Thursday, June 20, 2013

Safeguarding 279 Bergen County Schools: Warning Signs, Violence Prevention, Threat Assessment

During my report today to the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association I stressed three important documents and made each available for the attendees:

  • Early Warning Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools by the U.S. Department of Education
  • The Final Report And Findings Of The Safe School Initiative: Implications For The Prevention Of School Attacks In The United States by the U.S. Secret Service
  • Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide To Managing Threatening Situations And To Creating Safe School Climates by the U.S. Secret Service

    Today's remarks is a continuation of years of school safety and character education initiatives in Bergen County including:

    Safeguarding the 279 Schools of Bergen County

    On Thursday, March 21, 2013 I continued my commitment to safeguarding the 279 schools of Bergen County, New Jersey at the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association's monthly meeting. It has been my privilege to serve this dedicated law enforcement association as the crime prevention/school safety chairperson for 10 consecutive years.

    During today's remarks, I stressed the criticality of understanding essential U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education teachings on school safety and made key documents available for all. Attendees included police chiefs from throughout Bergen County, the Bergen County Education Association, associates, affiliates and guests from the U.S. Secret Service, DEA and the NYPD.

    It has been my privilege to collaborate with law enforcement and school officials on numerous school, district and county initiatives in Bergen County. These have included board certified security vulnerability assessments, student/staff presentations, character education programs, professional development training and major events such as:

    Transforming Our Schools: The Heart and Brick of School Security

    On Wednesday, October 22, 2008, the Bergen County Education Association hosted a dinner presentation – Transforming Our Schools: The Heart and Brick of School Security – for 300 attendees at The Marriott in Teaneck as a follow up to the initiative that kicked off September 16, 2008.

    As the keynote speaker for the event I addressed attendees including teachers, counselors, crisis management team members and administrators from throughout Bergen County as well as security personnel and law enforcement officials from the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association, Bergen County Sheriff's Office, the FBI, New Jersey Association School Resource Officers, and numerous police departments. The presence of educators, law enforcement and emergency personnel together at this event is a testament to the unity of effort among Bergen County, federal, state and local agencies.

    The keynote focused on the current crisis of character in American society as well as ongoing school violence and safety issues.


    • Why Are We Here?
      • Creating an Effective Learning Environment
      • Compliance vs. Commitment
      • Transforming Power of a Teacher
    • Culture of Gratification
      • Crisis of Leadership
      • Culture of Violence
      • Shattered Communities
      • Filling the Void
    • New Jersey School Safety Review
      • School Administrator Procedures:
        Responding to Critical Incidents–
        Model School Security Policies
        October 2007
      • School Safety and Security Manual:
        Best Practices Guidelines
        December 2006
    • Unity of Effort
    • USDOE / FBI / Secret Service Document Review
    • Reawakening the Heart of America
      • Progress and Priorities
      • Ingredients for Transformation
      • The Altruism Factor
    • Character: the Heart of the Matter
    • Call To Action
    • Tribute to American Military
    • Conclusion

    Complimenting the presentation, all attendees received a library of school safety and character education documents as provided by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Secret Service including:

    • Early Warning Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools
    • Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Safe Schools and Communities
    • Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen
    • The Final Report And Findings Of The Safe School Initiative: Implications For The Prevention Of School Attacks In The United States
    • Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide To Managing Threatening Situations And To Creating Safe School Climates
    • Character Education: Our Shared Responsibility

    All attendees also received copies of my new book Listen To Their Cries through the generosity of the Bergen County Education Association.

    The BCEA, under the leadership of President Joe Coppola, deserves recognition for its dedication to school safety and character education. This dedication will continue with forthcoming training on topics including crisis management, violence prevention, character education and strategies for working with youth.


    Bergen County Education Association Click here to visit site
    New Jersey Education Association Click here to visit site
    New Jersey Association of School Resource Officers Click here to visit site
    NJDOE School Security Click here to visit site
    Bergen County Prosecutor's Office Click here to visit site
    Bergen County Sheriff's Office Click here to visit site
    Bergen County Police Chiefs Association Click here to visit site
    BCEA: Providing Leadership to Develop a County-Wide Safe School Model
    Part I
    Click here to visit site

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  • Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    Critical Incident Leadership: Fairleigh Dickinson University

    On Wednesday, June 12, 2013, I attended a symposium at Fairleigh Dickinson University at the request of Assistant Professor Joseph A. Devine, Ed.D. The event was titled Superstorm Sandy Critical Incident Debriefing: Lessons Learned in Disaster Response and Recovery.

    As Dr. Devine noted in the event agenda, "our ultimate goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses so that we may stand stronger against future natural or man-made disasters...The 9/11 Commission Report articulated that 'the 9/11 attacks revealed four kinds of failures: in imagination, policy, capabilities and management.' With that as our foundation it is our ethical and professional responsibility to learn, to adapt and to prepare."

    Fairleigh Dickinson University is to be commended for this extraordinary community event, and the leadership of Dr. Devine as the planning committee chairperson, deserves particular recognition. Over 200 law enforcement, emergency management, public utilities, military, health care, private security and company representatives benefited from the program.

