Friday, February 27, 2009

Hackensack High School: Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement Part II

Hackensack High School is a learning community that fosters an appreciation for cultural diversity, intellectual growth, and individual diligence. We strive to prepare students to accept life's challenges by encouraging them to be open-minded, reflective, life-long learners who have integrity and respect for others. Hackensack High School, in partnership with home and community, will develop citizens who make a difference in their community. — Hackensack High School Mission Statement

On Wednesday, February 27, 2009, a school and community initiative titled Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement: gang awareness and resistance, dealing with anger, resolving conflict, become a person of character continued with two presentations — one to over 400 tenth graders and the other to a core group of district leaders including the superintendent, administrators, board of education members, supervisors and law enforcement personnel.


  • Why Are We Here?
    • What does it mean to be a student?
    • Do you have self-esteem?
    • Is your life stressful?
    • You can change the world
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Head on Collision
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement
    • Gang awareness and resistance
    • Dealing with anger
    • Resolving conflict
    • Be a person of character
  • Honoring American Military
  • Conclusion

After the tenth grade program, the district leaders gathered to hear their version of the presentation—an overview of the student content with additional modules including:

  • Model of an Educator in Action
  • Cultivating a Preventive rather than Repressive Educational System
  • Building Better Staff/Parent/Community Connections
  • The Altruism Factor

Thanks to Dr. Mark Porto, Principal of Hackensack High School, all district leader attendees received a custom logo version of my newest book Listen To Their Cries.

Hackensack Public Schools, under the leadership of Superintendent Edward Kliszus, Ph.D., is building a model of education that cultivates the finest within all elements of the school community.


Hackensack High School Click here to visit site
Hackensack High School: Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement Part I Click here to visit site
A New Wave of Evidence Click here to visit site
Managing Anger Click here to visit site
Facts for Teens: Conflict Resolution Click here to visit site
Facts for Teens: Physical Fighting Among Teenagers Click here to visit site
KidsHealth Click here to visit site
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center Click here to visit site
New Jersey's Online Gang Free Community Click here to visit site

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Monday, February 23, 2009

FBI Newark Division Celebrates Black History Month

On Friday, February 20, 2009, I was a privileged guest of the FBI Newark Division's black history month celebration titled African Americans Working Together to Make a Change. In a pre-recorded video, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Weysan Dun, unable to attend due to business in Washington, welcomed the 200 plus guests to the celebration. SAC Dun emphasized that diversity is one of our nation's greatest strengths and stressed that the FBI is a primary defender of civil rights. He called attention to Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln as pillars of the advancement of civil rights.

CELEBRATION AGENDA (from the event flyer)

Master of Ceremonies SA Frederick L. Ransom
Welcome SAC Weysan Dun
ASAC David Velasquez
Invocation SA George E. Graves, Jr.
Pledge of Allegiance  
National Anthem Ms. Sarah Dash
Negro National Anthem The Ed Ray Singers
Introduction of Keynote AO Dorisse Shakir-Ullah
      The Honorable Cory A. Booker, Mayor, Newark, NJ
Musical Selection The Ed Ray Singers
Aubrey C.Lewis Award
       Recipient: Lena Nixon, Retired
                           FBI Newark Division
SA Ransom
Musical Selection Mr. Abdur-Raqueeb Shakir-Ullah
Closing Remarks ASAC Aaron T. Ford
Benediction SA George E. Graves, Jr.

Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey delivered the keynote address. Mayor Booker began his remarks by expressing his admiration for the FBI's dedication to make real the promise of our country as "one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." He then shared the following thoughts:

  • His recent attendance at President Barack Obama's inauguration with members of his family including his own 91 year old grandmother. Her presence at this historic event represented the importance of equality, opportinuity and justice becoming a greater reality for every American.
  • The greatness of America is exemplified through ordinary Americans who have lived with extraordinary determination.
  • The importance of representing the true heroes of our nation, such as the African American children who stood with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in May of 1963 against racism and white supremacy, courageously calling for change in America.
  • America must not tolerate neighborhoods where people fear for their lives and where innocent children are killed. Our nation is called to a new era of change, character and courage.
  • The example of friendship and mutual respect between Abraham Lincoln and Samuel Douglass can and should be taken to heart by today's citizens. This is the work that each American must embark upon so that the promise of our nation becomes a reality for all.

