America’s Armed Forces: A Special Tribute
Reawakening America LLC in Partnership with the
National Association of Chiefs of Police
By Vincent J. Bove
Member of the Greatest Generation
America must eternally honor all who protect us through military service.
These patriots are the ethical protectors of the security and freedom of America, and for people of good will throughout the world.
May we be forever grateful for our military, and may their sacrifices serve the path of peace.
At the conclusion of this article, continuing with a
spotlight remembrance, we will take time to express our gratitude for each
branch of our armed forces. We will also
take time to focus on some special armed forces topics.
Spotlight Remembrance:
Murray Mankowitz, WW II Veteran, Member of the Greatest Generation
On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, I was privileged to share
some poignant remarks at the funeral of Morris (Murray) Nathan Mankowitz.
This honor was requested by his beloved nephew and my friend Gary Mankowitz, retired from the
Livingston Police Department. Gary has been an inspiration for his steadfast kindness and devotion to his Uncle Murray, especially during his uncle’s illness.Here are some details on the life of service, dedication,
and commitment to community of Murray Mankowitz, provided through the kindness
of his nephew Gary. Like his uncle, Gary
is a paragon of public service, as he served his police department for 31 years
before retirement.
His Uncle Murray’s noble life reminds us of the profound contribution each can make to community and country.
· Livingston Township Police Department (Essex County, NJ) – Auxiliary armed officer for 30 years, earning the rank of lieutenant.
Livingston school crossing guard, and full time
court officer.
Murray Mankowitz
SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 – NOVEMBER 12, 2022
The funeral service, held in Livingston, New Jersey was
profoundly dignified.
Services included inspirational remarks from the family
rabbi, friends, and loved ones. The
cantors, who selected psalms, and sang in Hebrew, including this one, were
particularly inspirational:
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not
want; he makes me lie down in green pastures.
“He leads me beside still waters; he
restores my soul.
“He leads me in paths of righteousness for
his name’s sake.
“Even though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23: 1-4
Honoring Murray
Along with the honor of being a pallbearer, it was my responsibility
to share remarks on Murray’s service in the armed forces.
My remarks were made possible through the kindness of his
nephew Gary, who shared Murray’s military documents with me.
It is my hope, that a moment of reflection on Murray’s
service to America reminds us to be forever grateful to the world’s greatest
generation. They truly saved
civilization from tyranny and are owed our eternal gratitude.
My military tribute eulogy was a follows:
“In 1941, Morris
(Murray) Nathan Mankowitz was 16-years-old, and lived in Newark, New Jersey.
“Murray wrote a letter
to President Roosevelt asking if he could join the US Navy during World War II.
“He actually received
a letter back from President Roosevelt saying he could join at 17 years old
with a parent’s signature.
“As soon as Murray
turned 17, he told his younger brother Fred not to say anything to his father
when he got home from work. Murray was
going to take his bicycle from Newark, NJ to Bradley Beach, NJ where their
mother was visiting her sister, their Aunt Josephine.
“There wasn't a Garden
State Parkway back then. Murray’s mother Diana Mankowitz signed the permission
papers, and he joined the United States Navy.
“He had many positions
in the Navy, but was most proud of being in a sub-chaser crew.
“Murray received a
shrapnel injury to his arm but he was not concerned about it. He finished his 4 years active wartime duties
and in 1946 was honorably discharged.
“Murray then completed
12 more years in the United States Navy Reserve, and was honorably discharged
from the reserves in 1956.
“Murray was a member
of the Livingston Veterans of Foreign Wars, Jewish War Veterans, and the
American Legion. Murray was one of few left of the ‘Greatest Generation’.
“Ladies and gentleman,
today we honor Murray Mankowitz, a great man and dedicated American. He will be forever remembered as a man who
loved his family, friends, and community – and who was profoundly devoted to
God and country.”
Murray Mankowitz:
Armed Forces Ribbons Earned
My remarks were concluded by sharing the following on
Murray’s earned military ribbons:
Campaign Ribbon
WW ll
Victory Ribbon
WW ll Good
Conduct Ribbon
Defense Ribbon
Service Commission Ribbon
Commission Ribbon
Our tribute continues with some excerpts from my collection
of published articles honoring our armed forces, beginning with Murray’s
beloved U.S. Navy.
