Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day: America's Courage, Character, Sacrifice

It has been my privilege to deliver presentations on character, violence prevention and crisis planning to audiences throughout the United States. At the conclusion of each presentation is an American Military Tribute that honors all Americans who serve our nation in the armed forces.

As the nation celebrates Memorial Day, the character, courage and sacrifice of military personnel deserves our devotion and prayerful reflection.

Remembering the sacrifices they have made—some by giving their lives—to preserve our liberty is a sacred obligation. Each American should participate in an observance in their community or a visit to sacred ground where those who have served are laid to rest.

At 3:00pm on Memorial Day, the National Moment of Remembrance, established by Congress, asks all Americans to pause for one minute in a national act of unity. This expression allows our nation to be unified and to reclaim Memorial Day as the sacred holiday it was meant to be.

Saving Private Ryan (3:50)
Tomb of the Unknowns (3:13)
D-Day (3:08)
Remember Me (5:23)
<a HREF="">Play the clip on YouTube</A>


Commission on Remembrance Click here to visit site
Patriotism Blogs Click here to visit site

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New York City Crisis Planning for Property Managers

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 I delivered a keynote titled Protecting People and Property: Leadership, Vigilance, Collaboration at the request of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Greater New York Chapter. IREM is an international community of real estate managers dedicated to ethical business practices...and promoting superior management through education and information sharing.

Complimenting IREM's noble mission, the event was held at The Union League Club in New York City. This historic club was founded in 1863 to help preserve the Union during the Civil War. It has a record of distinguished service to America with also assisting to erect the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Monument in Union Square.

As with my other recent New York City keynotes, the focus was to encourage ethical leadership and sound crisis planning practices to prevent, alleviate, prepare, respond and recover from man-made and natural disasters:

Crisis Possibilities for Museums, Libraries and Cultural Properties: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery

On Thursday, May 16, 2013 I delivered a presentation at MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York City. It was titled Crisis Possibilities for Museums, Libraries and Cultural Properties: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery.

The presentation was delivered at the request of the Museum, Library & Cultural Property Protection Committee of ASIS International's New York City Chapter. NYPD officials and security management professionals from throughout New York City attended including:

  • Central Park Zoo
  • Museum of the Moving Image
  • MoMA
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • The Studio Museum
  • Rubin Museum of Art
  • Whitney Museum of American Art
  • New York Historical Society
  • New York Botanical Garden
  • Brooklyn Children's Museum

    The goal of the presentation was to encourage ethical leadership, vigilance and collaboration as critical to safeguarding people, property, information and assets. It complimented recent crisis management presentations including:

    Crisis Management Leadership: New York City Fire Safety Director's

    At the request of the Fire Safety Director's Association of Greater New York, I delivered a presentation on March 5, 2013 at One Penn Plaza in New York City.

    The title, Crisis Management Leadership Principles, was delivered to 80 corporate safety representatives and New York fire officials. As highlighted in my presentation, crisis management is critical to society and those dedicated to its principles are to be commended for their efforts to protecting life and property.

    Crisis Management Leadership Principles for Hospital Security Professionals and Safe Schools

    Crisis Management initiatives that cover issues of mitigation & prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is critical to security professionals.

    On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, I delivered a keynote titled Crisis Management Leadership Principles for Hospital Security Professionals at Rockefeller University in New York City at the request of the Metropolitan Healthcare Security/Safety Directors Association, Inc.

    As with my many crisis management initiatives, such as the one noted below for the Southern New Jersey Prosecutors, it was conducted to assist with professional development so important to the security profession.

    A Note from the Prosecutors

    Welcome to the 4th Annual School Security Conference. The goal of the conference is to educate law enforcement and school officials alike on the challenges of safeguarding our students and school personnel. School security issues are common to us all. We are all dealing with providing important public service with limited financial resources.

    Against this backdrop, it is imperative for law enforcement and school districts to coordinate our efforts to deal effectively with the challenges facing us all. It is our firm belief that working together, we will keep our schools safe.


    Theodore F. L. Housel — Atlantic County Prosecutor
    Robert D. Bernardi — Burlington County Prosecutor
    Warren W. Faulk — Camden County Prosecutor
    Robert L. Taylor — Cape May Prosecutor
    Jennifer Webb — McRae-Cumberland County Prosecutor
    Sean F. Dalton — Gloucester County Prosecutor
    John T. Lenahan — Salem County Prosecutor

    These prosecutors of southern New Jersey held their conference on August 12, 2010 at Washington Township High School in Sewell, New Jersey with over 300 law enforcement, school and community officials attending. The speakers included:

    • Sean F. Dalton—Gloucester County Prosecutor
    • Jennifer Webb-McRae—Cumberland County Prosecutor
    • Michael Pohle—Father of Michael Pohle, Jr., a student killed at Virginia Tech
    • Vincent J. Bove—Leadership and Security Educator
    • Paula T. Dow—Attorney General of the State of New Jersey
    • Richard Norcross—Gang Awareness Authority

