Tuesday, October 20, 2020

True Freedom Honors the Common Good / The Chief of Police, Vol. XXXVII, No.2

America must continually honor, cherish, and celebrate our freedom.  It was purchased by solemn sacrifices, especially by those who offered the ultimate sacrifice abroad and at home.

Our flag proudly flies in our communities across the nation as a tribute to freedom - the "land of the free and home of the brave".

Even now, with the challenges of our times, America is reminded to focus on its destiny — a light of democracy, freedom, and liberty for the world.

Unprecedented Times in America

Despite our imperfections and the crisis of the virus, America has much to celebrate compared to the war, conflict, violence, and violation of human rights taking place internationally.

Yet, we currently have severe problems of violence, racism, police-community division, and the heartbreak inflicted by the coronavirus.

America’s Hallowed Principles

As affirmed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assembly, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The five freedoms expressed in this amendment are sacred to Americans as they are the bedrock of our democracy and liberty.

We must continually celebrate these freedoms - the heart of America’s legacy.

These freedoms are front and center at the nation’s greatest debates. But, as the coronavirus continues, we must be mindful of what true freedom is.  

True freedom is the responsibility of doing what is right morally and ethically, not only for ourselves but for society. We must do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.

Due to the current national crisis, the call of our times is to protect the common good.

We do have personal freedoms. Yet, our freedom must never violate the rights of others, and specifically their right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Freedom, properly understood - must always honor the health, safety, and welfare of our neighbor, and their rights respected, upheld, and preserved.

Freedom Demands Justice for Others

To better understand the response necessary to our current public safety crisis, we must review the timeless philosophical wisdom of Thomas Aquinas on justice, as memorialized in his Summa Theologiae.

Aquinas teaches that the human person is inherently relational, and our actions impact others.

Every act is relational and must always be guided by the moral principles of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.

Specifically, justice demands that we render each one in society what they are due by the natural law, and civil law.

Justice is a virtue due to others. It expresses itself by honoring the security and safety of each person, all of whom have a legitimate right to justice.

The seat of justice is in the will, but it must be expressed through action, and it must never be violated by selfishness, ignorance, pride, or arrogance.

Justice is expressed through respect, humility, and honoring the rights of our neighbors.

Although the philosopher Thomas Aquinas formulated his principles on freedom over 700 years ago, they stand as indefatigable, and apply to America now.

America will only defeat the coronavirus when we honor the common good, and remember that freedom is inseparable from the responsibility of serving justice. 

Final Reflections

We must abide by the demands of our national emergency, and practice without compromise - social distancing, avoiding contact, personal hygiene, and wearing masks. This is a matter of justice, one of the moral principles critical to society.

The emotional spectrum of this hot-button health crisis will continue for the foreseeable future. Many see coronavirus, and personal decisions on how to respond, as a protection of freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But, we must have in thought, word, and action, that the common good and public safety is paramount, and inseparable from true freedom. A unity of effort throughout America, respecting the principles of justice, is mission critical to remedy the crisis.

We must vigilantly abide by medical professional guidelines to protect ourselves, families, neighbors, communities, and our nation. We must live by justice without compromise.

About the Author

Vincent J. Bove is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America.  

Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award, and former confident of the New York Yankees. 

Vincent served as spokesperson for a coalition of victim’s families of the Virginia Tech tragedy. 

His most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries.  For more information: vincentbove.com or Twitter -@vincentjbove  

Note Well: 

This article was published in The Chief of Police Magazine, Summer 2020 edition, Volume XXXVII, Number 2 and distributed hard copy by the National Association of Chiefs of Police to police chiefs and law enforcement nationwide.  

It is also posted in The Sentinel, the online site and newsletter of Vincent J. Bove, to facilitate access.


1. Seattle Police and Fire Departments (Courtesy Seattle PD Twitter)

2. NYPD Officers (Courtesy NYPD Twitter)

3. New Orleans Police Department funeral for Officer Sharon Williams, died from coronavirus. (Courtesy NOPD)

4. True Freedom Honors the Common Good, as published in The Chief of Police, Summer 2020 edition


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Thursday, October 08, 2020

In Memoriam: Army Capt. Jennifer M. Moreno

Throughout my life, I have remained dedicated to honoring our American military, especially those who have offered the ultimate sacrifice.

