated to promoting unity, despite our differences.

The path to peace within families, communities, and nations is respectful dialogue, and an unwavering dedication to always finding a way to do what reflects character, ethics, and leadership.

Professional Collaboration Models

Cohesiveness that begins in the family, as the foundation and original cell of society, must be complemented throughout the community and in professional life.

When we are collaborative, as much as humanly possible within family, we can then be authentically balanced, involved, and positive in society.

No matter what our responsibilities are in life, we must find ways to collaborate and to serve others.

Since my professional responsibilities include leadership development, violence prevention, education, public safety, policing, and security management, I am involved with numerous associations that complement my efforts.

Some of these include the following that will hopefully serve as models of collaboration and inspire others to get involved in ways that complement their talents and professions:

Society Of The Honor Guard – Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: The goal of this society “is to make certain that the individuals that made the ultimate sacrifice of their life for our freedom, are not forgotten, and that the general public understands the price of freedom.

It is a profound honor to be a member for many years, as this society cultivates respect for military sacrifices and is deserving of America’s profound gratitude, admiration, and honor.

Bergen County Police Chiefs Association (BCPCA): The mission of this New Jersey association emphasizes collaboration, through securing a closer official and personal relationship among police officials, unity of action in police matters, elevating standards of police institutions, and striving to prevent and detect crime as well as promoting police efficiency.

During the last 13 years, I have been privileged to serve the BCPCA as their chairperson of community policing and school security. In this role, I share remarks at monthly meetings attended by over 100 police chiefs, community leaders, and other law enforcement officials including the FBI and NYPD.

NYPD SHIELD: As detailed in my article titled “NYPD SHIELD: America’s Public-Private Collaboration Model,” for the Epoch Times, Jul. 25, 2014 edition, this “public-private sector security partnership is dedicated to protecting New York City by Countering Terrorism Through Information Sharing.”

Events are held at NYPD Police headquarters and attended by over 600 law enforcement and private security professionals.

ASIS International: This is a leading international association for security, law enforcement, and public safety professionals with a mission promoting excellence and leadership. It has 236 chapters worldwide, and over 37,000 members in over 125 countries.

Board certifications are also attainable through credentials, testing, and on-going professional development including the prestigious Certified Protection Professional (CPP). This certification, which I have been privileged to have since 1999, demonstrates objective proof of credentials, experience, and achievements.

National Law Enforcement Associates (NLEA): This organization conducts training and facilitates collaboration between law enforcement and private security professionals. The NLEA holds events at locations throughout New York City.

The First Precinct Financial Area Security Council: The mission of this group highlights establishing contacts through networking with law enforcement and security professionals in order to share information related to the safety and security of people and property primarily, but not limited to, Lower Manhattan.

Final Reflections

Collaboration is critical to America, beginning in the family, and must then be championed throughout all of society.

When America enhances its dedication to collaboration, by living an unwavering oath to a unity of effort, we will be on the path to reawakening the nation.


Father’s Day Reflection: America’s Broken Families

America’s 21st Century Parent: Interested, Informed, Involved

Collaboration Key to Defeating Terrorism

Policing Dangers Demand Community Collaboration

Collaborative Policing: Countering America’s Culture of Violence

Note Well

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

As authored for Vincent’s weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times, 35 countries, 21 languages and growing.


1. Over 600 law enforcement and private security professionals attend the NYPD SHIELD conference on December 10, 2013, at One Police Plaza in New York City. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. Over 600 law enforcement, private security professionals, and community leaders at a National Law Enforcement Associates (NLEA) event at Chelsea Piers, New York City, Dec. 12, 2014. (Vincent J. Bove)

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

America’s 21st Century Parent: Interested, Informed, Involved

These are challenging times for parents as we live in a society where face-to-face communication is often compromised by the Internet, smartphones, and other technologies.

The unparalleled reality is that these new forms of communication can exploit the dynamics of personal contact, and this can be detrimental to the families, diminishing loving-presence between parents and children.

