Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We the People Demand Character in American Government

Twelve years ago, I authored a two-part series on the need for character in American politics for The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine.

The series titled “American Leadership Principles in an Age of Corruption” was well-received. Requests to publish the articles in numerous additional publications was received and approved.

The first of these articles began with details from the FBI website on public corruption. These words remain memorialized on their site exactly as they were twelve years ago:

“Public corruption, the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority, poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It can affect everything from how well our borders are secured and our neighborhoods protected to how verdicts are handed down in courts to how public infrastructure such as roads and schools are built. It also takes a significant toll on the public’s pocketbooks by siphoning off tax dollars—it is estimated that public corruption costs the U.S. government and the public billions of dollars each year. The FBI is uniquely situated to combat corruption, with the skills and capabilities to run complex undercover operations and surveillance.”

Drain the Swamp: America’s Ethical Renaissance

In my article for the March 16, 2016 edition of the Epoch Times titled “Drain the Swamp: Championing America’s Ethical Renaissance,” I argued that America’s corruption demands extermination.

The article stated “the swamp must be drained, not by impotent words, but by actions built on pillars of moral courage, transformational leadership, and persuasive character. Only these principles can conquer our culture of corruption and lead us to an authentic ethical renaissance.”

Furthermore, America was summoned to turn to Lincoln as a model of character, inspiration, and motivation.

Lincoln’s life was highlighted as one deserving imitation, as opposed to those who manipulate for self-gain. The article stated “there are many in positions of power that violate the public trust. They are not honoring their sacred oaths to serve. Instead, reprehensible examples of greed, self-aggrandizement, arrogance, superficiality, and self-centeredness are wreaking havoc on our moral compass. America must remember that it is built on the foundation of ‘We the People.’”

Public Corruption: FBI’s Partial List

Press releases on the FBI website, a partial list from October, 2017 alone, remind us that America’s swamp of corruption is alive and well:

• Jury convicts former Cumming Police sergeant of accepting bribes and computer fraud
• U. S. Penitentiary Lieutenant arraigned on excessive force and obstruction of justice charges
• Baltimore City Department of Transportation Supervisor Charged With Taking Thousands In Bribes
• Captain with Bristol County Sheriff’s Office Indicted for Smuggling Profits to Portugal
• Former Local Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced for Accepting a Bribe to Protect a Contraband Cigarette Trafficking Scheme
• Suffolk County District Attorney and Chief Of Investigations Indicted For Obstructing Federal Civil Rights Investigation
• Former Philadelphia District Attorney Rufus Seth Williams Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Federal Bribery Charge
• Fourth Baltimore City Police Detective Pleads Guilty To Racketeering And Heroin Distribution Conspiracy
• Former NYS Deputy Secretary of State Sentenced to Serve Thirty Months in Prison for Perjury
• Former State Judge Pleads Guilty to Dismissing Cases in Exchange for Personal Benefits and Tampering with a Witness

Unscrupulous individuals in positions of authority, with a toxic addiction to power, continue to be venomous to the health, welfare, and security of America.

Final Reflections

In my home are numerous artworks depicting the heart of American democracy.

One is of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. with the words “All authority belongs to the people” emblazoned on it.

In another are the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg. His words must be forever seared into the heart of everyone who loves America. They are an eternal tribute to every patriot who gave the “last measure of devotion.”

Lincoln’s words also beckon us through a mystical cord of unity with all who have died by military sacrifice. He inspires America as a “nation, under God” that is destined to a “new birth of freedom.” He prophesizes a “new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

But perhaps the best way to conclude this article and to hopefully ignite an ethical renaissance is with words from Lincoln’s Lyceum Address in Springfield, Illinois on Jan. 27, 1838.

These words had broad implications for Lincoln’s vision for America. But these words are eternal and even now, Lincoln beckons our nation to a heartbeat of character. America, inspired by Lincoln, must rise from an age of corruption, superficial politics, and shameful scandals and ignite an ethical renaissance:

“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;--let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap--let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;--let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.”