    As colleagues dedicated to leadership and crisis planning, it has been my privilege to be associated with Dr. Devine on other initiatives including my guest lectures at the United States Military Academy and numerous leadership classes including:

    Leadership Plus: Professionals Dedicated to Character

    "Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic.

    But will they keep it?

    Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom?

    Material abundance without character is the path of destruction."
    — Thomas Jefferson

    The Leadership Plus master level class at Fairleigh Dickinson University met on Saturday, February 7, 2009 for discussion on my presentation titled Reawakening the Heart of America: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration.


    • Why Are We Here?
      • Education: Essential to the Preservation of Liberty
      • Foundations of Leadership
    • Contemporary Concerns
      • Crisis of Leadership
      • Culture of Violence
      • Shattered Communities
      • Filling the Void
    • The ALTRUISM FactorTM
    • Principles of Visionary Leadership
    • Call to Action
    • American Military Tribute
    • Conclusion

    Participants shared insights on character, violence prevention and leadership that might serve as a launching pad for transforming our nation through our schools, workplaces and communities.

    This highly energetic group—under the guidance of Dr. Joseph A. Devine—represents the best of the future of America and is committed to their ongoing education and professional development. Aside from my admiration for each of these professionals, I am humbled that my newest book, Listen To Their Cries, is required reading for the class.


    Rich Aschenbach
    New Jersey State Police
    Sergeant First Class
    Kyle Loauwe
    Morris County Park Police Department
    Dan Black
    NJ Department of Transportation
    Electrical Engineer
    Nancy McCollum
    Continental Airlines
    Flight Attendant
    George Cabral
    Elizabeth Police Department
    Cheryl Morrison
    H.S.B.C. Bank
    Diversity Manager
    Glenn Camuso
    Newark Police Department
    Beverly Natale
    Atlantic Heath
    Manager Respiratory
    Steven Ciecwicz
    New Jersey State Police
    Sergeant First Class
    Justin Pisano
    New Milford Police Department
    Robert Colaneri
    Cranford Police Department
    Jessica Presco
    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    Lead Accounting Clerk
    Yolanda Cox
    Law Firm
    Diversity Manager
    Kenuel Saintyl
    System Technician
    Rich Crosson
    Chatham Police Department
    Alicia Sanchez
    Port Authority NYNJ
    Toll Collector
    John Dougherty
    Summit Police Department
    John Schanstra
    Sparta Township Police Department
    Detective Sergeant
    Donna Giannetto
    Clara Mass Medical Center
    Nurse Educator
    Tammy Smith
    Verizon Communications
    Tanya Hooks
    DRS Technologies, Inc.
    Payroll Specialist
    Kristine Undertajlo
    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    Associate Director
    Manilo Irula
    Randolph Township Police Department
    Patrol Officer
    Mark Vlazny
    Morris County
    W. Paul Kelly
    Summit Police Department
    Deputy Chief
    Craig Weber
    Middletown Police Department
    Lissy J. Kunian
    State of New Jersey
    John Yetter
    Hardyston Township Police Department
    Christine Lugris
    Hackensack University Medical Center
    Respiratory Therapist


    The Churchill Centre Click here to visit site
    Leadership, Ethics and Character: Foundations for Transformation Click here to visit site
    Ethical Leadership: Enhance, Enrich, Empower Click here to visit site
    Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America Click here to visit site
    Spotlight on Dr. Joseph Devine Click here to visit site

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    Wednesday, June 05, 2013

    D-Day: Reawakening America's Courage, Compassion, Character

    On June 6, 1944 the Western Allies began the Invasion of Normandy in an effort to free mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. Despite suffering heavy casualties, the courage shown by the United States and Allied Forces on that day showed a moral strength and commitment to liberate the weak and oppressed who were being murdered by Hitler and the Nazis.

    As our nation commemorates D-Day, when moral courage was demonstrated through the heroism, determination and sacrifices of individuals who laid down their lives for others, we must pause with reverence.

    An event that took place on the streets of Hartford, Connecticut on June 5, 2008 must convict our consciences and ignite our passion to realign our moral compass and reawaken the heart of America. An elderly man was hit by a driver who fled the scene and no one did anything to help the critically injured man. The scene was captured on video so that all could witness the indifference, insensitivity and irreverence of the driver and the many bystanders.

    This tragic incident must set our nation's soul afire to a renewal of compassion, character and community.

    As we remember the legacy of D-Day so many years ago, let us also remember the values for which so many lives were sacrificed.

    D-Day Voices of Veterans (5:25)
    D-Day Tribute 1 (3:36)
    D-Day Tribute 2 (2:32)
    <a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>


    PBS American Experience D-DAY Click here to visit site

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    Major League Baseball: Responding to the Drug Abuse Scandal

    As headlines today address the potential worst drug abuse scandal in the history of the national pastime, my previous reflections of December 24, 2007 remain timeless:

    Transforming Major League Baseball: Truthfulness, Character, Courage

    Baseball has always been my favorite sport. As a child, love for the game was expressed through card collecting, knowing the lineup of one’s favorite team by heart and articulating it with each batter at every whiffle ball or stickball game. Some of my most cherished memories are of coaching my son's little league baseball team. I consider this the highest honor and privilege.