The navy is also important to me personally, as noted in my
own reflection in the following:
US Navy: Honor, Leadership, Protecting America
“As a boy, the US Navy had a special influence on me. This took place through the stories of my father, a sailor who served on the USS Charles J. Badger (DD-657) from 1953-1954.
With Honor and Leadership the US Army Protects America
“America is deservingly proclaimed as ‘the land of the free and home of the brave.’“During my keynote, I highlighted to attendees that the United States Air Force (USAF) is pivotal to the honor, leadership, and protection of America.
With Honor and Leadership the U.S. Marine Corps Protects America
“As detailed on the official U.S. Marine Corps website, ‘The Marine Corps, within the Department of the Navy, is organized as a general purpose force in readiness to support national needs.’“Deploying for combat as combined-arms Marine air-ground
task forces (MAGTFs), the Marine Corps provides the National Command Authorities
(NCA) with a responsive force that can conduct operations across the spectrum
of conflict. Recent events continue to highlight the Navy-Marine Corps team’s
key national security role. Sea-based, combat ready, forward deployed naval
forces have been involved in more than 28 major military operations since 1995.
“The heart of the mission of the U.S. Marine Corps is ‘As
America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775, the Marines are forward
deployed to win our nation’s battles swiftly and aggressively in times of
crisis. We fight on land, sea and air, as well as provide forces and
detachments to naval ships and ground operations.’
With Honor and Leadership the US Coast
Guard Protects America
“Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Coast Guard, the only military branch within the Department of Homeland Security, oversees missions as ‘homeland security’ or ‘non-homeland security’ missions.
America’s Veterans Deserve Honor, Homes, Healthcare
“A travesty has
infected our great land, for as we now walk American cities, the dignity of our
flag is contradicted by the tragedy of dishonored homeless veterans, many with
mental health needs. These patriots are further victimized by society’s
indignation, contempt, and abandonment…
“…America must respond to an inner moral call and rise by
igniting an ethical renaissance.
“The principles of character, compassion, and altruism must
be the heartbeat of America.
“When America’s heartbeat pulsates with putting the golden
rule into action: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’, the
reawakening of the nation will begin its resuscitation.
“America, let us honor verses from America the Beautiful, ‘O
beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their
country loved, and mercy more than life.’
American Veteran Suicide Crisis Demands Ethical Leadership
“The American flag is the sacred symbol of our nation and
deserves unwavering respect.
“As our flag flies throughout our land – at schools,
workplaces, parades, homes, landmarks, parks, and streets, it is a sacrosanct
reminder of armed forces sacrifices.
“As we honor our flag, we must remember all our veterans,
especially those who suffer from the trails ignited by challenges during their
service. We must have empathy that assists them in their time of need.
“America’s veterans are experiencing a suicide crisis. We
must respond with character, compassion, and commitment to alleviate their
“A sense of immediate urgency to the veteran suicide crisis
is the clarion call to America.”
West Point Cadets: Honor, Leadership,
“This presentation honestly assessed critical issues facing
America today and emphasized that ethical principles inspired by our
Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the West Point legacy are principles needed
to transform the nation.
“My agenda used a metaphor of a catastrophic head on
collision with two trains traveling at high speed. I used this image with
accompanying slides to illuminate America’s crisis of character and culture of
violence in America society.
“America’s shattered communities, demonstrated through
deteriorated families, substance abuse, and the gang culture, resulting in
violence, prison, death, were also depicted with my presentation.
“After honestly addressing these issues, solutions were
presented that included cultivating altruism, visionary leadership principles,
a call to action, and the importance of always honoring America’s military
The Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall Visits New Jersey
“Americans, and all privileged to call America home must be forever grateful for the sacrifices of our armed forces. They have been, and are, the defenders of freedom, democracy, and our way of life.“On Sunday, July 10, 2022, my wife Lily and I were able to
express our gratitude for their sacrifices.