Related Coverage:

American Government Requires Ethical Leadership

Policing Requires Ethical Protectors

America’s Culture of Deception: The Art of the Con

America’s Critical Ethical Issues Demand Resolution

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


Scholars and enthusiasts alike believe this portrait of Abraham Lincoln, taken on November 8, 1863, eleven days before his famed Gettysburg Address, to be the best photograph of him ever taken. Lincoln’s character was notoriously difficult to capture in pictures, but Alexander Gardner’s close-up portrait, quite innovative in contrast to the typical full-length portrait style, comes closest to preserving the expressive contours of Lincoln’s face and his penetrating gaze. (Public Domain / Photo by Alexander Gardner)

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

America’s Drug Crisis Demands Ethical Protectors

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D. C. is hallowed ground dedicated to honoring Americans who gave the last measure of devotion to freedom in the Vietnam War.

According to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall-USA website, there are 58,195 names engraved on the wall. The wall stands as a perpetual reminder honoring Americans who lost their lives in Vietnam from 1955-1975.

These sacrifices remind us of the price of freedom, and the courage, heroism, and character of America.

America’s Lives Lost: A New Crisis

As staggering as the loss of life from the Vietnam War is, America is now faced with a new crisis.

Last year alone, more Americans were likely killed by drug overdoses in one year than during the entire Vietnam War.

Data from a recent National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) study predicts an alarming escalation of drug deaths to an estimated 71,600 in 2017.

The report, memorialized through graphic charts on the NIH website crystalizes the horrific toll of the drug crisis. The report includes the following:

• Among the more than 64,000 drug overdose deaths estimated in 2016, the sharpest increase occurred among deaths related to fentanyl and fentanyl analogs (synthetic opioids) with over 20,000 overdose deaths.
• More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids-the death toll nearly doubling over the past decade.

Addressing America’s Drug Crisis

For the past 20 years the clarion call to eradicate America’s drug crisis has been addressed in my presentations and published works.

This dedication continued on Friday, Oct. 20, 2017 with my presentation titled “America’s Drug Crisis: Issues and Response” in Champion, Pennsylvania.

The presentation was conducted for over 250 attendees as requested by the Professional Affordable Housing Management Association (PAHMA). This association is to be commended for their efforts to remedy this crisis. PAMHA is also to be complemented for their generous printing of my numerous Epoch Times articles on the opioid crisis for all attendees.

My presentation illuminated the inseparability of America’s drug crisis with our culture of violence, crisis of leadership, gang culture, and deterioration of families. It concluded, as with all my presentations do, with a tribute to American military sacrifices and solutions to remedy the crisis.

Recent headlines from throughout the nation, highlighted in graphic slides, crystallized the enormity of the crisis and included the following:

• US heroin deaths jump 533% since 2002, report says
• Born Addicted: The Number of Opioid-Addicted Babies is Soaring
• America’s opioid crisis has cut into U.S. life expectancy
• Opioids create generation of American orphans
• Enough Fentanyl to Kill 32 Million People Seized During New York City Drug Busts, Police Say
• Drug Deaths in America Rising Faster Than Ever
• This is a nationwide problem: Drug investigation leads to 25 arrests in Harrisburg area
• Feds: Chicago gang members killed six in conspiracy to control drug trade
• Feds and NYC authorities arrest 49 members of cartel-linked Bronx based drug distribution network
• State of Addiction: How did Pennsylvania find itself so deep in the opioid epidemic

Inseparable Link: Gang Dealers and Deviant Executives

At one point during my presentation, there was a rousing spontaneous applause. This was expressed after my passionate remarks on Purdue Pharma corporate executives. I stated that these individuals were inseparably linked to street-level drug dealers and they were pivotal to America’s drug crisis.

According to a May 10, 2007 news release on the United States Attorney’s Office Western District of Virginia website, top executives from Purdue Pharma plead guilty. This was based on their misbranding OxyContin and involved their agreement to pay over $600 million in damages.

This guilty plea came just a few days after the pharmaceutical giant also agreed to pay $19.5 million to 26 states and the District of Columbia. This was to settle complaints of their encouraging medical doctors to overprescribe OxyContin.

The U.S. Attorney John Brownlee at the time said, "With its OxyContin, Purdue unleashed a highly abusable, addictive, and potentially dangerous drug on an unsuspecting an unknowing public. For these misrepresentations and crimes, Purdue and its executives have been brought to justice."

