Monday, April 23, 2018

America’s Fallen Police Deserve Eternal Honor

Once again, the heart of America is wounded with the senseless murder of two Florida sheriff’s deputies.

The tragedy illuminates the ongoing dangers faced by all who take the sacred oath to protect and serve our communities.

This contemptuous attack demands that we pause to reverently honor these fine men.

We must also fully dedicate ourselves to a national commitment to foster iron-clad police-community unity.

Honoring the Gilchrist County Fallen

On April 19, 2018, two Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Deputies were shot and killed on duty while eating in a Florida restaurant.

Sgt. Noel Ramirez, 30, and Deputy Taylor Lindsay, 25, were shot without warning through a window from outside the restaurant.

Ramirez was a seven-year veteran of law enforcement who had a wife and two young children.

Lindsay, a three-year veteran, was not married but left behind a girlfriend.

Sheriff Bobby Schultz referred to the two deputies as “the best of the best.” He also stated that “they’re men of integrity, they’re men of loyalty. They’re God-fearing, and they loved what they did. And we’re very proud of them.”

The sheriff added “the only thing these men were guilty of was wanting to protect you and me. They just wanted to go get something to eat. And they just wanted to do their job.”

According to a Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post, Sgt. Noel Ramirez and Deputy Sheriff Taylor Lindsay were the first line of duty deaths in Gilchrist County since 1956.

Tragically, throughout America we are witnessing attacks against those who deserve our respect, honor, and gratitude.

Preliminary 2018 Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) memorializes law enforcement fatalities. The preliminary fatalities from January 1, 2018 – April 23, 2018 reflect a 64 percent increase in firearms-related fatalities compared to the same time-span last year.

The public is immediately informed when an officer is killed in the line of duty. This takes place through a Fallen Hero Alerts program, along with posting details on their website.

Besides the tragic loss of Sgt. Ramirez and Deputy Sheriff Lindsay, here are some additional officers who have offered the ultimate sacrifice this year as detailed by the NLEOMF.

Police Officer Tamby Yagan, Paterson (NJ) Police Department
End of Watch: April 22, 2018

Police Officer Tamby Yagan was killed in an automobile crash when his patrol car collided with a parked vehicle. Officer Tamby is the 14th law enforcement officer to be killed in a traffic-related incident this year and the second officer fatality from the state of New Jersey in 2018.

Police Officer Sean Gannon, Yarmouth (MA) Police Department
End of Watch: April 12, 2018

Police Officer Sean Gannon was shot and killed while assisting with serving a warrant. Officer Gannon and his canine partner were searching the home and located the suspect when he was struck by gunfire. Officer Gannon is the 21st officer to be shot and killed this year and the first officer fatality from the state of Massachusetts in 2018.

Police Officer Phillip Meacham, Hopkinsville (KY) Police Department
End of Watch: March 29, 2018

Officer Phillip Meacham of the Hopkinsville Police Department was shot and killed by a man impersonating a police officer. The man had attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Officer Meacham, who was off-duty, driving his personal car. Officer Meacham is the 20th law enforcement officer to be shot and killed in 2018 and the second from the state of Kentucky.

Special Agent Melissa Morrow, U.S. Department of Justice-Federal Bureau of Investigation
End of Watch: March 22, 2018

Special Agent Melissa Morrow succumbed to her illness on March 22, 2018, stemming from her assignment to aid in the search and recovery efforts at the Pentagon following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Special Agent Morrow is the second officer fatality from a U.S. Federal Agency in 2018.

Police Officer Christopher Ryan Morton, Clinton (MO) Police Department
End of Watch: March 6, 2018

Police Officer Christopher Ryan Morton was shot and killed when he and two other officers responded to a scene involving a disturbance. Officer Morton succumbed to his injuries and the other two officers were wounded. Officer Morton is the 16th law enforcement officer to be shot and killed in 2018 and the first officer fatality from the state of Missouri in 2018.

