Monday, April 10, 2023

Feeding the Hungry, Part II

On Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023, my wife Lily and I visited the Missionaries of Charity (commonly referred to as the Sisters of Mother Teresa) at Saint Augustine's Church in Newark, New Jersey.

The sisters run a soup kitchen at the parish.  Today, we assisted them along with other volunteers and Co-workers. 

Together, we served an Easter meal to 125 needy members of the community.

Mother Superior's Letter

During today's event, one of the Missionary Sisters of Charity gave me a letter from Sister Mary Joseph, Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity.  

Sister Mary Joseph asked for the letter to be distributed to all who assist in the work of the sisters.

In light of current events, one part of the letter, related to the sisters who work in Ukraine, was profoundly touching.  It deserves to be shared and reads as follows:

"Our sisters in Ukraine are there in the midst of war.  I had asked them, if any of them wish to leave the place under such circumstances, but each of them choose to remain.  I thank God dearly for their dedication at the risk of their lives.  Let us place them and all the suffering people of  Ukraine in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as Pope Francis has done."   Sister Mary Joseph 

Memorialized Articles

In the past, I authored numerous articles on the works of the Missionaries of Charity.  Their noble and necessary work takes place for the poor, not only throughout the world, but right here in America, including New York City, Washington D.C., and Newark, NJ.

This memorialized article is from Nov. 25, 2021:

Serving the Poor

On May 2, 2014, I authored an article titled America’s Forgotten Homeless: Awareness, Compassion, Dignity for my Reawakening the Nation column.

The article was also posted in The Sentinel, and shared electronically with my audience of educators, students, military personnel, law enforcement officials, and community leaders.

In the article, I highlighted an unimaginable sight in New York City, one of the planet’s richest cities.

Because of its importance, and relevance years later, I believe this excerpt that captures my emotions of the sight, deserves a spotlight:

“As one walks the New York City streets, the homeless must touch our conscience and inspire action.

"Although throughout the city and often can be easily circumvented, there are moments when kindness toward the homeless stops us in our tracks.

“One such experience for me was seeing the compassion of the Missionaries of Charity, commonly known as the Sisters of Mother Teresa, tending to the homeless near Central Park’s entrance at Columbus Circle.

 “Although one normally associates these sisters caring for the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta, here they were in the heart of New York, one of civilizations most affluent societies, home to the richest people on the planet.

“The Missionaries of Charity, serving the homeless of New York City-the world’s epicenter of wealth, culture, education, tourism and diversity. Here were the sisters, serving a wake-up call to America’s conscience – reminding us of the suffering on New York City streets.

“America must respond to this anguish of our human family and triumph with full force, courage, compassion and dignity.”

Thanksgiving Day 2021

The experience of that day was seared into my conscience.

Now, eight years later, it is reawakened as I visited Saint Augustine’s Parish in Newark on Thanksgiving Day.  The parish is the home to the Missionary Sisters of Charity.

The purpose of my visit today was to assist the sisters with their commitment to the Corporal Works of Mercy, specifically to feed the hungry.

Some may consider the efforts of my wife and I, who hold the work of the Sisters with the highest admiration, as noble.

But our efforts pale in significance to the inspiring work the Sisters do every day for the poor, not only in Newark, but throughout the world. They are carrying out the work of their foundress, Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  In my heart, there is no doubt that Saint Mother Teresa, a model of holiness and love for the poor is smiling down upon them.

The Youth of America

Complementing the work of the sisters today, were a group of young people who represent the best of America.

These youth from Ramsey High School, Immaculate Heart Academy, and New Jersey City University, along with their parents truly represent character.  Each of them gave of their time generously to help the poor, hungry, and homeless of Newark today.

An additional selection from the aforementioned article, as it remains relevant to the events of this memorable day in Newark, also deserves a spotlight:

“America is as great as its commitment to respecting the dignity of each person especially the poor. All human beings must be celebrated and we must always see beyond superficial externals of social status, humbly understanding we are all the human family.

“Whenever a human being is ostracized, distressed or impoverished, a nation must respond with moral courage, compassion, and resolve. When the poor are a burden, inconvenience, or annoyance-or treated with discriminatory indignation for their hardship-the nation is derailed and must be reawakened.”

Hopefully these reflections, and more importantly the admirable work of the Missionary Sisters of Charity, and the outstanding students and parents who assisted today, may serve as a wakeup call.  

The message of each of them is clear - living a life of charity, character, and community is a sacred privilege and the heart of reawakening America.

"God has identified himself with the hungry, the sick, the naked, the homeless; hunger not only for bread, but for love, for care, to be somebody to someone; nakedness, not for clothing only, but nakedness of that compassion that very few people give to the unknown; homelessness, not only just for a shelter made from stone but for that homelessness that comes from having no one to call your own."  Mother Teresa


America's Forgotten Homeless: Awareness, Compassion, Dignity

Missionaries of Charity (The Sisters of Saint Mother Teresa) Official Website

About the Author

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America with over 300 published works and four books.  Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award, and former confidant of the New York Yankees.  