    As a featured speaker, I was privileged to deliver a 60 minute presentation titled Transforming Our Schools: Reawakening the Heart of the Nation. The presentation integrated elements of school security, character education, academic achievement and community collaboration so vital to our schools and to the future of our nation. The metaphor of a head on collision with the culture of violence and crisis of character was utilized as well as critical New Jersey compliance issues. These included the Commissioner of Education School Administrator Procedures of Responding to Critical Incidents and Model School Security Policies:

    • Active Shooter Response Procedures
    • Bomb Threat Response Procedures
    • Evacuation Procedures
    • School Lockdown Procedures
    • Public Information Procedures

    The School Security Drill Guide for the State of New Jersey was also discussed since beginning November 1, 2010 all New Jersey schools must comply with various security drills aside from fire drills.

    Critical documents from the U.S. Department of Education, Secret Service and FBI on crisis planning, early warning signs, safeguarding our students, threat assessments, character education and violence prevention were also addressed. Attendees were encouraged to work collaboratively and to implement programs through professional development, security vulnerability assessments and initiatives that encompass all elements of the community.

    The presentation was complimented with copies of my newest book Listen To Their Cries which was sponsored for all attendees through the generosity of the prosecutors as facilitated by the leadership of Prosecutor Dalton. As with all of my presentations, it concluded with a tribute to the American Military.

    The prosecutors are to be commended for their practical response to school security through this conference. It is an event highly recommended and mission critical to our nation and will hopefully be imitated through the leadership of prosecutors throughout the nation.


    Listen To Their Cries Click here to visit site
    New Jersey Department of Education School Security Click here to visit site
    MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FAQs Click here to visit site
    Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools – August 1998 Click here to visit site
    Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide – April 2000 Click here to visit site
    Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and Creating Safe School Climates Click here to visit site
    Vincent Bove School Violence Blogs Click here to visit site

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  • Friday, May 17, 2013

    Safeguarding New York City: Museums, Libraries, Cultural Properties

    On Thursday, May 16, 2013 I delivered a presentation at MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York City. It was titled Crisis Possibilities for Museums, Libraries and Cultural Properties: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery.

    The presentation was delivered at the request of the Museum, Library & Cultural Property Protection Committee of ASIS International's New York City Chapter. NYPD officials and security management professionals from throughout New York City attended including:

  • Central Park Zoo
  • Museum of the Moving Image
  • MoMA
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • The Studio Museum
  • Rubin Museum of Art
  • Whitney Museum of American Art
  • New York Historical Society
  • New York Botanical Garden
  • Brooklyn Children's Museum

    The goal of the presentation was to encourage ethical leadership, vigilance and collaboration as critical to safeguarding people, property, information and assets. It complimented recent crisis management presentations including:

    Crisis Management Leadership: New York City Fire Safety Director's

    At the request of the Fire Safety Director's Association of Greater New York, I delivered a presentation on March 5, 2013 at One Penn Plaza in New York City.

    The title, Crisis Management Leadership Principles, was delivered to 80 corporate safety representatives and New York fire officials. As highlighted in my presentation, crisis management is critical to society and those dedicated to its principles are to be commended for their efforts to protecting life and property.

    Crisis Management Leadership Principles for Hospital Security Professionals and Safe Schools

    Crisis Management initiatives that cover issues of mitigation & prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is critical to security professionals.

    On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, I delivered a keynote titled Crisis Management Leadership Principles for Hospital Security Professionals at Rockefeller University in New York City at the request of the Metropolitan Healthcare Security/Safety Directors Association, Inc.

    As with my many crisis management initiatives, such as the one noted below for the Southern New Jersey Prosecutors, it was conducted to assist with professional development so important to the security profession.

    A Note from the Prosecutors

    Welcome to the 4th Annual School Security Conference. The goal of the conference is to educate law enforcement and school officials alike on the challenges of safeguarding our students and school personnel. School security issues are common to us all. We are all dealing with providing important public service with limited financial resources.

    Against this backdrop, it is imperative for law enforcement and school districts to coordinate our efforts to deal effectively with the challenges facing us all. It is our firm belief that working together, we will keep our schools safe.


