Rutgers University Sports Scandal: A Crisis of Leadership
Throughout the nation, public outrage continues on why the termination came only after extensive coverage by the press. The lack of judgement by both the school athletic director and president for allowing the coach to stay so long despite continuous, reprehensible and overt abuse toward players is shameful.
As documented in my January 16, 2007 blog (written because of my concern of dysfunction by numerous individuals in sports) the qualities of effective coaching must be sportsmanship, leadership and citizenship. Unfortunately, the administration at Rutgers made it obvious through scandelous headlines; character, so critical to a college sports, was not part of their basketball curriculum:
Youth Coaching Principles: Sportsmanship, Leadership, Citizenship-January 16, 2007

American sport programs must turn the tide from a failing grade that does not have the total education of the youth at heart due to a win at all cost dysfunction. The proper youth athletic education program centers and inspires life lessons that include:
- Character
- Fair Play
- Teamwork
- Dedication to Study, Family and Community
- Respect
- Hard Work
- Patriotism
- Commitment
- Civility
- Proper Nutrition and Hygiene
- Safety
- Leadership
- Integrity
- Diversity
- Honesty
- Responsibility
- Self Control
- Compassion
Labels: Character, Education, Leadership, Sports, Youth
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