School Resource Officers: Violence Prevention and Community Policing Par Excellence

According to the SRO triad concept, the SRO serves the school community as a law enforcement officer, educator and counselor/problem solver.
- Prevent Juvenile delinquency through close contact with students and school faculty.
- Establish liaison with school principal, faculty and students.
- Establish and maintain liaison between School Security Officers and other SROs assigned to the campus.
- Inform students of their rights and responsibilities as lawful citizens.
- Provide liaison between students and social agencies with respect to needed services.
- Act as a resource to the principal in investigating criminal law violations occurring in the school or on school property.
- Assist administration and faculty in formulating criminal justice programs.
- Formulate educational prevention programs to reduce opportunities for crime, violence, substance abuse, and other risk associated behaviors.
- Participate in parent, teacher, and student association meetings as requested.
- Participate in campus activites, student organizations, and athletic events when invited and feasible.
- Present a positive image of law enforcement in the eyes of the students and the community.
NASRO | Click here to visit site |
NJASRO | Click here to visit site |
Labels: Collaborative Policing, Community Policing, School Resource Officer, School Violence
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