    Theodore F. L. Housel — Atlantic County Prosecutor
    Robert D. Bernardi — Burlington County Prosecutor
    Warren W. Faulk — Camden County Prosecutor
    Robert L. Taylor — Cape May Prosecutor
    Jennifer Webb — McRae-Cumberland County Prosecutor
    Sean F. Dalton — Gloucester County Prosecutor
    John T. Lenahan — Salem County Prosecutor

    These prosecutors of southern New Jersey held their conference on August 12, 2010 at Washington Township High School in Sewell, New Jersey with over 300 law enforcement, school and community officials attending. The speakers included:

    • Sean F. Dalton—Gloucester County Prosecutor
    • Jennifer Webb-McRae—Cumberland County Prosecutor
    • Michael Pohle—Father of Michael Pohle, Jr., a student killed at Virginia Tech
    • Vincent J. Bove—Leadership and Security Educator
    • Paula T. Dow—Attorney General of the State of New Jersey
    • Richard Norcross—Gang Awareness Authority

    As a featured speaker, I was privileged to deliver a 60 minute presentation titled Transforming Our Schools: Reawakening the Heart of the Nation. The presentation integrated elements of school security, character education, academic achievement and community collaboration so vital to our schools and to the future of our nation. The metaphor of a head on collision with the culture of violence and crisis of character was utilized as well as critical New Jersey compliance issues. These included the Commissioner of Education School Administrator Procedures of Responding to Critical Incidents and Model School Security Policies:

    • Active Shooter Response Procedures
    • Bomb Threat Response Procedures
    • Evacuation Procedures
    • School Lockdown Procedures
    • Public Information Procedures

    The School Security Drill Guide for the State of New Jersey was also discussed since beginning November 1, 2010 all New Jersey schools must comply with various security drills aside from fire drills.

    Critical documents from the U.S. Department of Education, Secret Service and FBI on crisis planning, early warning signs, safeguarding our students, threat assessments, character education and violence prevention were also addressed. Attendees were encouraged to work collaboratively and to implement programs through professional development, security vulnerability assessments and initiatives that encompass all elements of the community.

    The presentation was complimented with copies of my newest book Listen To Their Cries which was sponsored for all attendees through the generosity of the prosecutors as facilitated by the leadership of Prosecutor Dalton. As with all of my presentations, it concluded with a tribute to the American Military.

    The prosecutors are to be commended for their practical response to school security through this conference. It is an event highly recommended and mission critical to our nation and will hopefully be imitated through the leadership of prosecutors throughout the nation.


    Listen To Their Cries Click here to visit site
    New Jersey Department of Education School Security Click here to visit site
    MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FAQs Click here to visit site
    Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools – August 1998 Click here to visit site
    Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide – April 2000 Click here to visit site
    Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and Creating Safe School Climates Click here to visit site
    Vincent Bove School Violence Blogs Click here to visit site

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  • Monday, May 06, 2013

    America's Youth: A Call to Character

    On Monday, May 6, 2013, I returned to Fort Lee High School in New Jersey to address over 450 freshman and sophomores. This initiative began in 2010 through the leadership of a dedicated teacher, Carol Burghardt, as supported by the Fort Lee Education Association.

    This year, I delivered my signature presentation for high school youth titled Be a Person of Character: Change the World. It covered contemporary issues of American students based on real events and encouraged a life of character as presented at the school in 2010:

    America's Youth: Transforming the Nation through Character

    On Monday and Tuesday, May 10 and 11, 2010 an initiative that crystallized the importance of renewing character education took place for over 1,000 students of Fort Lee High School in Bergen County, New Jersey.

    As the speaker for the event, I was privileged to address every student of the high school with a program titled Generation of Hope: Be a Person of Character. The program was delivered separately in assemblies for each grade from freshmen through seniors. It was modified for each venue due to the different social and emotional dynamics of each group.

    Through an honest assessment of contemporary concerns in the nation, indicated by the collision courses of corruption, violence, broken families, alcohol/substance abuse, driving under the influence tragedies and toxic relationships, the program challenged the students to influence America, one person at a time, by living a life of character.

    Recent headlines, very familiar to the students, were identified and evaluated including:

    • The murder of Yale student Annie Le, whose body was found on what should have been her wedding day
    • The "Suicide by Bullying" tragedy of Phoebe Prince from South Hadley, Massachusetts
    • The sexting incident that led to the death of 18 year-old Jessie Logan from Cincinnati, Ohio
    • Megan Meier's loss of life due to a cyber-bullying MySpace hoax. Megan committed suicide by hanging herself just prior to her 14th birthday
    • Michael Brewer,15, set on fire after been doused with rubbing alcohol by three teens, ages 13, 15 and 16 in Broward County, Florida, after a stolen bicycle incident. Over 65% of Michael's body was burned
    • The shocking murder of lacrose player Yeardley Love at the University of Virginia
    • The brutal "text rage" beating into a coma of teenager Josie Lou Ratley. Josie spent 41 days in the hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and had 3 surgeries

    In light of these recent tragedies, the presentation emphasized that by living a life of character, communities of hope can be cultivated and each student has the power to change the world by helping others do what is right. Being a person of character in all our actions, including the manner in which we express ourselves through Online social networking and texting was highlighted. The positive contributions being made throughout the country by young students as documented in the CNN special Young People Who Rock were utilized as a call to action, including:

