Friday, May 30, 2008

Roosevelt School Students: Future of Union City and the Nation

On Thursday, May 29, 2008, the Union City Board of Education continued its admirable comprehensive educational formation with a presentation for hundreds of 5th-8th grade students from the Roosevelt School.

This venue was part of a continual process whereby various elements from throughout the Union City Schools community have received training. Previous venues that I have been privileged to conduct included the security professionals, school crossing guards, district administrators and students.

As the featured speaker for this event, made possible through the leadership of Principal Joseph Polinik and Guidance Counselor Connie Agostini, I delivered a presentation titled Social Networking for Students: Online Communities, Cell Phones, Instant Messaging. After delivering the presentation to two large assemblies of students and teachers, I was invited to visit various classrooms to discuss this issue and the importance of character as the foundation for a student’s life. The students were encouraged to realize that their good example is critical to their friends, families, school, community and even the nation since they are the future of America.

As with my recent presentation to over 500 students of the Edison School in Union City, New Jersey, today’s event focused on the following:

Social networking technology:

  • Instant Messaging, email, voice connection and web cams
  • Online Community websites, such as MySpace and Facebook
  • Media sharing websites, such as YouTube, Picasa and Flickr
  • Cell Phones for voice, text, picture and video sharing

Some of the highlights of the event included:

  • Focusing on what it means to be a student which includes personal responsibility, reaching one’s full potential and achieving greatness by making sacrifices. Students discussed the importance of encouraging one another and avoiding negativity and criticism.
  • Honestly confronting problems at home and school.
  • The importance of working together and being involved with the community including family and friends, church, community organizations and school.
  • Developing personal leadership especially through the quality of character.
  • The use of a Secret Power: "You have the power to change the world by helping each other do what is right."

We then explored the dangers of inappropriate content, including:

  • Misinformation
  • Pictures / Videos
  • Language / Sexting
  • Gangs / Criminal Activity
  • Bullies / Cyberbullying
  • Predators

All students were encouraged to get involved, making "Character: The Heart of the Matter," as inspired by Rachel Scott's Challenge:

    by looking for the Best in Others
    Set Goals—Keep a Journal
    Input Determines Output
    Small Acts of Kindness = Huge Impact
    With Family & Friends

The Roosevelt School deserves commendation for its dedication to their students with experiences such as this venue that encourages character as the framework for properly using modern technology and for all of the decisions they make in their lives.

Vincent Bove on Character (0:11)
Rachel's Challenge (4:01)
<a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>


Rachel's Challenge Click here to visit site
Character Education Partnership Click here to visit site
Sacred Honor: Police Officer, Soldier, Patriot Click here to visit site

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Social Networking Technology Concerns: Empowering Educators, Parents, Students

On Monday, May 19, 2008, the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center hosted an educational event at the Haviland Middle School in Hyde Park, New York to address social networking technology concerns for youth. Two separate sessions were scheduled to accommodate educators and parents during the evening.

As the featured speaker, I was privileged to present Social Networking Technology Concerns for Educators, Parents, Youth: Online Communities, Cell Phones, Instant Messaging.

Presentation Agenda

  • Why Are We Here?
    • What Does It Mean To Be An Educator/Parent/Student?
    • Do You Have Self-Esteem?
    • Is Your Life Stressful?
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • Social Networking Technology
    • What Is it?
    • Is It All OK?
    • What Is An Online Predator?
    • What Is Cyber-Bullying?
  • Call To Action
    • Leadership ◊ Vigilance ◊ Collaboration
    • The Altruism FactorTM
    • Community
    • Character
  • In Remembrance: American Military Tribute
  • Conclusion

Technology, especially through the internet and online social networking sites, has changed the way Americans communicate. The educators, parents and students who attended this venue are to be commended for their dedication to enhancing their understanding of contemporary concerns expressed through the click of a mouse.


Mid-Hudson Teacher Center Click here to visit site
Internet Safety Blogs Click here to visit site
MySpace and Internet Security Concerns for Educators and Law Enforcement Click here to visit site

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Monday, May 19, 2008

North Bergen School Administrators: Renewing Vision and Values

On Friday, May 16, 2008, I had the privilege of addressing the North Bergen School District administrators with two presentations titled Principles of Visionary Leadership for Educators as a Response to the Crisis of Character and New Jersey School Safety Best Practices: School Administrator Procedures.

The two sessions were a follow-up to my November 28, 2007 professional development day for these educators that addressed:

  • The need to transform our schools with security procedures inseparable from the development of a culture of character
  • Understanding the pulse of youth through online social networking sites and various modes of technology

Friday's first presentation punctuated the leadership development which took place in November and emphasized the important distinction between a repressive system of education rather than a preventive one.

Making the rules known; watching for transgressions and inflicting punishment.

Making the rules known; being present as a vigilant, caring educator; and offering guidance from the heart that expresses kindness, reasonableness and character.

The second presentation reviewed the New Jersey Commissioner of Education's Memorandum of October 2007 which focused on model policies on the topics of bomb threats, active shooter response, school lockdowns, school evacuations and public information. These policies were developed by the School Security Task Force and included recommendations for school administrator actions.