When used properly, technology empowers individuals by facilitating instant communication. But, technology can never be society’s substitute for physical presence, especially in families between parents and children.

Demanding Times Challenge Parents

In addition to the challenges of technology having potentially negative impacts on parents if not kept in check, there are other difficulties for parenting.

There is the prevalence of divorce, making America essentially a nation of one-parent families, usually the mother. Tragically, many children do not have any relationship with the father. This crisis of families without fathers can contribute to a lack of stability in American society, as there is a direct correlation between broken families and shattered communities.

In too many cases, children are discouraged from developing a strong relationship with the non-custodial parent, usually the father, by acts of vindictiveness, deception, and manipulation.

If one parent suffers from a lack of character, the child can be used as a weapon in a disturbing tornado of emotions, which inflicts scars on all, especially the child.

Nevertheless, despite challenges, each parent must do everything humanly possible to inspire character, and remain interested, informed, and involved with their children.

The best interest of the child must always be the highest priority, with encounters of face-to-face loving kindness, counsel, and guidance.

Where Have All the Parents Gone?

In my article titled “America’s Broken Families: Issues and Response,” published in the Jan. 23, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times, I memorialized the story of a police officer sharing his unforgettable anguish with me.

His concern was based on 24 years of virtually being a parent to abandoned youth because their parents were basically absent. The officer shared the following example of an incident he responded to:

Three 9-year-olds swimming out to a buoy in a deep-water channel with no visibility, no life jackets, and strong currents. Someone’s dog was swimming in the same water, wearing a life preserver while the children at peril in the deeper section were without life jackets. In the same river just two weeks earlier, a 7-year-old drowned while swimming alone.

Based on such scenarios, America will experience societal dysfunction caused by parents who lack connection with the lives of their very own children.

Collaborative Education: Empowering Parents

On Jan. 14, I returned to the Union City Public Schools in New Jersey, to continue my ongoing initiatives that began in the district on Nov. 27, 2006.

These initiatives have included training programs for students, administrators, security professionals, teachers, police, and parents; reflective of the principles of a national model of collaboration, critical to American schools.

The Union City Public Schools is worthy of great respect, admiration, and imitation as it is a poster child for outstanding education.

Although graduation for urban education in America needs desperate improvement, Union City Public Schools had an 81 percent success rate in 2014, exceeding the national average.

My training initiative on Jan. 14, was titled "21st Century Parenting: Inspiring Character, Achievement, Success," and was attended by over 100 parents from the Washington School.

Complementing my presentation were numerous performances of children throughout the morning, touching the hearts of all, and clearly expressing the outstanding educational achievements taking place in the district.

This collaborative initiative is a model for schools throughout the nation. Our schools must do everything humanly possible to foster development for everyone in the school community, including the parents.

American schools, stand up and take notice of the exemplary collaborative education taking place in the Union City Public Schools.

Final Reflections

Parents have the grave responsibility of educating their children and must be examples of kindness, respect, character, generosity, and sacrifice. The home must be a haven where virtues are cultivated and this requires discipline, sound judgment, and self-mastery so children can receive guidance, wisdom, and encouragement.

The family is the environment for developing responsibility, and parents must do everything to inspire children to avoid the dehumanizing and degrading influences that threatens human harmony.

Although there are many forms of families, the family understood as a loving community of a father, mother, and children can never be trivialized.

For some individuals, a transition to another family, especially when one escapes an environment of aggression, despair, or abuse, can be an opportunity for a better life. Yet, for too many of America’s youth, the broken family can lead to discouragement, disillusionment, and even rage.

When parents make their children their priority, and act in a way that clearly reflects they are loved unconditionally, we will be on the path to reawakening the nation.


Dear Mr. Vincent J. Bove:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the George Washington Elementary School parent community, staff, and administration. We truly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our parent involvement meeting on January 14, 2016, and educating our parents on the topics affecting today's society. As a parent liaison, I believe keeping our parent community well informed on important topics such as social media and bullying is essential in order to improve our quality of life. Your presentation “21st Century Parenting: Inspiring Character, Achievement, Success,”contributed to the success of our parent involvement meeting.