The public was betrayed about OxyContin and its dangerous risk of addiction by morally bankrupt, greedy, and shameless executives. They made billions through their self-aggrandizement by fraudulent and deviant scheming that led to thousands of deaths from OxyContin. This criminality not only took lives but ruined many people and their families by a drug which they knew was destructively addictive.

America Requires Ethical Protectors

During the entire presentation I continually encouraged attendees to respond to America’s drug crisis as ethical protectors.

I stressed that this deadliest drug crisis in American history, that killed more people last year then guns or car accidents, will require a multi-faceted and long-term approach.

This approach must include community leaders throughout all segments of society. It must also include not only a traditional law enforcement response, but police-community collaborations that offer treatments for those suffering from addiction.

The presentation concluded by emphasizing the critical importance of empowering our youth. America’s youth must be supported, encouraged, and empowered with the moral courage to stand as ethical protectors.

Final Reflections

Our youth are critical to vanquishing the scourge of America’s drug crisis which is inflicting unimaginable heartbreak on communities, families, and individuals.

The virtue of character throughout society was stressed, especially character education initiatives in our schools.

A quote from Cicero was emphasized as essential to character education in our schools:

“Within the character of the citizen lies the welfare of the citizen.”

America must rise to the call of an ethical renaissance. We must stand as ethical protectors throughout society and heed the beckoning of these concluding words of my presentation:

“Your honor, leadership, and integrity is mission critical to safeguarding America, protecting our people, and preserving our democracy.”

Related Coverage:

Opioid Addiction: America’s Public Health Crisis

America’s Drug Crisis Demands Police-Community Unity

America’s Opioid Crisis: The Heart of the Solution

America’s 21st Century Teacher: Security, Character, Pedagogy


1. PHAMA event, Champion, PA, Oct. 20, 2017. (Courtesy Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing)
2. A heroin user injects himself on March 23, 2016 in New London, CT. (John Moore/Getty Images)
3. A bottle of OxyContin sits on the counter of the Post Haste Pharmacy And Surgical Store in Hollywood, Fla., on June 16, 2003. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fallen Green Berets Deserve America’s Honor

The U.S. Army defines their Special Forces, also referred to as the legendary Green Berets as a “unique, unconventional, combat arms organization … they are the most versatile Special Operations soldiers in the world.”

Green Berets are further defined as the “elite, multi-purpose force for high priority operational targets of strategic importance. Their linage dates back to more than 200 years of unconventional warfare history, with notable predecessors including the Revolutionary War Swamp Fox Francis Marion, the WWII OSS Jedbourg Teams and Detachment 101 in Burma, as well as the Alamo Scouts. Since their establishment in 1952, they have distinguished themselves in Vietnam (17 Medals of Honor), El Salvador, Panama, Desert Shield/Storm, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. Most recently, Green Berets have played a critical role in destroying Taliban/al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, rooting out insurgents in Iraq, training foreign troops to fight terrorists or drug warlords, and crossing the globe to liberate the oppressed.”

Fallen Green Berets

On Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017, the dangers of service to America as a Green Beret was crystallized in a tragic incident.

An ambush in the northwest African country of Niger left four Green Berets dead and two wounded.

According to published reports, a team of Green Berets had just completed a meeting with local leaders. While returning to their unarmed vehicles, they were ambushed by some 50 ISIS fighters using small arms, machine-guns, and rocket propelled grenades.

U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General Mark Miley, spoke to reporters during the Association of the United States Army’s annual meeting in Washington D.C. after the attack. Miley stated, “We are training, advising, and assisting indigenous armies all over the world. And I anticipate and expect that will increase and not decrease … it is a dangerous mission.”

According to the military times website honoring the fallen, the Green Berets who died during this U.S. Africa Command Operations were all assigned to the 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

These America heroes who have offered the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation are as follows:

Army Staff Sgt. La David T. Johnson – 25 years-old, of Miami Gardens, Florida. Johnson’s awards and decorations include the Army Achievement Medal, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Army Parachutist Badge, the Army Air Assault Badge, the Driver and Mechanic Badge, and the Marksmanship Qualification Badge - Sharpshooter with Rifle. He was the youngest of those killed. According to a news report, Johnson was “a gym and church regular who believed in hard work. Aside from his love of cycling, his friends also remembered his love of cars and his commitment to being a reliable father and husband. He even tattooed his wife’s name on his chest.”

