Tuesday, December 29, 2009

American Schools Drop Out Factories: Cultivating Character, Achievement and Security

On a recent edition of Meet the Press, the Secretary of Education referred to American Schools as drop out factories since over 1.2 million students drop out each year, including a 50% drop-out rate in Washington, DC schools. The convergence of an economic crisis along with an education and academic crisis has lead to a call for the Department of Education to be an engine of innovation.

Also highlighted was the need for teachers to be held accountable through student achievement results and the need for a breakthrough in education.

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As an educator who has been privileged to be in various roles since 1976, it is my opinion that a culture of academic achievement must have the pillars of character education and a preventive system of education as its foundation. The national academic crisis is compounded by a crisis of character, indicated by continuous scandals through every element of society and a culture of violence, expressed through coast to coast headlines of unconscionable crimes. America must get back on track through its schools and character education and the preventive system of education must fuel the engine of transformation.

Academic achievement, character education and educators who inspire and motivate must have schools that are protected from disruptions to the educational process. The U.S. Department of Education's latest study, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2009, presents sobering insights of crime in American schools including violent deaths, victimization, bullying, fear and avoidance, fights, weapons and illegal substances. This study should be required reading for those dedicated to school safety and security. More importantly, it should remind us that our schools must be safe havens where academic excellence, character development and motivating teachers flourish.

Character education is critical since it allows a person, family, classroom, school, district and the nation itself to have its moral compass aligned. The preventive system cultivates altruism at its core and educators are inspired to motivate their students by teaching from a heart that expresses kindness, reasonableness and character.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy & Safe Holidays to All

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this season of miracles, light and life, let us remember to appreciate the blessings that we have and share what we can with those in need. Let us remember also, those in the military who will not be with their families.

And so to all my readers, I would like to extend my sincerest wish for a happy, healthy and safe holiday.

Click on the following logos to visit these websites that provide tips to help you stay safe for the holidays:  

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

In Remembrance: Lakewood Police Officers Sgt. Mark Renninger, Officer Ronald Owen, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Greg Richards

The tragic news of police officers killed in the line of duty has made national news again. It is becoming all too common and represents the culture of violence impacting not only our communities, corporations, schools and even a military base (Fort Hood) but on those who have risen to the occasion to serve and protect us as law enforcement officials.

On November 29, 2009, four officers from the 100-member police department of Lakewood, Washington were killed by a deadly ambush in a coffee shop, about 35 miles south of Seattle. Those who lost their lives were Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39; Officer Ronald Owen, 37; Officer Tina Griswold, 40; and Officer Greg Richards, 42.

Published reports stated that the gunman entered a coffee house and appeared to be preparing to place an order at the counter. Understood to be a targeted ambush, he then turned and opened fire on the officers as they innocently and unexpectedly worked on their laptops.

In a written statement, the governor of Washington expressed the sentiments that rang true to law abiding citizens throughout the country:

"Our police put their lives on the line every day, and tragedies like this remind us of the risks they continually take to keep our communities safe. My heart goes out to the family, friends and co-workers of these officers, as well as the entire law enforcement community."

The memorial honoring the ultimate sacrifice of these officers took place on December 8, 2009 through the presence of 20,000 police officers and members of communities from throughout North America. Canada paid their respects by sending 1,000 Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

A procession followed the flag-draped caskets for the three-hour service which included 2,000 cars, understood to be the largest in Washington State history. The customary ceremonial honor guard for law enforcement venues opened the ceremony with thousands of officers throughout the arena standing at attention. They offered their salute as the officer's families and Lakewood Police Department were led to their seats.

These heroes remind us of the dangers the law enforcement community faces each day as they protect our nation. We must be ever mindful of their sacrifices and always appreciate, honor and respect the service they render us.


Lakewood Police Department Click here to visit site
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Click here to visit site


Friday, December 04, 2009

Lifeboats for Virginia Tech President and Officials First; Students Left to Fend for Themselves during America’s School Violence Titanic

According to published reports throughout the nation today, some Virginia Tech officials warned their families first of the killings on April 16, 2007 and President Charles W. Steger's office was locked down well before the campus-wide alert.

These reports, as gleaned from a newly released addendum to the Virginia Tech Panel Report, also state that a student survived several hours after being shot without anyone notifying her family. The student, Emily Hilscher, subsequently died without Virginia Tech following the most basic crisis management and human empathy principles of notifying her parents about her injuries or whereabouts until she passed. These are indicative of egregious negligence, incompetent leadership and a grave insult to Emily, her family, the Virginia Tech community, the people of Virginia and the nation.

Essentially, the lifeboats were seized by the President and other university officials, who placed their own personal safety and that of their relatives above the students and staff entrusted to their care. An administrative building and office were locked down in advance and the word was communicated selectively to families of officials before alerting the student body through a vague and untimely message of the danger.

Virginia Tech officials failed to follow the basic standard of crisis management as outlined in the May 2003 document published by the U. S. Department of Education titled Practical Information on Crisis Management: A Guide for Schools and Communities. The officials failed to "Respond within seconds, Evacuate or lock down the school as appropriate, Communicate accurate and appropriate information and keep students, families, and the media informed".

Yet, it seems even more deficiencies of the leadership will be revealed as we approach the December 14, 2009 oral arguments with demands being made by the Petersen and Pryde families through their lawsuit for full disclosure, accountability and consequences.


Va. Tech Report: Staff warned their families first Click here to visit site
'Inexcusable' actions in Va. Tech killings report Click here to visit site
Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech
Addendum to the Report of the Review Panel
Click here to visit site
Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools – August 1998 Click here to visit site
Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide – April 2000 Click here to visit site
Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and Creating Safe School Climates Click here to visit site
Report to the President on Issues Raised by the Virginia Tech Tragedy – June 2007 Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove Virginia Tech Blogs Click here to visit site

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