Final Reflections

America must eternally honor all who protect and serve our nation.

This sacred law enforcement call to serve America represents the character of the nation.

May each of our fallen be eternally remembered and may we be forever mindful of the immortal verse that “there is no greater love than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Related Coverage:

Fallen Police Officers: Honoring American Sentinels

Fallen Officers Demand America’s Reawakening

Dallas Police Tragedy: Healing, Unity, Renewal

Honoring America’s Fallen Police Officer Heroes

Note Well:

Twitter: vincentjbove

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 275 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reawakening America: Issues and Response

For the last five years it has been my privilege to address issues critical to America in my weekly Epoch Times column.

These articles have complemented my presentations and a lifetime of dedication to principles which I believe are vital to America.

In my opinion, these principles include leadership, vigilance, collaboration, courage, compassion, community, character, and patriotism.

In an effort to crystalize these principles, I would like to summarize some salient points from the collection of my articles.

In doing so, it is my hope that these issues, so critical to America, will inspire the audience to action.

America’s Breath of Life, Mar. 7, 2014

In my first article I covered a heart pounding life-or-death drama from a Florida expressway.

The incident of a child being resuscitated illustrated all that is great about America. Yet, it was also used as a metaphor for our crisis of character which demands resuscitation.

Diversity: America’s Heartbeat, Apr. 18, 2014

The article addresses various violations of human rights. I argued that diversity “expresses a true appreciation of the inestimable value of each human being and a respect for their beliefs.”

In numerous follow up articles including “Racism in America: Time for Unity,” I stated that the racism experience by the Tuskegee Airmen continues.

The article concluded with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.”

Principles of American Policing, May 1, 2015

The police-community tensions erupting nationwide, and the importance of building trust were addressed in an extensive collection of articles.

Respecting current realities in America, I developed nine principles of American policing to enhance dialogue, communication, and unity between police and communities.

The principles stress that being pro-police and pro-community is inseparable. One of the principles also notes that “respect must be the heart of the police and it must be unwavering for the profession, colleagues, and community. Respect can only be earned through integrity, accountability, and transparency. These qualities build trust, legitimacy, and collaboration.”

Since being pro-police and pro-community is inseparable, this respect must also be alive in the heart of every civilian privileged to call America home.

Honoring American Immigrants: Family, Neighbors, Heroes, Jul. 16, 2015

Due to the ongoing controversy of immigration, this article took a positive approach. It was a reminder that “America is a land of immigrants who enrich our nation with their talents, sacrifices, and character.”

By addressing immigration, it was my hope that the frenzy of emotions over immigration can be resolved. But, in my opinion, this is only possible when we integrate sensible security measures with honoring human dignity and American values. Reasonable minds must prevail and we must remember that “America is a great land because of the values, vision, and service of countless immigrants.”

America’s 21st Century Teacher: Security, Character, Pedagogy, Aug. 28, 2015

Many of my articles addressed school and campus violence. In formulating a response, an integration of sound security measures, character education, and the preventative system of education was presented. All of these principles are essential and inseparable from addressing
America’s culture of violence. Unfortunately, this understanding is often missed in a barrage of reactive training initiatives.

This article encouraged the cultivation of the preventive system of education whereby “educators are vigilant in a caring manner and offer inspirational guidance from the heart consistent with kindness, character, and reasonableness.

Along with sound security measures and character education, this system is essential to school security and setting the right culture in educational communities.

As I have done for 20 years and again this week, through a partnership of the Bergen County Education Association and the Bergen County Regional SWAT team, I encouraged educators from throughout the county to adhere to this pedagogy.

America, Wake Up: Harden Your Soft Targets, Jan. 7, 2016

The continuous violent rampages throughout America were addressed in this article. It sounded the clarion call for police, private security, and citizens to prevent violence with an unwavering commitment to collaboration.

Basic security measures to harden soft targets were stressed which includes security vulnerability assessments, background checks, investigations, training, warning signs, physical/personnel/procedural security, and cybersecurity.

