Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Social Media Spectator Trend: Callous, Contemptuous, Culpable

Among presentations nationwide on issues critical to America throughout my career, there are programs conducted for students, as well as for educators, that I consider critical to reawakening the nation.

Empowering Students with Character

In my signature presentation for students titled “Be a Person of Character: Change the World,” students are empowered to exemplify lives of character.

The students are motivated to understand their ability to change the world through lives of moral decency.

This presentation honestly assesses contemporary issues that illuminate a crisis of character in head-on collision with a culture of violence.

The program also presents, through graphic images, the tragic consequences of abusing social media.

This abuse is not only dysfunctional, detrimental, and destructive but also dehumanizing. It also indicates an undercurrent within society that is callous, contemptuous, and culpable, especially when pain and suffering is inflicted upon the innocent. The heinous crimes committed against them, with livestreaming, is an alarming commentary on the callousness within society.

Students are pensive during these presentations designed to realignment of our moral compass. The consequences of abusing on-line privileges to influence suicides by cyberbullying are detailed. Other consequences of on-line abuse include emotional torture that leads to depression through cruel texting, and guilty verdicts for transmissions of crimes.

In one incident, a Canadian teen, Rehtaeh Parson, committed suicide after alleged rape and bullying. Rahtaeh was bullied for more than one year after her alleged rape, with authorities confirming a photograph, allegedly showing her sexual assault, circulated via mobile phones and computers.

In another incident, Audrie Pott committed suicide 8 days after attackers involved with her sexual assault, posted photos of the crime on-line while she was unconscious. All the attackers were arrested for sexual battery.

In still another senseless crime, a “text rage” led to the brutal beating and hospitalization of Josie Lou Ratley in Broward County, Florida.

Empowering Educators to Inspire Character

In my presentations for educators titled “Transforming American Schools: Inspiring Character,” I encourage them to inspire character in the lives of their students. During the program, I argue that inspiring character is only possible when the lives of educators reflect a true concern for their students. Students must see character exemplified in the lives of educators, and the students must know that they are truly cared for.

Educators are empowered to inspire students, animate character, and transform the nation through America’s schools.

In another presentation titled “Principles of Visionary Leadership for Educators: Responding to the Crisis of Character,” the issues of on-line abuse are addressed.

These presentations are designed to transform the nation by reigniting character into the hearts of the entire educational community.

Bystander Effect: Disturbing Incidents

There is a social phenomenon known as the bystander effect that is memorializing tragic on-line incidents.

This phenomenon is a contradiction to moral courage, expressed through incidents where individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present.

There is a toxic emotional contagion of apathy, indifference, and insensitivity with this phenomenon.

Yet, the acts of omission to take action against these cruelties, are in my opinion, a deficiency of character, moral decency, and courage.

In a March incident highlighting this cowardice, police in Chicago expressed outrage at five to six men sexually assaulting a 15-year-old and live-streaming it on Facebook live.

The streaming was viewed by dozens of people, but reprehensibly, no one called authorities.

In February, an Ohio woman was sentenced to nine months in prison for pleading guilty to obstructing justice. She was involved with livestreaming a 29-year-old man raping a 17-year-old girl.

In still another incident, four young men in Chicago were charged for another Facebook live incident. This involved the alleged torture and beating of a teen with mental health challenges.

Final Reflections

America will only be on the path of an ethical renaissance when our moral compass, with character as its focal point, is reawakened.

As specified on the United States Department of Education website, “Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenship, and responsibility for self and others. Upon such core values, we form the attitudes and actions that are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities that serve as the foundation of our society.”

Hopefully, we will put this statement into action throughout America and understand the words of Cicero whose timeless words from over 2,000 years ago remain, “Within the character of the citizen lies the welfare of the nation.”

Related Coverage:

America’s Schools: Security, Character, Academics

America’s 21st Century Teacher: Security, Character, Pedagogy

America’s Graduates: Transform the Nation With Character

School Bullying: A Matter of Life and Death

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


1. Monmouth University Phi Eta Semma National Honor Society officers (L-R), Amanda Kruzynski (president), Alexis DeCarvalho (vice president), Dr. Golam M. Mathbor (faculty adviser) Vincent J. Bove (keynote speaker), Taylor Bernosky (historian), Carolina Carvalho (secretary), and Rebecca Groom (treasurer), March 8, 2014. (Courtesy Brian Kutner)

2. Educators from the North Arlington Public Schools, New Jersey, awaiting Vincent J. Bove training program titled "Transforming Our Schools: The Heart and Brick of School Security," Jan. 6, 2015. (Vincent J. Bove)

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Remembering D-Day: Rehabilitating American Character

America, and all dedicated to freedom throughout the world, must reverently pause on Friday, June 6, the 70th anniversary of D-Day. On D-Day, good triumphed over evil and the end of World War II began.