Throughout the day, the administrators were commended for their sacrifices for the youth entrusted to their care and encouraged to maintain their passion and purpose to fulfill the goal of the North Bergen Board of Education:

Together we can achieve
excellence in education.


North Bergen Schools Click here to visit site
North Bergen School Administrators: Enthusiastic, Energized, and Empowered Click here to visit site

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ASIS International: NYC Chapter Solutions Expo

On Monday, May 12, 2008, ASIS International's NYC Chapter partnered with the International Facility Management Association for a major one day exposition. The event was held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

This venue highlighted the eighteenth consecutive Solutions Expo for the NYC Chapter which has a remarkable track record of networking opportunities, security education, private sector/law enforcement collaboration and honoring government and corporate achievements in leadership.

Aside from the exhibit hall, there was a panel discussion on corporate travel security, release of the spring edition of Security Director Magazine and a luncheon with over 1,000 attendees who honored Michael J. Garcia, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York as the 2008 ASIS NYC Person of the Year.

As a member of ASIS International for many years, I was proud to see the dedication of the elected officers, advisory board, committee chairs and regional leadership appreciated by the many attendees of this highly respected annual event of the NYC Chapter.


ASIS International—NYC Chapter Click here to visit site
ASIS International Click here to visit site

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Bergenfield High School: A Renaissance School

A Renaissance school
is one that creates a culture
in which academic excellence
is supported and rewarded.

Complimenting any of the nearly 4,500 Renaissance schools in the United States is the importance of the promotion of a culture of character and dedication to safety as also essential to the school community.

On Wednesday, May 7, 2008, Bergenfield High School demonstrated its commitment to the Renaissance philosophy, inseparable from cultivating character and safety by hosting a presentation titled Technology Concerns for Educators: Social Networking, Cell Phones, Instant Messaging.

As the speaker for over 100 faculty and administrators of the school who attended the presentation, I was privileged to stress the importance of academic excellence intertwined with understanding current issues and cultivating character and safety for the school community.

Presentation Agenda

  • Why Are We Here?
    • What Does It Mean To Be An Educator/Parent/Student?
    • Do You Have Self-Esteem?
    • Is Your Life Stressful?
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • Social Networking Technology
    • What Is it?
    • Is It All OK?
    • What Is An Online Predator?
    • What Is Cyber-Bullying?
  • Call To Action
    • Leadership ◊ Vigilance ◊ Collaboration
    • The Altruism FactorTM
    • Community
    • Character
  • In Remembrance: American Military Tribute
  • Conclusion

Bergenfield High School is to be commended for its dedication to this educational venue and encouraged with its continual initiatives that promote academic excellence, character education and the safety of the school community.


Bergenfield High School Renaissance Program Click here to visit site
Rachel's Challenge Click here to visit site
Character Education Partnership Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove Internet Safety Blogs Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove Education Blogs Click here to visit site

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

New York State Educators: Enhancing Leadership, Character and Community


The mission of the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center [MHTC] is to enhance teaching as a profession. The MHTC responds to the needs and interests of over 13,000 educators, along with parents and community members in Dutchess, Ulster and Orange counties.

The teacher center endorses reflective practice, continous inquiry, and collegiality. The center celebrates the talents of teachers, and encourages the sharing of those talents with others.

The teacher center is a place where the educator's voice is heard and a community of learners is built!

Positive Vision + Caring Communities = Endless Possibilities

On Saturday, May 3, 2008 the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center sponsored a conference for New York educators at SUNY New Paltz. The professional development day provided the opportunity to understand the leadership principles, skills and program examples necessary to create a culture of character in school communities.

As the keynote speaker for the event, my presentation, Principles of Visionary Leadership for Educators as a Response to the Crisis of Character, focused on:

  • Foundations of Leadership
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • The Altruism FactorTM
  • A Call to Action for the Educator

The workshop sessions:

  • Service Learning
    A dynamic teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and personal reflection
  • Finding the Hero Without and Within
    A guided exploration of literature, both ancient and modern through the lens of the Heroic Journey Model
  • PBIS and A.R.T. (Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports / Anger Replacement Training)
    An overview of both programs and discussion on implementing them on a school wide basis
  • Preparing Young Leaders:
    Character Education and Community Involvement

    Cultivating a preventive system of education focused on educating from the heart to inspire lives of character and service to community.

provided attendees a dynamic opportunity to share experiences with their colleagues.

In the session I facilitated, teachers and administrators discussed the importance of persevering with character education programs while facing many challenging issues, such as significant state testing requirements and the pressures of social networking and technology concerns for educators, parents and youth. The group also emphasized the criticality of school professionals working collaboratively especially in response to early warning signs of students at risk and the need to cultivate initiatives to assist families with parenting skills.

The work of the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center is to be commended. The dedication and interaction among the educators and administrators in attendance made the event an overwhelming success.


Mid-Hudson Teacher Center Click here to visit site
Rachel's Challenge Click here to visit site
Character Education Partnership Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove Blogs on Character Click here to visit site

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