    Baseball became particularly important to me after the tragic death of Yankee catcher Thurman Munson. Soon thereafter, through coincidental circumstances, I found myself involved with Major League Baseball on a much more profound level as a confidant to the New York Yankees and to many players throughout the league.

    The lesson from this experience remains with me to this day: money does not define the person. It is character — a good heart, appreciating life, fostering good will toward others — that is important in life. Pinstripes do not determine the person but the stripes of thoughtfulness, respect, civility, truthfulness, kindness and charity toward others are what is important in the game of life. Many Yankees learned that lesson in the summer of 1979 after the death of their beloved captain.

    I was particularly disappointed with the Major League Baseball steroid scandal. Weak drug policies were destructive to the integrity of the game and too many officials ignored the crisis until public outcry forced their hand. The release of the Mitchell Report on the illegal use of steroids in Major League Baseball has brought the scandal once again into the forefront of America's collective consciousness.

    As a leadership and security educator dedicated to the transforming of our nation through character development, I view this scandal as one facet of America’s crisis of character, built on the unethical foundations of deception, cheating, disrespect and arrogance.

    Baseball Scandal Reflections

    • As the national pastime with a rich history in America, baseball reflects the character of our nation.
    • Our nation needs its moral compass realigned and it is essential that professional baseball and all associated with it—players, coaches, owners, executives and employees—is fully committed to implementing a code of ethics emphasizing truthfulness, character and courage.
    • The message of any Major League Baseball team when signing a player with known unethical behavior is that cheating is rewarded. Rewarding dishonesty hurts all involved in the long run and a dedication to ethics is a path worth taking.
    • Major League Baseball must be committed to transforming the sport. Its response to the House and Senate hearings was slow. It is time for action, not more investigations and meetings.
    • Unless Major League Baseball is truly committed to fair play, integrity and a code of ethics, the lesson to hundreds of thousands of college, high school and youth athletes is that winning is the goal at any cost.
    • The truth is critical to healing. Unless the truth is told by players, managers, owners and executives, the opportunity for a return to ethical behavior will be lost and denial will continue to rule the day.

    Like it or not, the behavior of professional sports personalities plays an important role in setting an example for our youth. The reaction of those players named in the report will be watched and evaluated. We must commend those players who have come forward and admitted their mistakes and apologized to their fans.

    Jason Giambi, who admitted using steroids months prior to the release of the Mitchell Report—even at the risk of losing his contract—must be singled out for speaking out when no one else would. Such truthfulness shows character and moral courage. (click here to read previous blog on Giambi)

    It is important to understand that in America one is innocent until proven guilty and that the Mitchell Report does not carry the evidentiary weight that would be needed in a criminal proceeding. That being said, I am deeply disturbed by Roger Clemens' denial of steroid use. His video denial is reminiscent of former President Clinton's denial on national television. (see video clips below)

    Assuming there is no "hard evidence" to "prove" that Clemens used steroids, it comes down to Roger's word against the word of Brian McNamee, Clemens' former personal trainer.

    Some argue that McNamee is jealous of Clemens and trying to destroy his reputation. To date, no other players have denied McNamee's allegations. Andy Pettite admitted his mistakes and apologized, implicitly confirming McNamee's statements about Pettite's use. It is clear that McNamee stands to lose much by lying about Clemens' steroid use. According to the report,

    • McNamee faces criminal prosecution if any of his testimony is found to be false.
    • In the summer of 1998, McNamee injected Clemens with Winstrol, an anabolic steroid.
    • In 1999 after Clemens was traded to the Yankees, McNamee was hired by the Yankees.
    • McNamee was paid by both the Yankees and by Clemens as his personal trainer.
    • In the middle of the 2000 season, McNamee injected Clemens four to six times with testosterone; during the same period, he also injected Clemens with human growth hormone.

    For the good of his family, for the good of the game baseball, for the good of the nation, Roger Clemens should show some courage and character and tell the truth about his steroid use. If by some chance, Brian McNamee was lying about Roger Clemens' steroid use, then Mr. McNamee should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Roger Clemens Statement (1:48)

    Bill Clinton Statement (0:25)

    Vincent Bove on Character (0:11)

    <a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>


    What Major League Baseball teaches our kids Click here to visit site
    The Mitchell Report Click here to visit site
    A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances Click here to visit site Click here to visit site
    Steroids: Dangerous, Damaging and Dishonorable
    Vincent J. Bove—December 2006
    Click here to visit site
    American Leadership in an Age of Scandal
    Vincent J. Bove—December 2005
    Click here to visit site
    Baseball Has A Day of Reckoning In Congress
    Washington Post—March 2005
    Click here to visit site
    Baseball officials announce tougher steroids policy
    USA Today—January 2005
    Click here to visit site

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