This dedication has expressed itself with the American Flag always proudly displayed wherever I lived, beginning as a young boy.

The honor for their sacrifices continued throughout my professional career with the publication of an extensive collection of articles – and in my two newest books – as well as at the end of my presentations with a photo tribute.

An Inspiration to America

Today, I would like to spotlight one particular American hero, as an inspiration to America.

She is Army Capt. Jennifer M. Moreno, who died Oct. 6, 2013 serving Operation Enduring Freedom.

Capt. Moreno, 25, of San Diego, California, was assigned to Madigan Army Medical Center, Joint Base Lewis – McChord, Washington.  She died in Zhari District, Afganistan of injuries sustained while enemy forces attacked her unit with an improvised explosion device.

Also killed in the incident were Sgt. Patrick Hawkins, Sgt. Joseph Peters, and Pfc. Cody Patterson.

Military Times: Honor the Fallen

As documented by The Tacoma Tribune on the Military Times website, the details of Capt. Moreno’s heroism are as follows:

“In her last moments of life, Army nurse Capt. Jennifer Moreno heard two orders.

“One was a call to help a wounded soldier struck by a blast in a booby-trapped killing field at an Afghanistan bomb-making compound.

“The other was a command to stay put lest she strike another mine in the bomb belt.

“The nurse from Madigan Army Medical Center chose to help the wounded soldier, and gave her life trying.

“In the words of her commander, Moreno ran "into hell" to rescue a comrade on the night she was killed. Newly released narratives of the Oct. 5 battle reveal the kind of hell Moreno and dozens of Army special operators found while trying to disrupt a plot to kill civilians in the city of Kandahar.

“A total of 12 bombs exploded that night — a chain reaction that took the lives of four U.S. soldiers and wounded at least 25.

“The fifth bomb killed Moreno, 25, of San Diego who volunteered for a dangerous assignment supporting special operators in combat.

“The 11th bomb wounded three soldiers trying to recover her body.

“Moreno is Madigan's only fatal casualty from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though the hospital south of Tacoma has continuously deployed soldiers to medical facilities in combat zones.

“Moreno "sacrificed her life so others could live," her Bronze Star commendation reads.

“The News Tribune previously reported Moreno's death and covered her memorial service at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. But her award commendation, which the newspaper obtained recently, sheds more light on that chaotic day, and on the heroic steps that were taken to honor the Soldiers Creed: "I will never leave a fallen comrade."


“Moreno is one of only 11 women from Lewis-McChord to die in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and one of only two women from the local base who were commissioned officers when they were killed.

“Moreno died with Sgt. Patrick Hawkins and Spc. Cody Patterson of the Georgia-based 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and special agent Joseph M. Peters of a military police unit based in Italy.

“The Army says their sacrifices stymied an attack "that would have resulted in the deaths of unknown multitudes of innocent civilians." At least two insurgents died in the compound; two of them were wearing suicide vests.

“The narratives were written to support military honors several soldiers received for their actions in the fight. Moreno posthumously received a Bronze Star. So did Hawkins and Patterson.

“Spc. Samuel Crockett, who survived that bloody day, received a Silver Star for risking his life over a two-hour rescue. He played a key role in recovering Moreno's body after the 11th blast, and in providing life-saving medical aid to a wounded soldier.

“He also set off the 12th and final bomb, but it had a low detonation that did not injure him.

“The battle began as the soldiers approached the compound in Kandahar's Zhari district and called out for its occupants to surrender.

“None of the insurgents inside would be taken alive.


“The first to die was an Afghan woman walking out of the compound wearing a suicide vest.

“She detonated the explosive, killing herself, wounding six troops and setting off a second blast nearby. Two soldiers rushing to help troops wounded in the first blast hit the third bomb. A second enemy fighter died in those early blasts, too.