Visionary American Leadership: Champion for the Poor, Dec. 29, 2016

This article addressed the universal message from the masterpiece novel “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.

By illustrating alarming issues of poverty in America, a moral call to visionary leadership to alleviate poverty was made.

America must forever remain the champion of the poor as we have an “ordained mission of justice, dignity, and moral responsibility toward every member of society.”

American Government Requires Ethical Leadership, Jan. 5, 2017

America is at a crossroads and ethical behavior must be the foundation of the nation.

Specifically, the article stated that “government officials are called to uphold a high standard of ethical behavior. Ethics is the moral foundation that animates their protecting the integrity of the government.”

America’s Opioid Crisis: The Heart of the Solution, Apr. 7, 2017

This article was one of numerous addressing the scourge of the drug crisis wrecking devastation on individuals, families, and communities.

As in many articles calling America’s youth to rise to the occasion, I stressed that they deserve educational empowerment. Our youth must be inspired to serve as ethical protectors in their families, schools, and communities. They youth are essential to turning the tide of our drug crisis and we will only be successful with this pandemic with their involvement.

Portraits of American Character Help Reawaken the Nation, Jan. 22, 2018

This article depicted individuals who personify lives of character.

Character must be the heartbeat of America and must be resuscitated when necessary throughout the nation. This virtue represents the ideals of our country, the “better angels of our nature,” and the goodness of humanity.

Each person that is honored to call America home must continually reflect on living a life of character.

We must also have our eyes wide open and appreciate all who reflect the ideals of character in our society.

Final Reflections

Despite the challenges facing America, we are destined to be a beacon of character to the nations.

May all of us be faithful to the ideals of our nation and continually enhance our commitment to reawakening the nation.

Let us renew America’s ideals by living lives built on the pillars of character, courage, and community.

Note Well:

Twitter: vincentjbove

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 275 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


1. American flags in Rockefeller Center, New York. (Vincent J. Bove)
2. NYPD Times Square, NYC, Mar. 25, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)
3. Students with their teacher at a character education presentation by Vincent J. Bove titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World at Union City Public Schools, N.J., on Feb. 27, 2009. (Vincent J. Bove)
4. 2d Lt. Alix Schoelcher Idrache cries during the United States Military Academy West Point Graduation, May 23, 2016. (U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Vito T. Bryant)

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

America’s Active Shooter Crisis Demands Leadership

America’s culture of violence is continually manifested through horrific active shooter tragedies.

Leadership is critical from law enforcement, private security professionals, government officials, property managers, and all responsible for safeguarding individuals entrusted to their care.

Each and every person privilege to call America home must also be vigilant, and always aware of their surroundings.

Violence is the new reality of American life and companies, schools, campuses, houses of worship, and public gatherings throughout the nation are potential targets.

Active Shooter Definition

As defined by the Department of Homeland Security: “An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.”

American Mass Shootings: Fast Facts

The ten deadliest single day mass shootings in modern U.S. history crystalize the scope of the crisis.

October 1, 2017 – 58 killed and almost 500 injured when a deranged gunman opens fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Gunfire was sprayed for approximately ten to fifteen minutes upon a crown of about 22,000 concertgoers.

June 12, 2016 – 49 killed and over 50 wounded when a gunman opens fire inside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

April 16, 2007 – 32 students and faculty killed and numerous others injured at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

December 14, 2012 – twenty children, ages six and seven, and six adult staff and faculty were shot dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

November 5, 2017 – 25 people as well as an unborn child were shot dead, and twenty others wounded inside a small church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

October 16, 1991 – 23 people are shot dead inside Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas.

July 18, 1984 – 21 adults and children are killed inside a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, California.

August 1, 1966 – 18 are killed including an unborn child and at least 30 are wounded at the University of Texas in Austin. The shooter also killed his wife and mother earlier in the day.

