Monday, January 30, 2017

America’s Houses of Worship Require Enhanced Security

In my article titled “Sanctuary Profaned: Protecting Houses of Worship” for the April 10, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times, I argued that places once considered sanctuary now demand state-of-the-art security.

The article highlighted sobering headlines depicting violent incidents in houses of worship. It also cited details from an FBI report of active shooter attacks throughout the United States.

Horrific hate crimes, domestic violence incident spilling over into houses of worship, murder, and acts of terrorism were also addressed.

The recommendations presented in the article remains, as acts of violence continue in houses of worship. The possibility for violence and even a major terror attack at houses of worship exists.

Vigilance must be the order of each day and sound security principles must be continually enhanced.

These include defense-in-depth, target hardening, awareness and prevention training, board certified security vulnerability assessments, private-public partnerships, drills, updated emergency plans, threat assessment teams, and certified security personal.

Houses of Worship: The Violence Continues

Just this week, there were headlines reminding America that violence at houses of worship continues.
In one incident, a Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop was punched in the face while praying in the sanctuary. The incident occured as over 100 congregants were at a Memorial Mass he presided over.

The assault against the Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, 63 years-old, sent him to the hospital.

Although his injuries were minor, the incident shed light on the unpredictability of violence against anyone, including religious figures, in places considered sacrosanct.

There was an immediate apprehension of the assailant by law enforcement assigned to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey. But the incident is a stark example of the importance of security at houses of worship. Security should seriously consider a law enforcement presence, especially at iconic locations and also during large assemblies.

In a much more horrific incident this past week, six people were shot dead, and another six people injured at a mosque in Quebec.

The incident took place at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center and is being investigated as an act of terror.

Although in Canada, the incident must remind America of the critical responsibility of vigilance in our places of worship.

The January 10, 2017 death sentence of a white supremacist for the June 17, 2015 murders of nine black parishioners at a Bible class also took place this week. The senseless tragedy is still another wake-up call that must ignite resolve in our efforts to intensify security in our houses of worship.

Houses of Worship: Security Practices

A U.S. Department of Homeland Security document titled “Houses of Worship Security Practices Guide” released in May, 2013 deserves attention.

The document notes that there are approximately 345,000 religious congregations in America. These consist of about 150 million members from more than 230 denominational groups.

The guide stresses that the first step to developing a comprehensive plan for a religious facility is to identify the threats and vulnerabilities.

According to the guide, the threats include natural hazards, accidents, targeted violence, improvised explosive devices (IED’s), vehicle-borne explosive devices (VBIED’s), arson, chemical or biological attacks, assassination, or kidnapping.

The guide continues with the importance of having a threat assessment team comprised with a combination of facility personnel, members involved with services, mental health professionals, and emergency responders.

This document is outstanding and should be a resource for training staff and implementing enhanced security measures.

The guide also includes details on prevention, protection, mitigation, preparedness, and recovery.

Final Reflections

Although houses of worship must have a welcoming and serene environment, this must always be balanced with sound security measures.

It is a different world and not making efforts to enhance security in houses of worship is naïve, irresponsibly, and irrational.

Our houses of worship are sacred places of prayer where we exercise our constitutional and human right to pray.

But we must be realistic, blending the spiritual with the practical, and do everything possible to protect our houses of worship.

All who seek solace, peace, and community within their hallowed halls deserve our leadership, vigilance, and commitment to protect them.

Related Coverage:

Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

Mass Shooter Crisis: America, Wake Up

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. NYPD presence at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Fifth Avenue, NYC, Feb. 27, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. The Chief of Police Magazine featuring Vincent J. Bove cover story titled "Terrorism Concerns Accelerate: Protecting America," Spring edition, 2015.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The CIA Memorial Wall: Honoring American Patriots

America is the land of the free and home of the brave because of the sacrifices of those who have served.

Our nation must remain eternally grateful for our patriots, especially those who have offered the ultimate sacrifice.

Their sacrifices must be reverently remembered as our democracy, freedom, and liberty only exist because of their devotion.

America only be considered great when a fire of patriotism burns within the hearts of its citizens.

This fire must burn perpetually through reverence, gratitude, and respect for all who have given their lives for the nation.

