NYPD SHIELD: America’s Public-Private Collaboration Model
“Regarding terrorism, all roads lead to New York, which makes collaboration between law enforcement and private security professionals critical to safeguarding our city.”
As detailed on the NYPD SHIELD open source website, this public–private sector security partnership is dedicated to protecting New York City by Countering Terrorism Through Information Sharing.
This partnership complements findings of “The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.” This official report, released on July 22, 2004, details events leading to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. It should be required study for all dedicated to terrorism awareness and prevention.
Although the 9/11 report recommends a “unity of effort” for the intelligence community, Congress, and across the foreign–domestic divide, unity for defending America is certainly necessary through public–private partnerships.
Public–private partnerships have also been recommended by the document “Operation Cooperation: Guidelines for Partnerships between Law Enforcement and Private Security Organizations” released in 2000 by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Partnerships are critical for protecting America. Law enforcement and private security professionals must collaborate, cooperate, and communicate with one another.
NYPD SHIELD Methods and Conference
NYPD SHIELD provides training and information sharing through numerous methods including:
• Intelligence and Analysis Briefings
• Counterterrorism training
• Website postings and documents
• Informal conferrals with Patrol Borough Counterterrorism coordinators
• Alert email messages to members
• Conferences
On July 16, 2014, NYPD SHIELD held a summer conference for over 400 law enforcement and private security professionals at One Police Plaza.
The event was moderated by John J. Miller, Deputy Commissioner Intelligence and Counterterrorism for the NYPD.
Miller stressed that the level of concern for a potential act of terrorism was as high as it has been since 9/11. This concern is due to events worldwide including those in Israel, Iraq, and Syria.
After Miller’s remarks, Bratton stressed that we need to not only adhere to the expression “If You See Something, Say Something” but also to “If You See Something, Do Something.” Remaining proactive, said Bratton, was essential not only for terrorism prevention but also for gangs, crime, and other disorders.
Bratton was followed by Rebecca U. Weiner, director of intelligence analysis for the NYPD. Weiner gave an overview of problems throughout the world including the deteriorating security in Iraq and the displacement of millions of Syrians.
The NYPD SHIELD summer conference concluded with a presentation by Edward F. Davis, Boston police commissioner at the time of the Boston Marathon attack. He covered the following topics in detail:
• The devastation of the two improvised explosive attacks that detonated on April 15, 2013, at the finish line of the Boston Marathon attack. The bombs killed three people and injured over 250.
• The bombers alleged plan for a follow-up attack in New York City’s Times Square.
Davis highlighted that lessons learned from the Boston Marathon attack are vigilance, preparedness through tabletop and full-scale drills, and partnerships between law enforcement and private security.
The NYPD SHIELD program is an extraordinary partnership dedicated to safeguarding New York. It deserves dedicated participation by law enforcement and private security professionals who can get involved through www.nypdshield.org.
The program is also deserving of duplication by other law enforcement agencies and private sector security professionals to prevent an act of terrorism elsewhere in America.
Safeguarding the nation is enhanced when individuals work together. Teamwork is an irrefutable and essential quality that America needs now more than ever when it comes to preventing terrorism.
This teamwork can be called collaboration, cooperation, or partnership but unequivocally it is a unity of effort between the public and private sector. This cohesiveness is essential for America’s security.
As published in Vincent's weekly column titled "Reawakening the Nation" in the Friday, July 25, 2014 edition of the Epoch Times.
1. NYPD SHIELD conference flyer. (Courtesy of the NYPD)
2. Over 400 law enforcement and private security professionals attending the NYPD SHIELD summer conference on July 16, 2014. (Vincent J. Bove)
An expanded version of this column was authored for the September, 2014 edition of The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine.
Labels: Epoch Times, Events, NYPD, Private Security, Public Private Partnerships, Terrorism