D-Day’s anniversary recalls the Western Allies beginning the Invasion of Normandy to free mainland Europe from Nazi occupation. Despite suffering heavy casualties, the United States and Allied Forces were victorious. America and its allies liberated millions of innocent people being oppressed and murdered by Hitler and the Nazis.

Just prior to the D-Day offensive, the immortal words of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, ignited inspiration:

“Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! … The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you … you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. … The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory! I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!…”

D-Day reminds us of the true meaning of character—individuals who laid down their lives for others and in doing so saved the world.

These heroes must be eternally honored.

D-Day Highlights

*The largest seaborne invasion in history
*13,000 Allied paratroopers flown in from nine British airfields in over 800 planes
*A military armada with over 156,000 troops, 5,000 vessels, and nearly 30,000 vehicles
*More than 11,000 aircraft
*More than 300 planes dropping over 13,000 bombs over coastal Normandy prior to D-Day
*Over 9,000 Allied soldiers dead or wounded by the end of the day of June 6
*The beginning of Europe’s liberation and the end of World War II—the deadliest military conflict in history that resulted in the loss of 60 million–80 million lives

Leadership Lessons for Today

It is not enough to commemorate D-Day by reverently pausing. We must ignite transforming action and rehabilitate the nation.

Here are some timeless leadership lessons of this epic historical event so critical for America today.

Appreciate Industrial Capacity

D-Day gives us appreciation of America’s industrial capacity and can give us the courage to transform it.

According to historian Stephen E. Ambrose, during the D-Day invasion and in the days afterward, American GI’s were better equipped than their foe because our vehicles were superior. Germany could not compete with America’s two-and-a-half-ton truck or the jeep.

American factories were across the ocean from Normandy while German factories were close at hand. Yet, America received more vehicles and better designed ones to the battlefield in less time.

The General Motors scandal—delaying a recall of defective ignition switches for years, resulting in injuries and deaths—dishonors America. The company was recently fined $35 million by the U.S. Department of Transportation. GM failed the nation because they failed to fix a preventable and inexpensive problem.

Our nation must again represent the highest standards of manufacturing that proudly proclaims “Made in America.”

World Is a Family

The world is a family with each person of every nation deserving of dignity, respect, and protection.

America must forever remain faithful to its legacy of compassion for the vulnerable and oppressed. Whenever there is human suffering at home or abroad, America must respond with moral authority in both word and action.

Character Counters Violence

America must reclaim its communities from the appalling culture of violence.

Headlines of horrific acts of violence continue in schools, campuses, movie theaters, malls, communities, and homes. Violence brings heartbreak nationwide: Camden, Flint, St. Louis, Cleveland, Gary, Bridgeport, Birmingham, Newark, Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Oakland. Even sacred places of worship once thought to be sanctuaries of peace are experiencing incidents becoming all too common.

America’s character led to the reclaiming of the tranquility for countless millions on distant shores through the heroic events that began on D-Day.

Our nation can and must also bring security to communities throughout our homeland by rehabilitating the character exemplified on D-Day and, in doing so, reawaken the nation.

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of 250 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


1. Father (Major) Edward J. Waters, Catholic Chaplain from Oswego, New York, conducts Divine Services on a pier for members of the first assault troops thrown against Hitler’s forces on the continent. Weymouth, England., 06/06/1944 (U.S. National Archives)
2. General Dwight D. Eisenhower visits with paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division just hours before their jump into German-occupied France. June 5, 1944.— National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

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Thursday, June 01, 2017

Acceleration of Terrorism Demands America’s Vigilance

The world continues to witness unspeakable terrorist acts that violate moral decency, human rights, and the rule of law.

Terrorism is a senseless evil against human dignity, charity, and justice, as well as a cowardly affront to humankind.

Every human being of good will throughout the world must unite their voices to condemn terrorism.

The world must be dedicated to peace, and unite with a clarion voice against terror which includes the following atrocities:

• The killing and injuring of innocent people
• Despicable practices of mutilations, beheadings, and desecrating human bodies
• The destruction of sacred places include houses of worship, monasteries, and burial places
• Destroying religious treasures, artifacts, and cultural symbols

Kabul, Afghanistan Tragedy

The May 31, 2017 terror attack in Kabul that killed at least 90 people and wounded over 400 others has wounded the soul of Afghanistan.

This attack, near the presidential palace, in the heart of Kabul’s diplomatic community, was meant to undermine the nation’s efforts to build security.

According to initial reports, the bomber detonated explosives in a truck at 8:30am. The timing of the explosions, during rush hour in a busy public place, was no coincidence. The objective was to maximize human carnage by terrorizing a busy boulevard.

The entire community, including retail establishments, banks, embassies, supermarkets, and government offices was decimated.

Once again, cowardice has surfaced through a deranged killer without respect for human life.