“We the People,” can only be true to our democratic principles when respect is cultivated in the heart of our nation.

This respect must express itself through words and actions, especially at places considered hallowed ground.

CIA Memorial Wall: Hallowed Ground

There are places throughout America that demand reverence without compromise.

These sacred places beckon united hearts to forever remember our fallen.

In Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address on Monday, March 4, 1861, he sought reconciliation for a nation divided.

Lincoln seized the moment and offered impassioned words to unite the nation:

“The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

The lesson of Lincoln through his immortal words remains. We must eternally honor every battlefield, patriot, and sacred space that honors them.

Every living heart must forever honor our fallen, and reverence must always be exemplified on hallowed ground.

The CIA Memorial is one of America’s sacred spaces. Lincoln, if able to visit this hallowed ground, would inspire America with words of compassion, honor, and reverence. He would give dignity to this eternal memorial to patriots, CIA members who as inscribed on the wall, “who gave their lives in the service of their country.”

These words are one of the first things visitors see when they enter the CIA building, and they must ignite reverence at this hallowed place.

These words must also be engraved into the hearts of every American. We must honor all who gave their lives not only at this hallowed ground but on sacred ground throughout the nation.

This is the responsibility of our nation and all American’s must honor our fallen.

Stars on the Memorial Wall

Currently, there are 117 stars on the CIA Memorial Wall.

There are 84 stars for CIA members whose identities are known. The remaining stars are for those whose lives must remain a secret, even after death.

Each star represents a man or woman who died for America while serving in the field of intelligence.

The CIA website details criteria for individuals who earn a star:

“Inclusion on the Memorial Wall is awarded posthumously to employees who lose their lives while serving their country in the field of intelligence. Death may occur in the foreign field or in the United States. Death must be of an inspirational or heroic character while in the performance of duty; or as the result of an act of terrorism while in the performance of duty; or as an act of premeditated violence targeted against an employee, motivated solely by that employee’s Agency affiliation; or in the performance of duty while serving in areas of hostilities or other exceptionally hazardous conditions where the death is a direct result of such hostilities or hazards.”

Memorial Wall Honorees: A Partial List

According to published reports, these are some of America’s patriots honored on the Memorial Wall:

James McCarthy Jr. – a paramilitary operations officer who died in 1954, on a training flight in Southeast Asia.

William P. Boteler – killed in the bombing of a restaurant in Cyprus on June 16, 1956.

Barbara Robbins – killed in a Vietcong car bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Saigon, South Vietnam, on March 30, 1965.

Nine officers were killed in action during the Vietnam War in South Vietnam or Laos from 1965 to 1975 – Unknown (d. 1965), Billy J. Johnson (d. 1968), Wayne J. McNulty (d. 1968), Richard M. Sisk (d. 1968), David L. Konzelman (d. 1971), Raymond L. Seaborg (d. 1972), John Peterson (d. 1972), John W. Kearns (d. 1972), William E. Bennett (d. 1975).

Matthew Gannon – one of at least four American intelligence officers aboard Pan Am Flight 103 when a bomb detonated and destroyed the plane over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988.

Nathan Chapman – the first U.S. soldier killed in combat in the American war in Afghanistan, assigned as a CIA paramilitary team’s communications specialist. He was killed on January 4, 2002, while investigating an Al-Qaeda safe house in Khost.

Helge P. Boes – killed by a grenade during a training accident in Afghanistan on February 7, 2003.

Major Douglas A. Zembiec –was killed in a gun battle in Baghdad in May 2007, while serving with the CIA's Special Activities Division.

Harold Brown, Elizabeth Hanson, Darren LaBonte, Jennifer Matthews, Dane Paresi, Scott Roberson, Jeremy Wise – killed in the Camp Chapman attack in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods – killed during the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11–12, 2012. Both were former Navy SEALs and worked as CIA security contractors.

Final Reflections
America must pause and remember all who have fallen serving the nation, especially at our hallowed grounds.

We must always exemplify respect, dignity, and reverence at these places, and hold these virtues eternally within our hearts.

The CIA Memorial is sacred ground. It must forever inspire reverence, with its stars reflecting our fallen patriots forever shining in the heart of America.