“This gratitude, particularly for all whom made the ultimate
sacrifice during the Vietnam War, took place with our visit to a solemn event
at The Moving Wall.”
The trident is a sacred symbol proudly worn by Navy SEALS,
and solemnly embedded into the wooden coffins of fallen SEALS as an expression
of respect, brotherhood, and honor for those who deserve to never be forgotten.
Navy SEALS: Honor, Leadership, Protecting America
The Ethos of the U.S. Navy SEAL inspires with these words:
“My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect.
“By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my
chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every
“My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly
serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are
unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek
recognition for my actions.
“I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession,
placing the welfare and security of others before my own. I serve with honor on
and off the battlefield.
“The ability to control my emotions and my actions,
regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising
integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my
Armed Forces Day:
Honor, Leadership, Protecting America
“As detailed on the U.S. Department of Defense Armed Forces
Day website, Armed Forces Day was created on August 31, 1949.
“The purpose of this new day was to integrate previous
separate Army, Navy, and Air Force Days and to combine these with honoring all
who serve, including the Marines and Coast Guard.
“This single day commemoration reflects the unity of all
serving in our armed forces under the Department of Defense.”
D-Day: Eternally Honoring America's Courage
“America must reclaim its communities from the appalling culture of violence.
Gold Star Families: Honoring Those Who Make the Ultimate Sacrifice
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Leadership, Honor, America
“My dedication to this sacred duty is total and whole-hearted.
“In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.
“And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
“Through the year of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements I will walk my tour in humble service to the best of my ability.
“It is he who commands the respect I protect, his bravery that made us proud.
by well-meaning crowds by day, alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this
soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance.”
Memorial Day: Respect, Reverence, Reawakening
“America must pause to honor all who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Our nation must be reawakened by igniting a fire of respect, reverence, and remembrance in our souls.
“Honoring all who have offered the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom is not only a privilege, but a sacred responsibility.
“There must be a renewal of respect in the heart of America.
“America must eternally heed the words of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
“’Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.’”
In Memoriam: Army Captain Jennifer M. Moreno
“Captain Moreno, 25, of San Diego, California, was assigned to Madigan Army Medical Center, Joint Base Lewis – McCord, Washington. She died in Zhari District, Afghanistan of injuries sustained while enemy forces attacked her unit with an improvised explosion device.
“Also killed in the incident were Sgt. Patrick Hawkins, Sgt. Joseph Peters, and Pfc. Cody Patterson.
“As documented by The Tacoma Tribune on the Military Times website, the details of Capt. Moreno’s heroism are as follows:
‘In her last moments of life, Army nurse Capt. Jennifer Moreno heard two orders.
‘One was a call to help a wounded soldier struck by a blast in a booby-trapped killing field at an Afghanistan bomb-making compound.
‘The other was a command to stay put lest she strike another mine in the bomb belt.
‘The nurse from Madigan Army Medical Center chose to help the wounded soldier, and gave her life trying.
‘In the words of her commander, Moreno ran "into hell" to rescue a comrade on the night she was killed. Newly released narratives of the Oct. 5 battle reveal the kind of hell Moreno, and dozens of Army special operators found while trying to disrupt a plot to kill civilians in the city of Kandahar.
‘A total of 12 bombs exploded that night — a chain reaction that took the lives of four U.S. soldiers and wounded at least 25.
‘The fifth bomb killed Moreno, 25, of San Diego who volunteered for a dangerous assignment supporting special operators in combat.
‘The 11th bomb wounded three soldiers trying to recover her body.
‘Moreno is Madigan's only fatal casualty from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though the hospital south of Tacoma has continuously deployed soldiers to medical facilities in combat zones.
‘Moreno "sacrificed her life so others could live," her Bronze Star commendation reads.’”
Note Well: The independently prepared White House Memorial Day Proclamation, by a separate author, was modified into prayer by Vincent Bove
Veterans Day: Honoring Our Heroes
“The legacy of America urges us to appreciate all veterans who have honored our nation through their service. When we are grateful for the heroism, patriotism, and sacrifices of our veterans we are on the course to reawakening the nation.”