After the event, I was honored to spend a few minutes with Mayor Booker and present him with a copy of my latest book Listen To Their Cries in appreciation for his inspiring service to community and dedication to the people of Newark.

The FBI Newark Division is to be commended for this extraordinary event which allowed the diversity of our nation to be celebrated and the contributions of black Americans to be recognized.


The Frederick Douglass Papers Click here to visit site
We Shall Overcome Click here to visit site—Black History Click here to visit site
Association for the Study of African American Life and History Click here to visit site
Time For Kids—Black History Month Click here to visit site
The King Center Click here to visit site

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Virginia Tech Tragedy: A Crisis of Character Exposed

Fortunately, there is one reporter covering the Virginia Tech tragedy whose investigative reporting and tireless pursuit of the facts has revealed a crisis of character at the highest levels of Virginia Tech leadership. Richmond Times-Dispatch Reporter David Ress' determination and fortitude reminds us that deception must never be tolerated and the truth must always be served.

In a Monday, February 9, 2009 article, Mr. Ress and reporter Carlos Santos, uncovered serious inconsistencies between the version of events as reported in the Virginia Tech Panel Report and their findings after review of thousands of documents over the past several months prior to the documents being released to the public on February 10, 2009.

The story, titled Lonely Search for Answers exposes the decision-making deficiencies of Charles W. Steger, President of Virginia Tech and numerous senior level officials. These serious errors in judgment demand that the public not only stand up and take notice but respond with moral indignation:

  • University officials acted to protect themselves while delaying a warning to the campus and that the official reason for the delay was mistaken.
  • University officials pushed to quickly close a fund set up for victims and families even as the school's leaders shifted attention back to a $1 billion fundraising campaign originally put on hold.
  • Alienation by Virginia Tech’s President and senior officials toward families of the victims.
  • Failing to exercise leadership with the most basic principles of crisis management through a lack of empathy, compassion and dignity toward the families of the victims. One parent expresses this frustration through his being directed by a Virginia Tech official to track down his daughter by making his own calls to hospitals and the morgue.
  • Immediate planning (on the very afternoon following the shootings) to scrap an upcoming gala and launch a $1 billion fundraising campaign.
  • Plans within 2 weeks of the tragedy at a meeting of Tech’s most senior officials with a note for a "healing concert offered for September 6 we could charge for outsiders."
  • One of Tech's most senior officials quoted the president of Virginia Tech, Charles W. Steger as planning to close a special fund for the families "as soon as possible... close fund & accept no more gifts... no more $ available for counseling."
  • The failure of Charles W. Steger in not immediately and personally calling all victim families to express condolences. One family reports not being contacted by him until August 9, almost 4 months after the tragedy.
  • The pressure on the families via a form on August 15 requiring them to agree to a funds proposal distribution within 30 days, by September 15.
  • The launching of the Virginia Tech capital project just a few weeks later, on October 20.

Perhaps the insensitivity and derisive treatment from Virginia Tech's President and officials toward the victims families is best expressed by Michael Pohle, whose son, Michael, died in Norris Hall,

"On the day I was burying my son, they were talking about their gala."


Richmond Times-Dispatch
Virginia Tech Shootings Articles
Click here to visit site
Vincent Bove Virginia Tech Blogs Click here to visit site

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Leadership Plus: Professionals Committed to Character

"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic.

But will they keep it?

Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom?

Material abundance without character is the path of destruction."
— Thomas Jefferson

The Leadership Plus master level class at Fairleigh Dickinson University met on Saturday, February 7, 2009 for discussion on my presentation titled Reawakening the Heart of America: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration.


  • Why Are We Here?
    • Education: Essential to the Preservation of Liberty
    • Foundations of Leadership
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • The ALTRUISM FactorTM
  • Principles of Visionary Leadership
  • Call to Action
  • American Military Tribute
  • Conclusion

Participants shared insights on character, violence prevention and leadership that might serve as a launching pad for transforming our nation through our schools, workplaces and communities.

This highly energetic group—under the guidance of Dr. Joseph A. Devine—represents the best of the future of America and is committed to their ongoing education and professional development. Aside from my admiration for each of these professionals, I am humbled that my newest book, Listen To Their Cries, is required reading for the class.