1. An honor guard lays a wreath at the memorial wall of stars for those killed serving their country. (Courtesy CIA)

2. The Memorial Wall is on the north wall of the Original Headquarters Building lobby. This wall of stars stands as a silent, simple memorial to those CIA officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The Memorial Wall was commissioned by the CIA Fine Arts Commission in May 1973 and sculpted by Harold Vogel in July 1974. (Courtesy CIA)

Related Coverage:
Gold Star Families: Honoring Those Who Make the Ultimate Sacrifice

America’s Veterans: Honoring Our Heroes

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.

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Monday, January 16, 2017

In Memoriam: NYPD Detective Steven McDonald, American Hero

During the past 20 years, I have been a privileged guest at many NYPD events.

The presence of rank and file police officials, dedicated to protect and serve, at these events always made me proud of being an American.

Yet, there was often another presence at these events, a true American champion of forgiveness.

Although a quadriplegic since he was shot on July 12, 1986, the presence of NYPD Detective Steven McDonald was always inspirational.

McDonald was always a larger-than-life presence at every assembly.

The presence of this great man was always a testimony on the efficacy of humility, respect, and dignity.

Detective Steven McDonald is a true hero to his family, the NYPD, his faith community, and to all of America.

NYPD Icon: Detective Steven McDonald

Life can dramatically change for anyone in a split second, as it did for Steven McDonald. His life changed while protecting and serving the people of New York City while on patrol in 1986.

Within seconds after he and his partner approached three boys in Central Park, one of them shot Steven three times with a handgun.

The incident paralyzed his body from the neck down for thirty years until his death on Jan. 10, 2017.

But Steven’s character transformed this tragedy into a mission for his faith, family, and country.

He became the NYPD’s greatest ambassador of police-community relations by illuminating a life of forgiveness, grace, and goodness.

Although paralyzed in body, Steven’s life became a supreme statement to the world that nothing is more powerful than the human heart.

During his son Conor’s baptism (born six months after the shooting) at a Bellevue Hospital chapel in 1987, Steven’s wife Patricia Ann read a statement. The words resounded throughout Steven’s life and will do so eternally as they epitomize the greatness of his character.

“I forgive him,” Steven’s wife read, “and hope that he can find peace and purpose in his life.”

Although his shooter was convicted for attempted murder, Steven always hoped that he find healing and peace.
This was expressed through his book, campaigning against gun violence, and most importantly through his life of charity, community, and virtue.

Steven will be forever remembered as a paragon of forgiveness. His life will be a perpetual statement that the value of life is not determined by physical strength but by the power of character.

Final Reflections: NYPD Commissioner’s Tribute

There are many moving tributes that have expressed the greatness of Steven’s life.

These words, from the eulogy of NYPD Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on January 13, deserve our reflection:

“He helped redefine what a hero is in the NYPD. And he did something good … every day.

“Detective Steven McDonald was a stronger person than anyone sitting in this grand cathedral – or anyone within the sound of my voice right now.

“What we can learn from Steven’s life is this: The cycle of violence that plagues so many lives today can be overcome only by breaking down the walls that separate people. The best tools for doing this – Steven taught us – are love, respect, and forgiveness.

“The shield Steven proudly wore on his chest symbolizes something sacred to every man and woman who has ever been a member of the NYPD. And every day that Steven was on this earth, he embodied its rich tradition of courage and compassion.

“If nothing else, Steven wanted people to know that police officers take their jobs seriously. Because policing is a profession. And Steven wanted people to know that if duty calls for it, police officers will give you everything.

“As we honor this great man today, let’s also ask that Steven’s fellow cops continue to be blessed and protected. For they are the ones who will forever carry on his important work.”


1. NYPD Detective Steven McDonald. (Courtesy NYPD News)
2. NYPD Detective Steven McDonald funeral procession, Fifth Avenue, NYC, Jan. 13, 2017. (Courtesy NYPD News)
3. NYPD Detective Steven McDonald with Timothy Cardinal Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York. (Courtesy NYPD News)
4. NYPD Detective Steven McDonald with wife Patti, and son Conor, and NYPD Sgt. (Courtesy NYPD News)

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The State of Policing in the United States: Issues and Response

America is a nation of democracy, freedom, ethical principles, and the rule of law.