More than 40 years of research proves that parental involvement in schools improves student achievement. In order to reach their potential, students need parents to take an active role in their education. Parental involvement is an important objective for me. That is why I take pride and dedication, planning and conducting successful parent involvement meetings. Your presentation at our parent involvement meeting captivated the entire audience. Everyone could relate to what you were talking about.

Our school community is extremely fortunate to have such a committed Board Certified Protection Professional guest speaker at last week's parent event. You are not only the best guest speaker in New Jersey; you are also an outstanding, caring and loving person with phenomenal leadership qualities...


Maria Kanik, Parent Liaison at
George Washington Elementary School

Note Well
Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

As authored for Vincent’s weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times, 35 countries, 21 languages and growing.

Children performing for a group of parents prior to Vincent J. Bove presentation for the Union City Public Schools, Jan. 14, 2016. (Vincent J. Bove)

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Union City Public Schools: A National Model of Collaborative Education

On Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, I returned to the Union City Public Schools in New Jersey, to continue my ongoing initiatives that began in the district on Nov. 27, 2006.

These initiatives have included training programs for students, administrators, security professionals, teachers, and parents; reflective of the principles of a national model of collaboration, critical to American schools.

The Union City Public Schools is worthy of great respect, admiration, and imitation as it is a poster child for outstanding education.

Although graduation for urban education in America needs desperate improvement, Union City Public Schools had a 81 percent success rate in 2014, exceeding the national average.

My training initiative on Jan. 14, was titled "21st Century Parenting: Inspiring Character, Achievement, Success," and was attended by over 100 parents from the Washington School.

Complementing my presentation, was the numerous performances of children throughout the morning, touching the hearts of all, and clearly expressing the outstanding educational achievements taking place in the district.

A special note of appreciation must be extended to Maria Kanik, a true model of educational leadership, in her role as parent liaison, as the event would not have been possible without her.

Gratitude must also be expressed to Felipe Jauregui, a security professional for the district, and highly respected court interpreter. His skills allowed my presentation to be delivered in both English and Spanish.

American schools, stand up and take notice of the exemplary collaborative education taking place in the Union City Public Schools.


Dear Mr. Vincent J. Bove:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the George Washington Elementary School parent community, staff, and administration. We truly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our parent involvement meeting on January 14, 2016, and educating our parents on the topics affecting today's society. As a parent liaison, I believe keeping our parent community well informed on important topics such as social media and bullying is essential in order to improve our quality of life. Your presentation “21st Century Parenting: Inspiring Character, Achievement, Success,”contributed to the success of our parent involvement meeting.

More than 40 years of research proves that parental involvement in schools improves student achievement. In order to reach their potential, students need parents to take an active role in their education. Parental involvement is an important objective for me. That is why I take pride and dedication, planning and conducting successful parent involvement meetings. Your presentation at our parent involvement meeting captivated the entire audience. Everyone could relate to what you were talking about.

Our school community is extremely fortunate to have such a committed Board Certified Protection Professional guest speaker at last week's parent event. You are not only the best guest speaker in New Jersey; you are also an outstanding, caring and loving person with phenomenal leadership qualities...


Maria Kanik, Parent Liaison at
George Washington Elementary School

Washington School Empowering Students and Parents / March 2, 2009 Blog

On Friday, February 27, 2009, I had the pleasure of returning to the Union City Public Schools in Hudson County, New Jersey to provide presentations to over 300 students, parents and educators at the Washington School. This was a continuation of numerous educational initiatives for administrators, security personnel, school crossing guards, parents and students throughout the district.

The students met in the gym for a presentation on Social Networking Technology Concerns. Following the presentation, I visited several classrooms to continue discussion on why character is important and to encourage the students to use technology in a positive way.