Fallen Green Berets Deserve America’s Honor
“Green Berets are defined as the ‘elite, multi-purpose force for high priority operational targets of strategic importance. Their linage dates back to more than 200 years of unconventional warfare history, with notable predecessors including the Revolutionary War Swamp Fox Francis Marion, the WWII OSS Jedbourg Teams, and Detachment 101 in Burma, as well as the Alamo Scouts.
“’Since their establishment in 1952, they have distinguished
themselves in Vietnam (17 Medals of Honor), El Salvador, Panama, Desert
Shield/Storm, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo.
“’Most recently, Green Berets have played a critical role in
destroying Taliban/al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, rooting out insurgents in Iraq,
training foreign troops to fight terrorists or drug warlords, and crossing the
globe to liberate the oppressed.’”
Navajo Code Talkers: An American Treasure
“America is deservingly proclaimed as “the land of the free
and home of the brave.” This proclamation is possible only because of patriots
such as the Navajo Code Talkers who honorably served in the U.S. Marine Corps
and all our armed forces.
“Our nation must eternally honor their sacrifices,
patriotism, and valor.
“May America be eternally grateful for these patriot’s. They
fulfilled America’s sacrosanct right to protect ourselves and all people of
moral decency. They deserve our admiration, respect, and a Navajo Code Talkers
Museum, to forever remember their service.”
Sacred Honor: Police Officer, Soldier, Patriot
“On Friday July 13, 2007, I was privileged to attend the full military interment ceremony at ArlingtonNational Cemetery of Army 1st Lt. Mark H. Dooley, 27, who was killed in Iraq on September 19, 2005. Lt. Mark Dooley was from Wallkill, New York and was assigned to the 3d Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain), 42nd Infantry Division, Vermont Army National Guard, Jericho, Vermont. Mark would have celebrated his 29th birthday on Sunday, July 15, 2007, a day after his remains were honored at Arlington.
“I was invited to this solemn event by his parents, Marion and Peter Dooley. I met Marion Dooley at a school violence prevention presentation for the Wallkill School District in New York on November 22, 2006. Because I honor American Military personnel at each of my presentations, Marion shared with me the story of her military sons.
“The ceremony was profoundly inspirational thanks to the devotion and presence of his parents, his brother Charlie – who also serves in the U.S. Army – and the many family members, friends, educators and military personnel (including the honor guard) who came to honor Mark Dooley and remember him as a man of commitment, courage and patriotism.
"Although there are many vignettes that can be used to capture the event, I will never forget the expressive faces of those who honored Mark and the "clip-clop" of horse hooves in soothing cadence as they transported the caisson that carried Mark's remains. It was the perfect orchestration of nature and emotions during the one mile procession to Marks final resting place, as though even the horses understood, honored and sympathized with the gravity of the interment.”
In Remembrance: Honoring American Military Sacrifices
“Surrounded by the significance of Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline, is theLiberation Monument in Liberty View Park, Jersey City, New Jersey.
Designed by sculptor Nathan Rapaport, this inspirational statue depicts a World War II American soldier carrying a survivor from a concentration camp. This image moves the soul to reflect on the values of compassion, character, and courage.
“Today, as in generations past, courageous Americans are making great sacrifices to serve our country and preserve our liberty in our armed forces.
‘It is important for those who benefit from the valor of their service to always appreciate their dedication. Their sacrifices are shared by their loved ones, especially their children. It is critical to be mindful of their challenges and support them and their families in every way possible.
“The legacy of America urges a rebirth of patriotism that will transform us once again into a nation destined to be a hope for the world through its commitment to moral leadership. Our renewal begins with honoring all who serve us.”