February 14, 2018 – 17 are shot dead by a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

December 2, 2015 – 14 are killed by a married couple during a holiday season employee gathering at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California.

Dedication Demanded

Throughout my career, I have conducted hundreds of walkthroughs at sites to assess security. After many of these walkthroughs, my responsibility was to develop post orders for security personnel, action plans, and emergency contact information.

Despite the importance of these procedures for protecting life and property, the deficiencies at many sites were often conspicuous.

The possibility of an emergency is always a reality, whether it be man-made or natural, and leadership must always be built of the pillars of dedication, competence, and discipline.

Practical Preparedness Tips

Continuous active shooter tragedies remind us that incidents can happen any place and any time.

There are steps that can be taken to prevent the threat.

The proactive mindset of preparedness includes the mantra, “if you see something, say something.” It also involves knowing plans at schools, campuses, houses of worship, and workplaces. Leadership must also ensure training, plans, and drills are implemented if they do not exist.

Situational awareness is also critical as one must always know exits whenever visiting facilities, malls, theaters, or public places.

According to FEMA, there are three options for survival during an incident which are as follows:

RUN. Getting away from the shooter or shooters is the top priority. Leave your things behind and run
away. If safe to do so, warn others nearby. Call 911 when you are safe. Describe each shooter, their locations, and weapons.

HIDE. If you can’t get away safely, find a place to hide. Get out of the shooter’s view and stay very quiet. Silence your electronic devices and make sure they won’t vibrate. Lock and block doors, close blinds, and turn off the lights. Don’t hide in groups— spread out along walls or hide separately to make it more difficult for the shooter. Try to communicate with police silently—like through text messages or
by putting a sign in an exterior window. Stay in place until law enforcement gives you the all clear.

FIGHT. Your last resort when you are in immediate danger is to defend yourself. Commit to your actions and act aggressively to stop the shooter. Ambushing the shooter together with makeshift weapons such as chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, and books can distract and disarm the shooter.

During and after an incident it is always essential to follow the instructions of law enforcement. First-Aid classes can also be taken to learn skills that can save lives.

Final Reflections

America’s flag continues to fly at half-staff too often due to violent rampages against the innocent.

Leadership must inspire vigilance and collaboration to prevent violence. We must have the determination, commitment, and courage to protect ourselves and others.

Training initiatives, security assessments, sound security measures, building police-community partnerships, professional security personnel, and responding effectively to warning signs are critical safeguards against active shooter tragedies.

These pillars must be inseparable from securing our communities against mass shooting tragedies and essential to reawakening the nation.

Related Coverage:

America’s Active Shooter Crisis: Issues and Response

Mass Shootings, Police Fatalities: America’s Culture of Trauma

Mass Shooter Crisis: America, Wake Up

Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

Note Well:

Twitter: vincentjbove

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 275 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Mass Attacks in Public Spaces Demand America’s Vigilance

Although vigilance is always the order of every day, the month of April is unique due to anniversaries of horrendous attacks at Virginia Tech and Columbine.

On April 16, we reverently pause to remember the 33 lives lost in 2007 at Virginia Tech.

On April 20, we solemnly remember the 1999 mass shooting at Columbine High School that left 15 dead.

America’s culture of violence demands eternal vigilance. The month of April, as remembered through these tragedies, demands heightened vigilance at all or our schools, colleges, and universities.

Secret Service Reports Deserve Study

In my office are two significant studies by the United States Secret Service and the United States Department of Education. These have been continually referenced in my school violence prevention initiatives since they were published in 2002.

Due to the courtesy of these agencies, I have distributed thousands of copies to law enforcement officials and educators at my violence prevention speaking venues.

The first report is titled "The Final Report And Findings Of The Safe School Initiative: Implications For The Prevention Of School Attacks In The United States."