Social networking technology includes:

  • Instant Messaging, email, voice connection and web cams
  • Online Community websites, such as MySpace and Facebook
  • Media sharing websites, such as YouTube, Picasa and Flickr
  • Cell Phones for voice, text, picture and video sharing

Event highlights:

  • Focusing on what it means to be a student which includes personal responsibility, reaching one’s full potential and achieving greatness by making sacrifices. Students discussed the importance of encouraging one another and avoiding negativity and criticism.
  • Honestly confronting problems at home and school.
  • The importance of working together and being involved with the community including family and friends, church, community organizations and school.
  • Developing personal leadership especially through the quality of character.
  • The use of a Secret Power: "You have the power to change the world by helping each other do what is right."

We then explored the dangers of inappropriate content, including:

  • Misinformation
  • Pictures / Videos
  • Language
  • Gangs / Criminal Activity
  • Bullies / Cyberbullying
  • Predators

All students were encouraged to get involved, making "Character: The Heart of the Matter," as inspired by Rachel Scott's Challenge:

    by looking for the Best in Others
    Set Goals—Keep a Journal
    Input Determines Output
    Small Acts of Kindness = Huge Impact
    With Family & Friends

Vincent Bove on Character (0:11)
Rachel's Challenge (4:01)
<a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>

Earlier in the day, a presentation took place for parents and educators of the school titled Technology Concerns for Parents and Educators: Social Networking, Cell Phones, Instant Messaging. To accommodate the diverse members of the Washington School community, the presentation was delivered in both English and Spanish.

Parent and Educator Agenda

  • Why Are We Here?
    • Primary Role of the Parent
    • Foundations of Self-Esteem
    • Family Stress Factors
    • Community Support
  • Technology Benefits
  • Technology Concerns
    • Why Parents Must Care
      • Exposure to / Posting of Inappropriate Content
      • Online Predators
      • Cyber-bullying / Cyber-threats
      • Criminal Conduct / Sexting
    • What Parents Can Do
      • Signs That Your Child May Be At Risk Online
      • Tips For Fostering Positive Use Of Technology
      • Family Contract For Online Safety
  • Technology Basics
    • Overview
    • ‘Net Lingo
    • Social Networking Sites
    • Cell Phones
    • Instant Messaging
  • Call To Action
  • In Remembrance: Honoring American Military
  • Conclusion

Washington School is to be highly commended for this initiative that encourages students—supported and guided by parents and educators—to reach their full potential, wisely using the tools of the computer age, helping one another, developing personal character and enhancing a sense of patriotism.


Rachel's Challenge Click here to visit site
Character Education Partnership Click here to visit site
Sacred Honor: Police Officer, Soldier, Patriot Click here to visit site

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The 21st Century Cop: Vigilance, Community, Protecting America

It has been a great honor for me to work with law enforcement officials throughout the United States on leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning initiatives for the past 20 years.

These initiatives have included presentations and published works that stress collaboration between law enforcement, educators, community leaders, students, and parents.

Yet, my efforts for law enforcement have been much more than an honor, as they have provided experiences of profound inspiration.

The continual expression of patriotism exemplified by law enforcement officials reflected by the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner," the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance, reverent pausing to remember fallen officers, and prayers for military sacrifices at events as well as their countless charitable programs touches the heart of all who appreciate America. These expressions of patriotism and charity also keeps the dignity of America pulsating in the hearts of communities across the nation.

Terrorism Dangers Demand Heightened Vigilance

The attempted assassination of Philadelphia Police Officer Jessie Hartnett on Jan. 7, 2015 reminds the nation of the mortal dangers our ethical sentinels encounter simply by wearing a police uniform.

This reprehensible ambush also brought to mind the senseless killings of NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. These officers were assassinated on Dec. 20, 2014, while sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn.

Officer Hartnett survived, although being hit in the left arm three times at point blank range while sitting unexpectedly in his patrol car.