Army Staff Sgt. Byran C. Black – 35 years-old of Puyallup, Washington. Black served as a Special Forces medical sergeant and was recipient of the Ranger Tab and Special Forces Tab. In a local news report from his hometown, a neighbor in the Stonegate neighborhood of Puyallup, Whitney Kamel, spoke of Black’s family. Kamel said, “what an honor it is to live across the street from them. As American’s we need to thank everyone of these people every single day.”

Army Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson – 39-years old of Springboro, Ohio. Johnson served as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist, enlisting in October, 2007. He leaves behind a wife and two daughters and is described by friends and family as a rock-solid American patriot with a great heart.

Army Staff Dustin M. Wright – 29 years-old of Lyons, Georgia, a Special Forces engineer sergeant who enlisted in July, 2012. Wright was recipient of the Special Forces Tab. His Aunt Ginger Russell commenting on his powerful physical strength said, “I’m sure that’s why he had to grow up to be so big because his body couldn’t hold the heart he had.” His cousin, Jada Davis said, “He’s our own personal American hero. And he died for our country.”

Final Reflections

America must eternally honor the fallen who have offered the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Their sacrifices, along with those of all Gold Star Families who have lost loved ones, are the pillars of America’s freedom, democracy, and way of life.

As detailed in these immortal words of “America the Beautiful,” may the sacrifices of all who have died for our nation, be forever seared into our souls:

“O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more then self their country loved
And mercy more than life!”

Related Coverage:

With Honor and Leadership the US Army Protects America

Gold Star Families: Honoring Those Who Make the Ultimate Sacrifice

Memorial Day: Honor the Fallen, Widows, Orphans

Armed Forces: Honor, Leadership, Protecting America

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

Special Forces Green Beret soldiers from each of the Army’s seven Special Forces Groups stand silent watch during the wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of President John F. Kennedy, Nov. 17, 2011, at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremony marked a time-honored tradition to honor Kennedy for his support and advocacy of the soldiers who would be known simply as “Green Berets.” (Credit: U.S. Army / Public Domain)

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

With Honor and Leadership the U.S. Marine Corps Protects America

As detailed on the official U.S. Marine Corps website, “The Marine Corps, within the Department of the Navy, is organized as a general purpose “force in readiness” to support national needs. Deploying for combat as combined-arms Marine air-ground task forces (MAGTFs), the Marine Corps provides the National Command Authorities (NCA) with a responsive force that can conduct operations across the spectrum of conflict. Recent events continue to highlight the Navy-Marine Corps team’s key national security role. Seabased, combat ready, forward deployed naval forces have been involved in more than 28 major military operations since 1995.”

The heart of the mission of the U.S. Marine Corps is “As America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775, the Marines are forward deployed to win our nation’s battles swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis. We fight on land, sea and air, as well as provide forces and detachments to naval ships and ground operations.

U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team

Recently, I was inspired by a performance of the U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team. It took place at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, often referred to as The Marching Twenty-Four, is a 24-man rifle platoon of the U.S. Marine Corps. The unit performs unique silent precision exhibition drills to exemplify the discipline of the Marine Corps.

The platoon executes meticulous drill movements of their spit-shined 10.5 pound rifles with fixed razor-sharpened silver bayonets. Their performance includes a flawless rifle inspection involving intricate rifle spins and complex tosses and one-handed catches.

The impeccable performance of these disciplined Marines makes one proud of being American. Their professionalism, discipline, and commitment reflect the finest of America’s armed forces and give our nation great hope for the future.

America’s Flag: Our Rallying Point

As detailed in my article titled “America’s Flag, Patriotism: Resuscitating Our Destiny,” for the Mar. 20, 2015 edition of the Epoch Times, I stressed that “the American flag is the symbol of our nation, deserving of reverence, honor, and dignity.”

The article highlighted the immortalized iconic flag-raising of the U.S. Marines during the battle of Iwo Jima. This defining moment in American history gave us hope. It was a counterpoint to the heart-wrenching sinking of our ships at Pearl Harbor that cast a dark cloud upon us.

