Monday, November 02, 2009

Bergenfield High School Marching Band: Inspiring Others through Music and Character

ALL Bergenfield High School Band Members should exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Fulfill all commitments completely and to the best of his/her ability.
  2. Serve as a positive peer role model.
  3. Maintain an enthusiastic, positive attitude towards all functions.
  4. Understand that positive modeling and enthusiasm carries though the entire year, in Marching Band, concert bands; in orchestra and choir; and in each individual's daily contact with the entire school and community.
  5. Learn to deal with peers in an effective, positive, and consistent manner.
  6. Assist all officers and peers in their efforts whenever possible.
  7. Understand that ALL band members are exemplars of the organization
Bergenfield High School Marching Band 2009-2010 Membership Responsibilities

On Saturday, October 31, 2009 I attended the Bergenfield High School home football game and was greatly impressed by the talent, discipline and character of the Bergenfield High School Marching Band under the leadership of Director Brian P. Timmons.

In the stands and on the field, the band is truly outstanding and their music is filled with energy, enthusiasm and excitement. This is complimented by their impressive red uniforms, accented by striking silver buttons and surrounded by the movement of their flags in perfect choreography with their instruments, marching and musical precision.

BHS Marching Band (9:21)
<a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>

After the game I addressed over 175 band and staff members, sharing a few words on the power of music and character. I commended their inspiring display of talent and encouraged them to offer each other a well deserved applause, reminding them that they are the generation of hope who can change the world starting right here at Bergenfield High School.

These students deserve the highest praise for their hard work. They represent the best in each of us for their dedication to school and community and are a reminder of all that is good in our nation. Let us recognize, affirm and appreciate them for their service, commitment and enthusiasm.


Bergenfield High School Marching Band Website Click here to visit site

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