He is co-founder of Global Security Resolutions, and served as spokesperson for a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy families of victims. 

Vincent's most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries.

For more information: twitter@vincentjbove

© Reawakening America, PO Box 262, Convent Station, NJ  07961

The Sentinel, official electronic newsletter of Reawakening America, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

POST SCRIPT: Chinese Reflections by Lily Bove

My wife beautifully captured the heart of the day and posted it to share with friends and family in China:

Chinese Language:

    这个位于美国新泽西州Newark 的天主教堂附设的慈善食堂,是由“特蕾莎”修女会组织的,专为当地穷人和流浪汉提供免费午餐的地方。一年四季,每日中午提供,没有身份查询,来者不拒。食品来源大部分来源于一些商家的常年赞助。每日的套餐基本不变,有热狗,面包,沙拉,粗粮,水果,甜点,汤类等。食物种类多,供应也丰富。通常工作人员也会把剩余的食品分配给大家,基本上保障了被救助者们有两餐的食物。

English Translation:

2021-11-25, Thursday. Thanksgiving.

In this most important symbol of family reunion in American culture, my husband chose to work for God - to serve in the charity Soup Kitchen of a local church, and to spend the holiday with the homeless.

The charity was at the Catholic Church in Newark, New Jersey - organized by Mother Teresa's Order to provide free lunch for the local poor and homeless. Available at noon every day, all year round, no identity checks, all are welcome. 

Most of the food comes from the perennial sponsorship of businesses. The daily package is basically the same, there are hot dogs, bread, salad, coarse grains, fruits, desserts, soup and so on. The variety of food is great and the supply is abundant. Usually the staff will also distribute surplus food to everyone, basically ensuring that the needy have two meals of food.

My husband and I were volunteers there in the past. Later because of the epidemic, we have not been able to assist them, but now they needed assistance. 

When the visit today, years later, the nuns remembered both of us, and promised prayers for both of us. I am very moved. 

Thank you for the Spirit of God in the hearts, actions, and souls.

The first picture is Saint Mother Teresa, an angel for the poor and sick. The second and third pictures are the volunteers and nuns this year. Pics four and five are people in need of food aid; Pictures six and seven are mementos of my husband and I working there before the pandemic.

May God bless and look upon the poor under heaven, especially those who call upon His name for help, who are willing to live and trust in Him. Amen.          Lily Bove


After our collaborative effort feeding the poor at the Saint Augustine Soup Kitchen, two of the sisters with two volunteers and I, filled a van with about 50 hot turkey dinners.

We traveled throughout the city, including the Newark Penn Station area and other locations where the homeless gather, offering meals with our Happy Thanksgiving sentiments.

The meals were gone within an hour, and the response from the people was profoundly humbling - gratitude, humility, and courtesy.

“I have come to realize that it is being unwanted - that is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience.”

 Mother Teresa

PS: The Missionary Sisters of Charity, commonly referred to as the Sisters of Saint Mother Theresa, asked me to play Santa Claus for their 2021 Christmas Party.

It was the joy of a lifetime, entering an assembly with over 100 children and their parents, at Saint Augustine's in Newark, and distributing Christmas gifts. I will never forget the expressions of awe and appreciation in their faces. 


1. Lily Bove pauses for prayer before serving community members visiting the Soup Kitchen of the Missionaries of Charity on Easter Sunday, Apr. 9, 2023.

2. Lily Bove assisting the Missionary Sisters of Charity at their Shop Kitchen, Saint Augustine's Parish, Newark, NJ, Feb. 12, 2017. (Vincent J. Bove)

3. Missionaries of Charity, Columbus Circle area near entrance to Central Park, New York, NY, Sept. 4, 2011. (Vincent J. Bove)

4. Photo collage from events of Thanksgiving Day, 2021 at Saint Augustine's Soup Kitchen. (Vincent J., Bove)

5. Student volunteers from Ramsey High School, Immaculate Heart Academy, and Jersey City University volunteering to help the poor on Thanksgiving, 2021 with Missionary Sister of Charity. (Vincent J. Bove)

6. Mother Teresa serves food to the poor in Calcutta, India, in October 1979. (Photo by Calogero Cascio/Getty Images)

7. Reawakening America Collage, and pics of Vincent J. Bove keynote, PHAMA event, Champion, PA, Oct. 20, 2017. (Lily Bove)

8. Vincent Bove, Sister Lazerena, Lily Bove (left to right) Saint Augustine's Soup Kitchen, Newark, NJ, Feb. 12, 2017 (Courtesy Reawakening America LLC)

9. Missionary of Charity Sisters with Thanksgiving Day volunteers at their Soup Kitchen, Saint Augustine's Newark, NJ, Nov. 25, 2021.  (Courtesy Reawakening America LLC)


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Saturday, April 01, 2023

In Memoriam: Lives Lost in Nashville, Tennessee

In loving memory of the lives lost in Nashville, TN on Mar. 27, 2003.

