Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Safeguarding America: NYPD/FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force

On Tuesday, May 30, 2006, over 200 FBI agents, NYPD Detectives, analysts and others that make up the NYPD/FBI Joint terrorism Task Force gathered at the Federal Bureau of Investigation's New York City Office as part of their ongoing training and development initiatives.

I was privileged to address the task force on America's Call to Leadership in an Age of Scandal, which focused on the pervasiveness of corruption in contemporary society with government, corporate, sports and faith-based scandals. The presentation emphasized the criticality of instilling character in the heart of our nation and showed appreciation for those in the FBI and NYPD who are so critical to protecting the homeland.

As with all of my presentations, I concluded with a tribute honoring military personnel, which was particularly relevant in light of the recent Memorial Day holiday.

Read American Leadership in an Age of Scandal.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Enron Executives Found Guilty of Conspiracy and Fraud

Chief Executive Jeffrey K. Skilling and Founder Kenneth L. Lay were convicted of misleading the public about the true financial health of Enron, whose 2001 collapse, symbolizes the corporate corruption sweeping the United States.

Skilling was found guilty of 19 of 28 counts of fraud, false statements and insider trading. Lay was found guilty of all 6 counts of conspiracy and fraud.

As a response to the current culture of corruption, time tested leadership principles can transform America to its rightful destiny.

Read American Leadership Principles in an Age of Corruption.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

America's Response to the Gang Culture

About 30,000 violent street, motorcycle and prison gangs with approximately 800,000 members operate in the United States. Many are sophisticated and well organized and all use violence to control neighborhoods and territory and boost their illegal money making activities which include drug trafficking, robbery, theft, fraud, extortion, prostitution rings and gun trafficking.

Read America's Response to the Gang Culture

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