Despite his injuries, he courageously pursued the subject with his gun drawn in his right hand and fired, hitting the fleeing assailant, which allowed responding officers to make the apprehension.

This attempted murder of a police officer by a militant extremist is unfortunately not an anomaly.

On Oct. 23, 2014 a hatchet-swinging militant extremist hit a rookie NYPD cop in the back of the head, and wounded another cop in the arm, before the assailant was shot dead by two other officers.

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton unequivocally stated, “this was a terrorist attack.”

Bratton also emphasized that this was a “new emerging threat” to law enforcement and provides a “contemporary view of what it is we are going to face in the weeks and months ahead.”

Just this week, the NYPD and FBI issued alerts based on increasing concerns of a resurfaced ISIS video advocating attacks that include targeting law enforcement.

These previous acts of terrorism against police officers, with contemptuous propaganda calling for additional acts, demands unwavering police-citizen collaboration.

Additional Dangers of Protecting and Serving

Yet, the emerging threats of terrorist attacks against our police officers are only one source of danger.

Aside from terrorist attacks, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), there were 124 law enforcement officers who died protecting America’s communities in 2015, up from 119 the previous year.

Forty-two officers were shot to death, and fifty-two deaths were traffic related. Thirty others died of other causes, mostly heart attacks.

Emerging Trends Demand Unity of Effort

As memorialized in my article titled “Policing Dangers Demand Community Collaboration” for the Sept. 4, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times, I emphasized that “The ongoing senseless killings of America’s ethical sentinels must engage our ethical compass and inspire unity among us to stop the madness.”

Each and every police officer killed in the line of duty wounds the heart of America, as they are the heartbeat of security and safety for communities across the nation.

Vigilance must be the order throughout each day, not only for our police but for every community member privileged to call America their home.

We must honor the noble law enforcement profession, for without it, we would quickly decay into anarchy, chaos, and moral degradation.

Final Reflections

In another article titled “Principles of American Policing,” authored previously for the Epoch Times, I argued that police-community unity is indispensable to American society.

The principles in this article are timeless, pivotal, and critical to reawakening the nation. The first principle stresses that “being pro-police and pro-community are inseparable, indefatigable, and pre-eminent.”

These are challenging times testing the moral fiber of America, and we must rise to the occasion with leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.

When each of us have our heartbeats driven by an ethical compass focused on decency, patriotism, and respect, America will have the collaborative vigilance required to safeguard our homeland.

Note Well
Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

As authored for Vincent’s weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times, 35 countries, 21 languages and growing.


Cover - Counterterrorism police officers are briefed in Times Square prior to the Times Square New Year's Eve celebration in New York City on Dec. 31, 2015. The NYPD had more than 6,000 officers in the Times Square area at the celebration, including more than 1,100 officers who graduated from the police academy on Dec. 29. It will be the largest such deployment of police in New York City ever. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

NYPD providing assistance during Pope Francis visit to NYC, West 31st Street and 8th Avenue at Madison Square Garden, Sept. 25, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)


Policing Dangers Demand Community Collaboration

Collaboration Key to Defeating Terrorism

Police–Community Division: America Unite

Transforming American Policing: A Defining Moment

Principles of American Policing

The Police and The People: Unity of Effort

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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

America, Wake Up: Harden Your Soft Targets

The violent rampages taking place throughout America, with probability that this scourge will not end anytime soon, must motivate the nation to enhance vigilance and harden targets.

Law enforcement, military, and private security professionals refer to two types of targets for individuals with violent intentions.

These are commonly understood as hard and soft targets.

Security must be assessed and enhanced at both, as these are violent times throughout the world and here in America.

Hard Targets

Hard targets have numerous layers of protection including physical, personnel, procedural, and cybersecurity.

These are normally more challenging to compromise because they are fortified with countermeasures of layers of protection, or defense in depth.

Hard targets include military bases, embassies, and numerous high-risk government facilities.