“An Afghan insurgent who ran away from the building detonated the fourth explosive, another suicide vest. The bomb killed him and a military working dog named Jani.

“Moreno heard a call from a staff sergeant to help a wounded soldier. At the same time, the battle's ground commander told all of the soldiers to stay where they were.

“Her Bronze Star commendation uses dry, formal military language to describe the decision she faced.

“ ‘Disregarding her own well-being,’ it reads, ‘Moreno unhesitatingly moved to assist (the soldiers) upon realizing the severity of the wounds sustained by her fellow teammates.’

‘While in transit, Moreno detonated Device No. 5 and was killed in action.’

“Few could make the same choice.

" ‘None of us would have done what you did, running into hell to save your wounded brothers, knowing full well you probably wouldn't make it back,’ the commander of Moreno's female Special Operations support team in Afghanistan, Capt. Amanda King, later wrote in a eulogy.


“The battle did not end with Moreno's sacrifice.

"‘Follow me,’ Hawkins told Patterson as they made their move to reach the wounded.

“Patterson stepped on a mine, the sixth detonation. He stumbled and hit the seventh, delivering fatal wounds to both him and Hawkins.

“Peters, the military police officer, set off explosions No. 8 and No. 9 after working to clear a helicopter landing zone for medical evacuations.

“Crockett arrived with a 20-soldier force dispatched to clear the area of mines and rescue the wounded. He was trained for the job as a soldier in a North Carolina-based explosives command.

“He cleared space for medics to work on casualties and made his way to isolated Rangers, escorting them through the mine belt to safety. He managed to retrieve Hawkins, the fallen military dog and various pieces of sensitive military equipment without detonating more bombs.

" ‘His focus on retrieving teammates from stranded positions ultimately preserved their lives,’ his Silver Star commendation reads.


“Moreno's body remained on the field.

“Three soldiers from Crockett's unit tried to retrieve her, but struck the 11th explosive.

“Crockett ran to them, halting at the edge of his cleared path.

“He saw his platoon sergeant injured but standing. Crockett guided him back to safe ground.

“With no clear path to his two newly wounded teammates, Crockett got down to the ground and swept the earth for mines with his own hands.

“He reached a private first class who lost his right leg to the bomb. Crockett applied a tourniquet and ‘single-handedly dragged him to an area where medics could safely render treatment.’

“There was one more injured teammate left to recover from the 11th explosion. Crockett set off the final blast as he stepped to the wounded sergeant.

“It didn't kill him, so he continued with the rescue. He chose a different path, again swept the ground with his hands, and brought his teammate back to safety.

“Still, Moreno's body remained where she fell.

“Crockett got as close as he could to the fallen nurse, attached a drag line to her and pulled her to the safe area.

“With Moreno recovered, the operators made the call to leave the compound.

“Finally, they got out of hell. They did not leave one of their own behind.”

Final Reflections

America must eternally honor all who protect us through military service.

These patriots are the ethical protectors of the security and freedom of America, and people of good will throughout the world.

When they fulfill their duty, they provide legitimate defense, a sacrosanct duty of their mission.

In the garden of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, is a powerful sculpture titled, “Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares” by Yevgeny Vuchetich.

The sculpture depicts these words from the Book of Isaiah:

“they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

As a gathering storm continues with division among nations, may nations heed these words and pray for peace.

Yet, let us always remember the sacred right we have to defend ourselves, and all people of moral decency.

May we be forever grateful for our Armed Forces, and may their sacrifices throughout the world serve the path of peace.

About the Author 

Vincent J. Bove is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America. Bove is recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award, former confident of the New York Yankees, and author of 275 articles and 4 books.

He served as spokesperson for a coalition of victim’s families of the Virginia Tech tragedy. 

Vincent's most recent books are Reawakening America and Listen To Their Cries. For more information: vincentbove.com or Twitter -@vincentjbove 

 Photo 1. Capt. Jennifer M. Moreno  Photo Credit: Military Times  

Photo 2. World War I Vet Proudly holding American Flag in Harlem. (Public Domain/Source Unknown)

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