Life Lessons from the United States Military
“The Tomb of the Unknowns has been guarded since
July 2, 1937, for 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, in any weather by Tomb
“Representing teamwork, there are three reliefs,
one relief commander, and about six sentinels. Reliefs are organized by height
for uniformity and rotate every hour during winter and every half-hour in
“An impeccably uniformed relief commander
appears on the plaza announcing the Changing of the Guard. He salutes the Tomb,
and then faces the spectators requesting them to stand in silence during the
“The Tomb Guard marches 21 steps, faces east for
21 seconds, turns and faces north for 21 seconds, then takes 21 steps down the
mat and repeats the process. Twenty-one symbolizes the highest military honor,
the 21-gun
United States Military Academy: Leadership Lessons for America
“Legions of corrupt and dishonest officials from other
companies, including WorldCom, represented this deviance. Professional sports
teams shared in this pandemic of scandal. Each of us can cite personal examples
of how greed brought pain to ourselves, or others.
“The leadership principles from the United States Military
Academy stand as counter cultural wisdom to this crisis. These ideals demand
review, reflection and resolve for all Americans. America must appreciate West
Point’s motto, ‘duty, honor, country.’
“Let us make sure this motto serves as a starting point for
our ethical renaissance.”
About the Author
Bove is recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership
Award, former confidant of the New York Yankees, and served as spokesperson for
a coalition of Virginia Tech tragedy victim’s families.
For 20 years, Vincent has been a Board Certified Protection
Professional (CPP), Board Certified Crime Prevention Specialist, Certified
Police Training Commission Instructor, Crime Prevention Practitioner, and USDOJ
Certified Community Anti-Terrorism Instructor Trainer.
Bove is also a licensed State of New Jersey / Division of
State Police SORA Instructor, owner of Reawakening America LLC, and co-founder
of Global Security Resolutions LLC, an international investigative company.
Note Well: This article was published in The Chief of Police by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Dec. 29, 2022.
1. A SEAL delivery vehicle team (SDV) performs a fast-roping
exercise from a MH-60S Seahawk helicopter to the topside of Los Angeles-class
fast attack submarine USS Toledo (SSN 769).
SDV teams use "wet" submersible vehicles to conduct 100 percent long-range submerged missions, or to secretly deliver SEALs and other agents onto enemy territory from a submarine, or other vessel at sea, Jan. 17, 2005. (Credit: U.S. Navy, Journalist 3rd Class Davis J. Anderson)
2. Murray Mankowitz, U.S. Navy. (Photo Courtesy
Gary Mankowitz)
3. Murray Mankowitz with U.S. Navy class,
1942. Mankowitz is 3rd row from the top,
11th sailor to the right. (Courtesy Gary Mankowitz)
4. Internment, 1st Lt. Mark H. Dooley, Arlington National Cemetery, July 13, 2007. Seated in front row are (L–R) Peter Dooley and Marion Dooley (Mark’s parents) and Peter Dooley Jr., Mark’s brother. (Reawakening America LLC by Vincent J. Bove)
5. United States Marine Corps, Times Square, NYC, Memorial Weekend 2015. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
6. United States Coast Guard Honor Guard, Times Square, NYC, Memorial Day, 2011. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
7. U.S. Army Major Ryan Boeka (l) and U.S. Army Major Aaron Miller (r) lead West Point Cadets through Empty Sky, the New Jersey 9/11 Memorial, Liberty State Park, Jersey City, April 14, 2016. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
8. The Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall, collage, July 10, 2022. (Reawakening America LLC / Vincent J. Bove)
9. United States Navy SEALS trident. (Courtesy USN SEALS)
10. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Changing of the Guard, May 13, 2007. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
11. A plaque in honor of Jennifer Moreno, who died in the Afghanistan war. (Photo Credit: Amos Gregory)
12. 1st Lt. Mark H. Dooley procession to final resting place, Arlington National Cemetery, July 13, 2007. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
13. Liberation Monument, Jersey City, NJ, Liberty View Park. (Reawakening America LLC, Vincent J. Bove)
14. USN sailors with Vincent J. Bove, Memorial Weekend, Manhattan, NYC, 2015. (Reawakening America LLC)
15. As published in The Chief of Police, by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, December 29, 2022.
Labels: Honoring American Veterans, Leadership, Military, Patriotism, Reawakening America, United States Military Academy