Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Winston Churchill: Enduring Icon of Leadership

Winston Churchill stands not only as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century but one of the most influential in all of history. For those truly interested in leadership training and development, the life of Winston Churchill is a shining example and a true inspiration.

His oratorical genius was able to motivate and inspire England while also able to sting the heart of the enemy. Consider his words broadcast on the BBC on June 18, 1940, just a few hours after hearing the devastating news that the French had capitulated to the Nazis:

"The news from France is very bad and I grieve for the gallant French people who have fallen into this terrible misfortune… What has happened in France makes no difference to our faith and purpose. We have become the sole champions now in arms to defend the world cause. We shall do our best to be worthy of this high honor… We shall fight on unconquerable until the curse of Hitler is lifted from the brows of men. We are sure that in the end all will be well."

[Reprinted from The Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century –

Winston Churchill
The master statesman stood alone against fascism and renewed the world's faith in the superiority of democracy


His was a bleak inheritance. Following the total defeat of France, Britain truly, in his words, "stood alone." It had no substantial allies and, for much of 1940, lay under threat of German invasion and under constant German air attack. He nevertheless refused Hitler's offers of peace, organized a successful air defense that led to the victory of the Battle of Britain and meanwhile sent most of what remained of the British army, after its escape from the humiliation of Dunkirk, to the Middle East to oppose Hitler's Italian ally, Mussolini.

This was one of the boldest strategic decisions in history. Convinced that Hitler could not invade Britain while the Royal Navy and its protecting Royal Air Force remained intact, he dispatched the army to a remote theater of war to open a second front against the Nazi alliance. Its victories against Mussolini during 1940-41 both humiliated and infuriated Hitler, while its intervention in Greece, to oppose Hitler's invasion of the Balkans, disrupted the Nazi dictator's plans to conclude German conquests in Europe by defeating Russia.

Churchill's tendency to conduct strategy by impulse infuriated his advisers. His chief of staff Alan Brooke complained that every day Churchill had 10 ideas, only one of which was good — and he did not know which one. Yet Churchill the romantic showed acute realism in his reaction to Russia's predicament. He reviled communism. Required to accept a communist ally in a struggle against a Nazi enemy, he did so not only willingly but generously. He sent a large proportion of Britain's war production to Russia by Arctic convoys, even at a time when the convoys from America to Britain, which alone spared the country starvation, suffered devastating U-boat attacks.

From the outset of his premiership, Churchill, half American by birth, had rested his hope of ultimate victory in U.S. intervention. He had established a personal relationship with President Roosevelt that he hoped would flower into a war-winning alliance. Roosevelt's reluctance to commit the U.S. beyond an association "short of war" did not dent his optimism. He always hoped events would work his way. The decision by Japan, Hitler's ally, to attack the American Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, justified his hopes. That evening he confided to himself, "So we had won after all."

America's entry into the Second World War marked the high point of Churchill's statesmanship. Britain, demographically, industrially and financially, had entered the war weaker than either of its eventual allies, the Soviet Union and the U.S. Defeats in 1940 had weakened it further, as had the liquidation of its international investments to fund its early war efforts. During 1942, the prestige Britain had won as Hitler's only enemy allowed Churchill to sustain parity of leadership in the anti-Nazi alliance with Roosevelt and Stalin.

Churchill understandably exulted in the success of the D-day invasion when it came in 1944. By then it was the Russo-American rather than the Anglo-American nexus, however, that dominated the alliance, as he ruefully recognized at the last Big Three conference in February 1945. Shortly afterward he suffered the domestic humiliation of losing the general election and with it the premiership. He was to return to power in 1951 and remain until April 1955, when ill health and visibly failing powers caused him to resign.

It would have been kinder to his reputation had he not returned. He was not an effective peacetime Prime Minister. His name had been made, and he stood unchallengeable, as the greatest of all Britain's war leaders. It was not only his own country, though, that owed him a debt. So too did the world of free men and women to whom he had made a constant and inclusive appeal in his magnificent speeches from embattled Britain in 1940 and 1941. Churchill did not merely hate tyranny, he despised it. The contempt he breathed for dictators — renewed in his Iron Curtain speech at Fulton, Mo., at the outset of the cold war — strengthened the West's faith in the moral superiority of democracy and the inevitability of its triumph.

"The first duty of a university is to teach wisdom, not a trade; character, not technicalities."
Winston Churchill, House of Commons, September 19, 1950


The Churchill Centre Click here to visit site
The Time 100
The Most Important People of the Century
Click here to visit site

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Thursday, September 08, 2011

Robert Waters School, Union City, NJ: Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement

Robert Waters School in Union City, New Jersey is to be commended for their dedication to character, achievement and community building. By launching the new school year with a professional development day on Tuesday, September 6, 2011, the school expressed its leadership to addressing these critical educational concerns.

As the keynote speaker, I presented a program titled Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement: Conflict Resolution, Motivating and Community Building to over 100 educators. It was followed by a lively exchange of staff break out sessions and presentations by group leaders with the goal of making Robert Waters School an exceptional educational experience for the new school year.

The keynote affirmed the essential role of educators in touching the hearts of the youth entrusted to their care by their example of character, loving kindness, respect, compassion, courtesy, patriotism, empathy, thoughtfulness, diversity and dedication to community partnerships. Some highlights of the keynote included:

  • Online Social Networking
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying
  • Gangs/Guns/Drugs/Violence
  • Eleven Principles of Character Education
  • Crisis of Character
  • Culture of Violence
  • Sexting/Text Rage
  • Diversity
  • Anger Management Principles for Students
  • Altruism: Essential for the School Community
  • Rachel's Challenge
  • Patriotism: Critical to the School Culture
  • Shattered Families/Filling the Void
  • Early Warning Signs and Timely Collaborative Response
  • Building Better Staff/Parent/Community Connections
  • Preventive Education Transformation through Character

As with all of my school presentations, the goal was to empower educators to use their own example, especially the virtue of loving kindness as well as all community resources to serve the youth and their families entrusted to their care. Perhaps my closing words crystallize the importance of the role educators have in transforming the classroom, school, community and even the nation:

"Michelangelo and Da Vinci created the statue of David and Mona Lisa, respectively. Through Picasso's Guernica, individuals can see the inhumanity, brutality and hopelessness of war. Van Gogh's paintings have captivated and given millions serenity, comfort and inspiration. But above and beyond the mastery of all of the world's greatest artists, only a teacher can mold the heart of a child."

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