The document deserves to be studied in its entirety but it highlights 10 key findings, which are as follows:

• Incidents of targeted violence at school rarely were sudden, impulsive acts.
• Prior to most incidents, other people knew about the attacker’s idea and/or plan to attack.
• Most attackers did not threaten their targets directly prior to advancing the attack.
• There is no accurate or useful “profile” of students who engaged in targeted school violence.
• Most attackers engaged in some behavior prior to the incident that caused others concern or indicated a need for help.
• Most attackers had difficulty coping with significant losses or personal failures. Moreover, many had considered or attempted suicide.
• Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured by others prior to the attack.
• Most attackers had access to and had used weapons prior to the attack.
• In many cases, other students were involved in some capacity.
• Despite prompt law enforcement responses, most shooting incidents were stopped by means other than law enforcement intervention.

It is important to note that although these findings were published in 2002, they are still a factor in attacks throughout America.

The second report is titled "Threat Assessment In Schools: A Guide To Managing Threatening Situations And To Creating Safe School Climates."

Along with the afore-mentioned study, this document also deserves to be studied in its entirety. But, for the sake of brevity, it highlights the 10 findings in the safe school initiative report and encourages fostering a culture of respect and breaking the “Code of Silence.”

This study also emphasizes that the primary purpose of a threat assessment is to prevent targeted violence. Six principles form the foundation of the process:

• Targeted violence is the end result of an understandable, and oftentimes discernible process of thinking and behavior.
• Targeted violence stems from an interaction among the individual, the situation, the setting, and the target.
• An investigative, skeptical, inquisitive mindset is critical to successful threat assessment.
• Effective threat assessment is based upon facts, rather than characteristics or “traits.”
• An “integrated systems approach” should guide threat assessment inquiries and investigations.
• The central question in a threat assessment inquiry or investigation is whether a student poses a threat, not whether the student has made a threat.

One lesson from these reports is that a threat assessment program is critical for every school, campus, and university in America. Members of the team that identify, assess, or manage threatening situations should be drawn from both the school and community. The team should include law enforcement, mental health professionals, administrators, teachers, attorneys, school security personnel, and psychologists.

Secret Service: 2018 Report on Mass Attacks

In March, 2018 the National Threat Assessment Center of the United States Secret Service released its newest report titled "Mass Attacks In Public Spaces-2018"

This report also deserves study by all concerned with America’s culture of violence. It should also be utilized for school violence prevention training and for all members of threat assessment teams.

In this report of 28 incidents of mass attacks in 2017, whereby 147 lives were lost and nearly 700 injured, similar themes in the backgrounds of attackers were observed which included the following:

• Nearly half were motivated by a personal grievance related to a workplace, domestic, or other issue.
• Over half had histories of criminal charges, mental health symptoms, and/or illicit substance use or abuse.
• All had at least one significant stressor within the last five years, and over half had indications of financial instability in that timeframe.
• Over three-quarters made concerning communications and/or elicited concern from others prior to carrying out their attacks. On average, those who did elicit concern caused more harm than those who did not.

Final Reflections

In my presentations throughout the United States since the Columbine tragedy, and in my collection of published works, I have continually emphasized leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.

These principles are critical to violence prevention and the underlying foundation of not only the aforementioned Secret Service reports, but of every credible crisis management model.

America’s culture of violence is a tragic commentary of our times with yet another active shooter incident taking place at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California as I write this article. But there is hope for secure schools, campuses, workplaces, and communities.

Our nation must persevere to end the scourge of violence, and to reawaken the nation through our shared responsibility, unwavering determination, and moral courage.

Related Coverage:

Columbine, Virginia Tech Anniversaries: Reverence, Vigilance, Prevention

American School Violence Requires a Response of Courage, Commitment, and Community

America’s Schools: Security, Character, Academics

Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

Note Well:

Twitter: vincentjbove

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 275 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

Photo: Students and visitors attend a candlelight vigil on campus at Virginia Tech April 16, 2012 in Blacksburg, Virginia. (Jared Soares/Getty Images)

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