This attack, one of the countries deadliest in years, increased the fatality numbers to more than 1,500 since 2009.

Recent Terror Attacks: A Partial List

May 26: A terrorist attack on a bus carrying Coptic Christians to the Monastery of St. Samuel the Confessor in Central Egypt killed at least 28 people and wounded 25 others. The people, including children among the dead, were on a pilgrimage and many were shot at point blank range. The Coptic Church is the primary Christian faith in Egypt. It is one of the earliest Christian communities, dating back to about 50 AD.

May 22: At least 22 people were killed while attending an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, United Kingdom. The concern of law enforcement is that the suicide bomber did not act alone, and others may strike again.

May 20: Numerous car bombs killed nearly 100 people in separate incidents in Baghdad and Basra.

May 18: Over 50 people, many of them women and children, were killed in Hama, Syria.

May 15: Boko Haram was responsible for an attack in Maiduguri, Nigeria that killed six farmers tending their fields.

May 12: A suicide bomber detonated a vest killing at least 25 people in Mastung, Pakistan.

May 5: Two female suicide bombers killed at least five people in northeast Nigeria.

April 9: Two separate bombings killed people in Egypt, at least 28 in Tanta and another 17 in Alexandria. The bombings took place on Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred week of the year for Christians. One bomb detonated while worshipers were singing hymns at St. George’s Church in Tanta. The bomb was hidden under a seat in the main prayer area. The second explosion, outside St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria, detonated at a security checkpoint by a man wearing an explosive belt.

April 3: At least 15 were killed and 64 injured by a suicide bomber at the St. Petersburg metro station in Moscow.

March 22: At least five were killed and 49 injured in London at the famed Westminster Bridge.

March 15: A suicide bomber killed at least 30 people in Damascus. Just days earlier, on March 11, 40 were killed in the city in a double bombing, with over 100 injured near Shiite shrines and a cemetery. The shrines are sacred places, often frequented by foreign pilgrims.

U.S Department of Homeland Security Tips

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has many approaches to enhancing America’s vigilance.

One approach is to develop “critical partnerships between the private sector and the public sector in order to mitigate risk and enhance the security and resilience of public gathering sites and public events.”

The DHS encourages the four steps of Connect, Plan, Train, and Report as follows:

CONNECT: Reach out and develop relationships in your community, including local law enforcement. Having these relationships established before an incident occurs can help speed up the response when something happens.

PLAN: Take the time now to plan on how you will handle a security event should one occur. Learn from other events to inform your plans.

TRAIN: Provide your employees with training resources and exercise your plans often. The best laid plans must be exercised in order to be effective.

REPORT: “If You See Something, Say Something™” is more than just a slogan. Call local law enforcement.


The NYPD SHIELD program is an extraordinary partnership dedicated to safeguarding New York. It deserves dedicated participation by law enforcement and private security professionals who can get involved through www.nypdshield.org.

The program is also deserving of duplication by other law enforcement agencies and private sector security professionals to prevent an act of terrorism elsewhere in America.

Safeguarding the nation is enhanced when individuals work together. Teamwork is an irrefutable and essential quality that America needs now more than ever when it comes to preventing terrorism.

This teamwork can be called collaboration, cooperation, or partnership but unequivocally it is a unity of effort between the public and private sector. This cohesiveness is essential for America’s security.

Final Reflections

The acceleration of terrorism throughout the world demands America’s vigilance.

We must do everything possible to unify as a nation, forging iron-clad partnerships between the public sectors, private sectors, and the community.

When America unifies, we will be on the path of preventing terrorism and reawakening the nation.

Related Coverage:

Terrorism Concerns Accelerate: Protecting America

Mass Shootings: America’s Public Health Crisis

NYPD SHIELD: America’s Public-Private Collaboration Model

Note Well:

Linkedin: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Join Vincent’s Linkedin Group: The Sentinel: Reawakening the Nation

Facebook: Vincent J. Bove Consulting, Speaker Services, Publishing

Vincent is author of over 235 articles, including his weekly column titled “Reawakening the Nation” for the Epoch Times; 35 countries, 21 languages, and growing. As a national speaker, he has addressed audiences nationwide on issues critical to America including ethical leadership, violence prevention, and crisis planning.


1. A police officer's hi-vis jacket, adorned with messages of support, is pictured alongside flowers and balloons at Victoria Station car park, near to the Manchester Arena in Manchester, northwest England on May 30, 2017, placed in tribute to the victims of the May 22 terror attack at the Manchester Arena. (OLI SCARFF/AFP/Getty Images)

2. Acceleration of Terrorism Demands America's Vigilance was also published as the cover story for The Chief of Police, Fall 2017 edition.

3. NYPD SHIELD Conference, Dec.10, 2013, NYPD Headquarters, NYC. (Vincent J. Bove)

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