Although attacks on hard targets are more difficult, there have been breaches of security that have included the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in which over 200 people were killed in two East African cities. Another was the 2012 Benghazi attack with killings by militant extremists of a U.S. Ambassador, U.S. foreign service officer, and two CIA contractors.

Security with hard targets must always be enhanced and vigilance maintained. The reality is that there are individuals making sophisticated and unprecedented plans to exploit vulnerabilities.

Soft Targets

Soft targets are much easier to compromise and are normally understood as places full of ordinary people, as opposed to a military base.

There are soft targets throughout society that include trains, subways, museums, hospitals, corporations, schools, colleges, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, houses of worship, transportation terminals, cultural sites, financial institutions, and sporting events.

Law enforcement and private security, along with the general public must be vigilant together to prevent attacks. Any attack on a soft target can have catastrophic impact on civilians, police, and first responders, as well as on the economy and the morale of the nation.

Acts of violence, including the accelerating incidents of terrorism throughout the world, must motivate us to not only enhance security of hard targets, but harden soft targets as well.

Public, Private, Citizen Collaboration

As one walks the streets of our great cities, the vigilant presence of dedicated police officers protecting us must be appreciated.

In New York City, the NYPD’s protection of over 1 million revelers on New Year’s Eve deserves admiration.

The vigilance of the NYPD must be recognized, not only with their presence throughout the city with special events, but with uniformed officers walking the beat, and with highly trained and heavily armed units.

But the NYPD and any police department in America, cannot do it alone. There must always be collaboration between the police, private security, and citizens.

There can be an attempted attack at any time, in any place, and by any means, and all of us must be aware of our surroundings and work together to protect one another.

Hardening Soft Targets

In my article titled “Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis,” published in the Dec. 10, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times, I argued that “a robust security program must be comprehensive, proactive, and continually updated. Security must never be piecemeal, negligent, or have its importance minimized.”

In the article, I presented basic security countermeasures to prevent violence, applicable to hardening soft targets, including security vulnerability assessments, background checks/investigations, training, warning signs, physical/personnel/procedural security, and cybersecurity.

Complementing these basic security principles is the importance of private security partnerships with law enforcement as exemplified by the NYPD SHIELD program. This is America’s public-private collaboration model dedicated to protecting New York City through information sharing.

Enhancing Private Security Professionals

Private security must honestly evaluate its services in light of unprecedented violence unleashed throughout America, to prevent future tragedies.

This review must include background and criminal records checks for all security personnel-both contractual and in-house-ongoing training initiatives exceeding legal requirements, and certifications that exceed the status quo.

Also, the implementation of critical response private security personnel demands serious consideration to harden high-profile soft targets. This is the new reality of private security-certified, licensed, and experienced armed security personnel-in highly visible tactical gear, serving as a deterrent and with experience enabling response to any crisis. These individuals should have either law enforcement or military experience, with specialty units such as SWAT (special weapons and tactics teams) or emergency services.

There are ready, willing, and able professionals, ready to harden soft targets with critical response programs. America must not have its head in the sand, oblivious to the war drums of violence that demands vigilant countermeasures.

The realities of violence demand that we are proactive, rather than reactive, and do everything necessary to harden our soft targets. Private security must be on the cutting edge, implementing new countermeasures, protocols, and initiatives, and seeing things with a new set of eyes.

Final Reflections

These are challenging times for police, private security, and citizens but we must rise to the occasion to prevent all acts of violence with an unwavering dedication to collaboration.

America, to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and without haste; harden your soft targets.

1. NYPD presence on the Brooklyn Bridge, Apr. 2, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)
2. Visitors at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) Fifth Avenue, NYC, Feb. 14, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)
3. NYPD presence in Times Square, Feb. 11. 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

Read More
Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

NYPD SHIELD: America’s Public-Private Collaboration Model

Paris Terror Demands America’s Vigilance

Warning Signs Are Critical to Violence Prevention

America’s Violent Rampages: Time for Prevention

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

As authored for Vincent’s weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times, 35 countries, 21 languages and growing.

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