Rich Aschenbach
New Jersey State Police
Sergeant First Class
Kyle Loauwe
Morris County Park Police Department
Dan Black
NJ Department of Transportation
Electrical Engineer
Nancy McCollum
Continental Airlines
Flight Attendant
George Cabral
Elizabeth Police Department
Cheryl Morrison
H.S.B.C. Bank
Diversity Manager
Glenn Camuso
Newark Police Department
Beverly Natale
Atlantic Heath
Manager Respiratory
Steven Ciecwicz
New Jersey State Police
Sergeant First Class
Justin Pisano
New Milford Police Department
Robert Colaneri
Cranford Police Department
Jessica Presco
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Lead Accounting Clerk
Yolanda Cox
Law Firm
Diversity Manager
Kenuel Saintyl
System Technician
Rich Crosson
Chatham Police Department
Alicia Sanchez
Port Authority NYNJ
Toll Collector
John Dougherty
Summit Police Department
John Schanstra
Sparta Township Police Department
Detective Sergeant
Donna Giannetto
Clara Mass Medical Center
Nurse Educator
Tammy Smith
Verizon Communications
Tanya Hooks
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Payroll Specialist
Kristine Undertajlo
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Associate Director
Manilo Irula
Randolph Township Police Department
Patrol Officer
Mark Vlazny
Morris County
W. Paul Kelly
Summit Police Department
Deputy Chief
Craig Weber
Middletown Police Department
Lissy J. Kunian
State of New Jersey
John Yetter
Hardyston Township Police Department
Christine Lugris
Hackensack University Medical Center
Respiratory Therapist


The Churchill Centre Click here to visit site
Leadership, Ethics and Character: Foundations for Transformation Click here to visit site
Ethical Leadership: Enhance, Enrich, Empower Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America Click here to visit site
Spotlight on Dr. Joseph Devine Click here to visit site

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Hackensack High School: Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement

Hackensack High School is a learning community that fosters an appreciation for cultural diversity, intellectual growth, and individual diligence. We strive to prepare students to accept life's challenges by encouraging them to be open-minded, reflective, life-long learners who have integrity and respect for others. Hackensack High School, in partnership with home and community, will develop citizens who make a difference in their community. — Hackensack High School Mission Statement

On Tuesday, February 3, 2009, under the leadership of Principal Mark Porto of Hackensack High School in Bergen County, New Jersey, a school and community development initiative began with a presentation titled Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement: gang awareness and resistance, dealing with anger, resolving conflict, become a person of character to 525 freshman.

This project is the culmination of months of collaboration which included Assistant Principal Mark Johnson and School Resource Officer, Detective Kenneth Martin.


  • Why Are We Here?
    • What does it mean to be a student?
    • Do you have self-esteem?
    • Is your life stressful?
    • You can change the world
  • Contemporary Concerns
    • Head on Collision
    • Crisis of Leadership
    • Culture of Violence
    • Shattered Communities
    • Filling the Void
  • Creating a Culture of Character and Achievement
    • Gang awareness and resistance
    • Dealing with anger
    • Resolving conflict
    • Be a person of character
  • Honoring American Military
  • Conclusion

After the freshman program, 150 faculty and staff members gathered to hear their version of the presentation—an overview of the student content with two modules added:

  • helping students deal with anger
  • motivating the unmotivated student

It is commendable that Hackensack High School is dedicated to the task of positive behavior development, character education, gang awareness, academic enhancement and teacher development. As this initiative continues, Hackensack High School has the opportunity to not only effectively respond to current issues in American education but also serve as a model of excellence for other schools throughout the nation.

Having lived, worked and been involved in numerous community activities in Hackensack for a combined 20 years, I am very excited about conducting this dynamic program for Hackensack High School and honored that copies of Listen To Their Cries was distributed to all faculty and staff.


Hackensack High School Click here to visit site
Managing Anger Click here to visit site
Facts for Teens: Conflict Resolution Click here to visit site
Facts for Teens: Physical Fighting Among Teenagers Click here to visit site
KidsHealth Click here to visit site
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center Click here to visit site
New Jersey's Online Gang Free Community Click here to visit site

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