William Kinney, 9; Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9; Hallie Scruggs, 9; Katherine Koonce, 60; Cynthia Peak, 61; and Mike Hill, 61.

May God grant them eternal peace and give consolation, grace, and strength to their loved ones, friends, and community.

Related Bove Published Works: 

"America’s flag continues to fly at half-staff too often due to violent rampages.

"Visionary leadership must inspire vigilance and collaboration to prevent violence. We must have the determination, commitment, and courage to protect ourselves and others.

"Training initiatives, security assessments, sound security measures, building police-community partnerships, professional security personnel, and responding effectively to warning signs are a few of the critical safeguards against active shooter tragedies.

"These pillars must be inseparable from securing our communities against mass shooting tragedies and essential to reawakening the nation."

School Violence: Toxic Personalities, Warning Signs,


"My professional responsibilities throughout the past 30 years have included developing armed contract services as a countermeasure to crime.

"Some lessons learned from these experiences are as follows:   

"First, there are individuals with nefarious intentions or mental health concerns posing danger. A unity of effort between the private and public sector is necessary to protect society. The task is too great for the public sector alone. The private sector and law enforcement demand collaboration to safeguard society.  

"Second, ceaseless and horrific tragedies scream to the heavens for more responsible gun laws. It is self-evident that the founding fathers would never permit gun ownership, or access, to individual’s intent on killing innocent men, women and children.

"Law-abiding citizens must also have their Second Amendment rights respected. But the Second Amendment must never be misinterpreted, violated or abused.

"The violence in America continues — we must do everything it takes to end the madness." 

Echoes Of Columbine: School Violence Awareness And Prevention

"The preventive system of education builds trust, respect and connections with students and the community. This pedagogy is the opposite of a zero-tolerance approach. The preventative system responds to concerns with measured interventions that promote reasonableness, dignity and respect.

"The repressive system is dictatorial and may temporarily stop a disorder or a warning sign, but will not inspire students or properly remedy the issue.

"The preventive system speaks the language of the heart and is transformational. It provides speedy intervention to warning signs due to the educator’s dedication, presence and corrective follow through.

"Communities must prepare and be collaborative — build bridges and continually fortify them."

“America’s culture of violence is inseparable from our emergence to a nation of trauma. The violence is horrifically illustrated by our active shooter and mass shooting pandemic."

19 Children, 2 Adults Killed: America’s Culture of Violence and Failure of Leadership

"America’s culture of violence and failure of leadership, with a heart wrenching story from Uvalde, Texas today, demand the nation’s transformation.

"According to published reports and briefings from law enforcement sources, an 18-year-old gunman entered the Robb Elementary School with a handgun, AR-15 assault weapon and high capacity magazines. Soon thereafter, he began killing 19 children and 2 teachers.

"It was the deadliest elementary school shooting since the 2012 massacre in Newtown, CT.  The students are from the second, third, and fourth grade.

"We must compassionately pause to unite ourselves with broken hearted families. Incomprehensibly, they now plan funerals not summer vacations."

"America’s culture of violence is continually manifested through horrific active shooter tragedies.

"Violence is a reality of American life. Companies, schools, campuses, houses of worship, communities and public gatherings throughout the nation are potential targets.

"Visionary leadership is critical from law enforcement, private security professionals, government officials, property managers and all responsible for safeguarding individuals entrusted to their care.

"There must always be shared responsibility with all members of the community. Every person privileged to call America home must also be vigilant and always aware of their surroundings."

Vincent J. Bove is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America with over 300 published 
works, and eighteen cover stories for the National Association of Chiefs of Police magazine.  

His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen to Their Cries.

Bove is recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award, former confidant of the New York Yankees, and served as spokesperson for a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy victim’s families.

For 20 years, Vincent served as a Board Certified Protection Professional (CPP), Board Certified Crime Prevention Specialist, Certified Police Training Commission Instructor, Crime Prevention Practitioner, and USDOJ Certified Community Anti-Terrorism Instructor Trainer.

Bove is also a licensed State of New Jersey / Division of State Police SORA Instructor, owner of Reawakening America LLC, and co-founder of Global Security Resolutions LLC, an international investigative company. 

“We must all serve as catalysts to protect our workplaces, schools, communities, public spaces, and houses of worship.  Public safety demands leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.  Security demands comprehensive enhancements, on-going training, effective response to warning signs, and building bridges with law enforcement, private security, and every member of the community.”  Vincent J. Bove  Contact: 

Twitter: vincentjbove


1. Adults and children killed in Nashville, TN. (Courtesy Twitter,  Public Domain

2. Vincent J. Bove with guests of the BCPCA, BCSO and NJOHSP, receiving the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award, FBI Newark Field Office, 2007.

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