Therefore, policing in America is unique compared to many countries throughout the world.

Policing, inseparable from police-community partnerships, is essential to our way of life and we must be fully committed to enhancing this collaboration.

Aside from law enforcement officials, every person privileged to call America home must be dedicated to police-community unity.

Building Police-Community Collaboration

According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), there are currently over 900,000 law enforcement officials, the highest figure ever, serving America.

Our law enforcement officials engage in countless acts of protection, respect, and service each day.

These sentinels, united with law-abiding citizens who value our way of life, safeguard the nation from anarchy, lawlessness, and discord.

Harmony in society is only possible with the collaboration of police and community members. This unity is indispensable to an ethical society and deserves an unwavering perseverance to building cohesiveness.

It would be disingenuous, naïve, and irresponsible to state that contemporary challenges to police-community collaboration do not exist in America.

But police-community partnerships must be forged as America is experiencing a phenomenon involving a culture of violence and crisis of character. The antidote to this venom that has been injected into our society demands police-community collaboration.

Law enforcement needs the support of the community to prevent, investigate, arrest, and prosecute those who violate society’s laws.

Society has vulnerabilities especially with individuals who cannot survive without protection. Police must have the tools, training, and support needed to protect potential victims.

It is the time of reawakening for policing in America and this will be realized when community members share in the responsibility of safeguarding communities.

Policing Report: U.S. Department of Justice

On December 5, 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) announced a new report.

This report, The State of Policing in the United States, Volume I, was shared during a 21st Century Regional Policing Briefing hosted by the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs in Canton, Massachusetts.

The publication provides an assessment of American law enforcement and includes a snapshot of important topics essential to policing.

The goal of this report is to compliment the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing which was published in 2015.

Both documents offer information to assist law enforcement agencies and community members to advance 21st Century Policing.

This newest report identifies community policing approaches that engage communities and enhance public safety.

It also addresses the impact of events and policies on police and their work which includes the following:

• Police use of force
• Mass demonstrations
• Body-worn cameras and videoing police
• Violent crime / Mass Shootings
• Opiates crisis and response
• Community Policing
• Cultural Competence
• Procedural justice
• Implicit bias
• Increasing transparency and accountability
• Effective staffing
• Officer wellness and safety

Final Reflections

In my presentations and published works over the last 20 years, I always encourage the study of reports such as the aforementioned as mandatory for those truly dedicated to police-community partnerships.

During the last 3 years in particular, my published works for the Epoch Times have identified and memorialized police-community issues and responses that will benefit the nation.

These articles, complimented by the findings in government reports on police-community relations, provide a wealth of information that uphold and honor ethical policing in America.

The articles, include the following that crystallize police-community cohesiveness as an indefatigable principle of American policing:

• Fallen Officers Demand America’s Compassion, Vigilance, Unity
• American Policing: Restoring Trust, Building Community
• Policing Requires Ethical Protectors
• 21st Century America Requires Police–Community Unity
• Precision Policing: Respecting Our Citizens’ Dignity
• Dallas Police Tragedy: Healing, Unity, Renewal
• Police-Community Collaboration: America’s Public Safety Lifeline
• Principles of American Policing
• Building Police-Community Trust: Wake Up, America
• NYPD Mission: Develop 35,000 Ethical Protectors
• Collaborative Policing: Countering America’s Culture of Violence
• The Police and The People: A Unity of Effort

America must rise to the occasion and enhance its commitment to enhancing police-community collaboration. This unity is critical to safeguarding communities, enhancing morale, and to the heart of reawakening the nation.

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. NYPD officer assisting a visitor in Times Square on Aug. 23, 2014. (Vincent J. Bove)
2. A child speaks with police officers at the Livingston, New Jersey Police Department National Night Out on Aug. 7, 2013.(Vincent J. Bove)
3. NYPD Substation Times Square. (Vincent J. Bove)
4. NYPD on post in Times Square, NYC. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5. Vincent's cover story for The Chief of Police, Spring, 2017. The story was an elaborated version of the original Epoch Times publication.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

American Government Requires Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership is critical to every segment of American society.

The integrity of our nation demands ethical leadership. It must be expressed through America’s schools, law enforcement agencies, educators, students, families, workplaces, and government officials.