America is now at a crossroads with expressions of discontent taking place during the National Anthem. But we must have great expectations that our divisions will lead to unity expressed through respect for our flag, and that we will once again stand together.

The American Flag, immortalized by its raising at Iwo Jima, is mystically inseparable from its raising at each sporting event, school, community, and workplace. Our flag must be eternally revered across our homeland and especially in the heart of all privileged to call our nation home.

U.S. Marine Navajo Code Talker

Since the U.S. Marine Corps is one of profound magnitude spanning America’s entire history, perhaps the best way to crystallize it is through a story of one of its legends.

On Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, U.S. Marine Navajo Code Talker David Patterson Sr., 94, passed away in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

Patterson served in the Marines from 1943-1945 and received the Silver Congressional Medal of Honor.

According to the official website of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II the Marine Corps used the Navajo language to create an unbreakable security code.

The code developed by the Navajo language was virtually undecipherable especially since it was further complicated by word substitution. During World War II about 400 Navajos participated in the code program. These code talkers were critical to America’s victory and vital to every U.S. Marine assault in the Pacific from 1942-1945.

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye honored Patterson by stating the following:

"It’s a sad day on the Navajo Nation when we lose a national treasure like we did in losing Navajo Nation Code Talker David Patterson, Sr., beyond his service in protecting our freedom, he was a beloved husband, father and grandfather.”

Final Reflections

America is deservingly proclaimed as “the land of the free and home of the brave.”

This proclamation is possible only because of all who honorable serve in the U.S. Marine Corps and all our armed forces.

Our nation must eternally honor their sacrifices, dedication, and valor.

These patriots, as exemplified through the mission of the U.S. Marine Corps, are the ethical protectors of America’s freedom.

As the gathering storm intensifies with discord among nations, may all people of good will pray and work for peace. Let us also pray that our American Flag become a rallying point for unity and that we soon all stand together to honor the character our flag symbolizes.

Yet, let us also pray for members of the U.S. Marine Corps, and all who serve the nation. These patriots stand ready always to honor our flag, and to exercise America’s sacrosanct right to protect ourselves and all people of moral decency.

Related Coverage:

Armed Forces: Honor, Leadership, Protecting America

Gold Star Families: Honoring Those Who Make the Ultimate Sacrifice

America’s Veterans Deserve Honor, Homes, Health Care

Life Lessons From the United States Military

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


1. U.S. Marines, Times Square, NYC, Memorial Weekend, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

2. The Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, Iwo Jima Memorial, Washington D.C. (Courtesy U.S. Marine Corps)

3. The U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va., on Dec. 29, 2014. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)

4. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace talks with Navajo Code Talkers at the Pentagon, Aug. 10, 2007. The Navajo Code Talkers served as U.S. Marines in World War II and helped develop a communications code based on their language. (Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. D. Myles Cullen)

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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Las Vegas Tragedy: Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy

Tragically, America must once again prayerfully pause with profound compassion and listen to the ocean of tears flowing from the city of Las Vegas.

American flags are too often at half-staff to honor those killed in mass-shootings.

The senseless murder of 59 people and 527 wounded, during the nation’s most horrific mass shooting, must ignite the deepest emotions of sorrow, sympathy, and empathy in the heart of America.

This most recent manifestation of abominable evil demands the nation’s condolences for the indescribable suffering of the victims, as well as for their families, friends, and co-workers.

America must also honor many unsung heroes who placed themselves in harm’s way to prevent additional fatalities. First-responders, private security, and medical professionals also deserve America’s praise for their selfless dedication to help the victims.

Our nation must also have unwavering hope, moral courage, and relentless resolve so healing may assuage the wounded heart of America.

America: Never Give Up

After the April 20, 1999 Columbine High School Tragedy, it was my privilege to travel the nation speaking at conferences to educators, law enforcement, and community leaders. The mission of my work was to inspire leadership to address the culture of violence and prevent additional heartbreak.

Shortly after the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, I was invited to speak to parents and family members of the victims. This mass-shooting tragedy was the worst in America at that time.