    • Elizabeth Torres--a national speaker who tells students, "We won't stumble. We've come to save the world."
    • Brittany Merrill--started a non-profit to help Uganda's poor, raising $800,000 in donations and also opened an orphanage for 180 children in Texas.
    • Aaron Fotheringham--born with spina bifida but extreme sports competitor and champion
    • Sadiya Buta--came to the U.S. from war torn Somalia; star tennis player with perfect GPA
    • Taraje Williams Murray--a four time national judo champion with 16 hour training days
    • Matt Cerner--founded sports clinic for children of special needs, working with 100 special needs kids and their families
    • Winnie Phan--started Safe Walk Program with older students mentoring younger students afraid of walking to schools in troubled neighborhoods

    The call to action was also inflamed as inspired by the life of Rachel Scott, the first student killed at Columbine. Rachel's example of kindness and compassion--coupled with the contents of her 6 diaries which have become the foundation of a life changing character education program for American schools--was warmly received by the students.

    As with all of my presentations, the event concluded with a tribute to the American Military who serve our nation in harm's way, allowing us our liberty and freedom.

    The entire Fort Lee High School community deserves commendation for their dedication to this character education initiative. A special commendation is deserving of Teacher Carol Burghardt whose leadership and vision led to the success of the event. The Fort Lee Education Foundation is also deserving of recognition for their generous support of this program.


    Fort Lee High School Click here to visit site
    Fort Lee Education Foundation Click here to visit site
    CNN-Young People Who Rock Click here to visit site

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    Thursday, May 02, 2013

    New Jersey State Police Certified SORA Instructor

    Recently, my friend and colleague of 20 years, Lt. Patrick Fay Rtd. of the Hackensack Police Department, recommended my certification by the New Jersey State Police as a SORA instructor. Pat Fay and I have worked on many initiatives over the years including:

  • Board members of the North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association
  • Tri-Community Crimestoppers Board Members
  • Community Policing Instructors for the Bergen County Police Academy certifying practitioners statewide
  • Community Policing Summit at Hackensack University Medical Center
  • Guest Lectures for NYPD Crime Prevention Specialists
  • Citizen Police Academies
  • Citizen Appreciation Nights
  • School and College Security Initiatives
  • Personal Safety Presentations
  • Corporate Crime Prevention Initiatives

    The New Jersey State Police SORA certification consisted of 40 hours of training and an exam to complete the program. Modules of the training included:

  • Cargo Theft Prevention
  • Bomb Threat Management
  • Street Gangs (Gang Awareness and Recognition)
  • Document Fraud
  • Emergency Response (Incident Command System)
  • Homeland Security (Terrorism Awareness and Prevention)
  • First Aid Awareness
  • Use of Force
  • Ethics
  • Nationwide Suspicious Incidents (NSI) and Situational Awareness Reporting (SAR) Initiative

    Thanks to the recommendation of Pat Fay, I am proud to now hold the New Jersey State Police SORA Instructor certification. I commend Pat for the many training initiatives he has held to certify officers throughout the state over the years. His dedication to protecting New Jersey includes:

    Fairleigh Dickinson University: Committed to Public Safety

    Fairleigh Dickinson University, under the leadership of David Miles, Director of Public Safety, is committed to providing a safe campus environment for students and faculty.

    On Wednesday, January 09, 2008, a cadre of public safety professionals was certified under the New Jersey Security Officer Registration Act. SORA was enacted on August 31, 2004 with associated regulations and the requirement that all private security officers attend a 24 hour training course. The course must be retaken every two years. The regulations also require that law enforcement officers who perform the duties of security personnel must be compensated by his/her department or become a registered security officer of a duly licensed security company.

    The course is taught by certified instructors who have successfully completed a 40 hour train-the-trainer program developed by the New Jersey State Police and includes instruction in:

    • Homeland Security
    • Incident Command System
    • Report Writing
    • Use of Force
    • Theft Prevention
    • Ethics

    Although in-house security or public safety professionals, as in the case of Fairleigh Dickinson University, are not required to be certified according to SORA, FDU is to be commended for its commitment to safety and security by going beyond the status quo and having its professionals certified.

    This training and certification, completed through the dedication of certified instructors Patrick Fay (Lieutenant of the Hackensack Police Department and President of the North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association) and Allen C. Kriney, stands as a model of dedication to the security profession and to all of the members of its educational community.


    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    Department of Public Safety
    Click here to visit site
    NJRCPOA Click here to visit site
    State of New Jersey
    Security Officer Registration Act
    Click here to visit site
    State of New Jersey
    Security Officer Registration Act
    Click here to visit site
    Unity of Effort: Law Enforcement
    and Private Partnerships
    Click here to visit site

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