In my article titled “America’s Critical Ethical Issues Demand Resolution” for the May 20, 2016 issues of the Epoch Times, I addressed ethics as critical to society.

America is at a crossroads for reawakening, and ethical behavior must be the foundation of the nation.

Our governmental leaders must set the example and pave the way for our future. This will only be possible when ethical leadership, not self-aggrandizement, is their first priority.

Government Leaders: Serve the People

Individuals within privileged positions of government have authority, power, leadership, and influence.

Government leaders must always have the best interests of those whom they have sworn to serve as their priority.

Our government leaders must avoid the pitfall of an attitude of superiority. This attitude is malignance that will distance them from those they have sworn to serve. All deemed inferior will easily be ostracized, and understood as insignificant and inconvenient.

Government officials are called to uphold a high standard of ethical behavior. Ethics is the moral foundation that animates their protecting the integrity of government.

Our government leaders are not ever above the law. They must carry the torch as ethical servants of society and must never exploit their obligation to serve.

The fatal distractions of pride, vanity, and arrogance must be avoided. This is only possible when there are ethical safeguards in place.

Government officials must exemplify a full force ethical commitment to serve, especially those in society most in need.

The arrogance of power can be a destructive seduction that ignites injustice, scandal, and corruption.
Corruption Threatens National Security

According to the FBI, public corruption is its top criminal investigative priority since it poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life.

Corruption can affect security at our borders, safe communities’ nationwide, public infrastructure, which includes the quality of education for our students.

Public corruption can also involve drug trafficking and alien smuggling at our borders through bribes.

There can also be election crimes that involve campaign finance crimes, voter/ballot fraud, or civil rights violations.

Slashing Ethical Oversight: Self-Serving Leadership

As America begins a new year, the hope for an ethical renaissance has been tainted.

There has been self-serving leadership demanding the slashing of ethical oversight within the highest levels of our government.

There are so many priorities for America, and serving the nation is not possible without ethics.

But our House of Representative is off to a dismal start and has sent a terrible message.

There should be no surprise at the outcry throughout America when House Republicans began 2017 by proposing a measure to eviscerate an independent ethics panel.

House Republicans voted 119-74, during a closed-door meeting, to replace the Independent Office of Congressional Ethics under the control of these very lawmakers.

This change in rules immediately appeared to be a scheme to the American people. It smacked of an impropriety undermining power from an office that can investigate their misconduct.

Certainly, this was not the right message to send to America.

Headlines throughout the nations immediately condemned their poor judgement. These headlines included the following:

• Secret House GOP Vote Guts Ethics Panel, Prompts Outcry
• With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office
• House Republicans gut their own oversight
• The GOP’s Ethics Disaster
• House Republicans move to strip Congressional Ethics Office’s independence
• House GOP seeks to weaken group hat probes corrupt pols

Based on their deficiency in inspiring confidence, a reminder to Congress is required.

According to published reports, dozens of members of Congress have been indicted since 1980.

Crimes in this shameful category of corrupt Congressional leaders include racketeering, tax evasion, accepting illegal gifts, mail and wire fraud, child pornography, aggravated criminal sexual abuse of a child, conspiracy, money laundering, misuse of public funds and embezzlement.

Final Reflections

The FBI website memorializes massive and pervasive cases of public corruption. These sobering stories must motivate Congress to do their part for America’s ethical renaissance.

America’s government leaders must have the best interests of the people they serve first, and this is only possible when ethics is the heart of their service.

The reawakening of the nation demands ethical leadership. We must have leaders who live and inspire the highest standards of character.

The American people deserve nothing less than government leaders dedicated without compromise to service.

The plans of our government officials will only be efficacious when ethics is the driving force behind their behavior and decisions.

This misguided move to gut ethical oversight deserves condemnation from throughout America.

Only because of severe backlash, the travesty of their intent to minimize ethical safeguards was immediately curtailed.

Ethical oversight must be strengthened, not minimized, and America must continue to demand ethical leadership from all who have sworn to serve.

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 200 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing.


1. Pope Francis addresses a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 24, 2015. Pope Francis is the first pope to address a joint meeting of Congress. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

2. The US Capitol is seen in Washington, DC, on November 15, 2016. (NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

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