After the Dec. 14, 2012 killing of 20 children, ages 6 and 7, and 6 adult teachers and staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Conn., this tragedy was also addressed in my articles and presentations.

On June 12, 2016, the heart of America was once again lacerated by the Orlando nightclub shooting. The tragedy was addressed in my article titled “Orlando Shootings: Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy,” for the June 16, 2016 edition of the Epoch Times.

For nearly twenty years, I have been working to prevent violence in America through numerous initiatives built on the foundation of leadership, vigilance, and collaboration.

During this time, I have repeatedly stressed that America must have the moral courage to stop the scourge of violence. This violence unleashed in our schools, workplaces, houses of worship, and communities must have our renewed resolve and we must never give up.

Las Vegas Victims: A Spotlight

America must never give up, and now, once again, we must enflame compassion in our hearts. Our nation must take the time to reverently pause and reflect on lives gone too soon. Each person who perished in Las Vegas deserves America’s eternal remembrance, including the following:

Sonny Melton, 29, who worked at the Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, according to his Facebook page, is understood to be the first known fatality from the concert event. His wife, Heather Melton survived due to Sonny’s heroism as memorialized by these somber words. “He saved my life. He grabbed me and started running when I felt him get shot in the back. I want everyone to know what a kind-hearted, loving man he was, but at this point, I can barely breathe.”

Susan Smith, a 53-year-old mother and office manager for Vista Elementary School in California. Susan was married and the mother of two young-adult children. She was remembered by her school a Facebook posting with the words, “she was a wonderful woman, an advocate for our children, and a friend.”

Rick Silva, 21, who had recently started a private security job because, according to his stepsister Daisy Hernandez, “he loved helping people.” She also stated, “All I can tell you is that he was a great son, brother, and uncle who was loved by so many people. He had just turned 21 this August and I’m pretty sure he died trying to protect people at that concert.”

Rhonda LeRocque, a mother, daughter, wife, aunt, and sister who was remembered by her sister in a Facebook post. “My Beautiful Sister Rhonda LeRocque lost her life in the Las Vegas mass shooting, Karina Champagne posted. “My heart is broken, I’m numb, I feel paralyzed. This doesn’t seem real. All I can do is turn to God’s word for comfort, just as she would want me to. May she rest now until her name is called and she is awakened in paradise.”

Quinton Robbins, from Henderson, Nevada, was remembered on Facebook by his aunt, Kilee Wells Sanders. She posted that Quinton was the “most kind and loving soul.” She also noted that “Everyone who met him, loved him. His contagious laugh and smile. He was truly an amazing person. He will be missed by so many, he is loved by so many. So many awesome talents. I can’t say enough good about this sweet soul.”

Jack Beaton, was celebrating his 23rd wedding anniversary with his wife Laurie and friends at the concert. The day after the shooting, his son wrote about his father on Twitter. “He jumped in front of my mom and got shot. I love you dad.”

Final Reflections

The heartbreaking loss of these innocent souls, and all who perished, so cherished by family, friends, and communities, reminds us of the sacredness of each human life. Each of us is mystically connected in a human family and respect must always be the order of the day.

As we eternally honor the memories of all lost in Las Vegas, let us ignite compassion, empathy, and sympathy in the heart of America.

All who were lost in Las Vegas on that fateful day must be forever remembered with dignity, honor, and reverence.

Related Coverage:

America’s Active Shooter Crisis: Issues and Response

Mass Shootings, Police Fatalities: America’s Culture of Trauma

Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

America’s Violent Rampages: Time for Prevention

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.

This article was published in the Friday, Oct. 6, 2017 edition of the Epoch Times as the Editor's pick.


1. A man lays on top of a woman as others flee the Route 91 Harvest country music festival grounds after a active shooter was reported in Las Vegas, Nevada on Oct. 1, 2017. (David Becker/Getty Images)

2. The U.S. flag flies at half-staff over the White House in Washington on Oct. 2, 2017. The President ordered the flags on all federal buildings to fly at half-staff following the Las Vegas mass shooting. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

3. A mourner cries while visiting a memorial on Dec. 15, 2012, in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. (Jared Wickerham/Getty Images)

4. People hug and cry outside the Thomas &; Mack Center after a mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada on Oct. 2, 2017. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

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