Monday, October 29, 2007

Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America

National Conference on Ethics
in America
(Part 1 of 5)

The United States Military Academy's National Conference on Ethics in America is an extraordinary venue that informs, instructs and inspires undergraduate students who exhibit the qualities of character, commitment, honesty, courage, discipline and who have the passion to serve our nation. The theme for the 22nd annual conference, held in October 2007, was Providing the Nation with Citizens of Character.

Principles of Character

As an educator dedicated to the transformation of our nation through character and leadership development, I was privileged to serve the conference as mentor and facilitator. This unique role gave me the opportunity to interact with professionals dedicated to our nation’s youth and to exchange ethical concerns, principles, and solutions with the remarkable young people who participated. These individuals exhibit great promise for the future of our nation. Their personal and collective reflections on the principles of character were extremely inspirational.

Conference Objectives

As specified in the guidebook’s opening remarks by Cooper Bradley, Chairman of the NCEA, the conference provides the platform to address and solve significant ethical issues in society with a threefold objective:

  1. The first goal of the conference is to develop a national awareness of ethical behavior in the undergraduate community.
  2. The second goal of the conference is to improve collegiate codes of ethics and honor systems across the nation by drawing on the experiences and value systems of students from various colleges and universities.
  3. The third and final goal of the conference is to provide students with the opportunity to discuss issues of character and integrity with proven athletes, business and government officials, as well as leaders of character across varying fields of enterprise.

Diversity of Academic Institutions Represented

Although this outstanding event was held at West Point, it was not a military philosophy development venue. It provided a dynamic learning environment and promoted the sharing of ideas.

Attendees represented wide range of academic disciplines including government, law, medicine, science, engineering, education, business and the military. Academic institutions represented included:

  • Brigham Young
  • Duke
  • Fordham
  • Georgia Military Academy
  • Maine Military Institute
  • Marion Military Institute
  • New Mexico Military Institute
  • North Carolina Central
  • Northwestern
  • Texas A&M
  • The Citadel
  • U.S. Air Force Academy
  • U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  • U.S. Military Academy
  • U.S. Naval Academy
  • University of Alaska
  • University of Florida
  • University of San Francisco
  • University of Wyoming
  • Valley Forge Military College
  • Villanova
  • Virginia Military Institute
  • Virginia Tech
  • Wake Forest

Timeless Principles

Surrounded by the historic setting of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the interaction of attendees and mentors created a bond and balance through viewpoints that consistently complimented the timeless principles of ethics, leadership and character. The autumn foliage in the magnificent mountains of New York, coupled with the high energy of a new school year, enhanced the conference experience.

And one must not lose the significance of the cadet honor code

"A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do"
to this conference.

The future of America depends on leaders of character and the National Conference on Ethics in America is doing its part to prepare individuals to fill those roles.


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America

National Conference on Ethics
in America
(Part 2 of 5)

On Monday, October 22, 2007, the National Conference on Ethics in America moved into full action mode with opening remarks by Lieutenant General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, who spoke about justice, rule of law, ethics, honesty, integrity, and honor as precepts essential to being an American.

Citizens of Character

After the inspiring words of Lt. General Hagenbeck, Len Marella, a graduate of West Point and the founder and president of the Center for Leadership and Ethics, discussed the importance of developing citizens of character as the defining issue of our time. "Citizens of character seek to discover truth and decide what is right."

Mr. Marella used the words of President Theodore Roosevelt to make his point,

"To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."
Character must be continually developed and is inseparable from competence in order for one to be a successful leader. "When competent individuals in any level of human development or organization behave without character, the results are always negative."

Mr. Marella also explained that the foundation to character and competence is trust. "Trust is the foundation of character and essential to leadership, marriage, friendship, employer and employees as well as to all relationships."

In concluding his introductory remarks, Mr. Marella spoke about the importance of moral courage. He encouraged participants to renewed dedication to moral courage, commitment, ethics, character and leadership and shared with them a practical approach to consider for personal development:


Athletes of Character

Next on the agenda, Eric Alexander, an extreme athlete, shared his experiences of scaling the 29,035 summit of Mr. Everest with the audience. Prior to the climb, Alexander struggled with pneumonia and the death of his best friend. He also survived a 150 foot fall, developed pulmonary edema and needed to be airlifted to safety while training. He persevered because he wanted to help a blind friend, Erik Weihenmayer, reach the top. Mr. Alexander defied all odds against him and successfully climbed Mt. Everest with his friend Erik.

During his presentation, Alexander showed a video clip of his friend Erik trusting totally in voice directives as he walked across a ladder spanning a deep cavern, holding onto ropes and taking steps to precisely set his ice boots on the ladder rungs. The clip dramatically highlighted the virtues of courage and trust. Eric Alexander then explained that character is the foundation of the recipe success and discussed other qualities he felt were necessary ingredients:

  • Courage to Serve Despite Fear
  • Faith and Trust
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership and Integrity
  • Perseverance

After the introductory remarks and plenary presentation, participants broke into small groups with their mentors. My group, comprised of students from the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, University of San Francisco, Marion Military Institute, Bradley University, Wake Forest, Claremont McKenna College, Valley Forge Christian College, University of Florida and the University of Wyoming, had a spirited discussion on the character of Eric Alexander. The selfless actions of Mr. Alexander were seen in contrast to the scandalous behavior of many professional athletes.

The group expressed their hope that the media would present stories of athletes of character, not just cover who wins and the sensational stories of negative behavior.


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America

National Conference on Ethics
in America
(Part 3 of 5)

The Monday afternoon session began with a plenary lecture by Colonel Donna Brazil, Director of Psychology Studies at the United States Military Academy. Colonel Brazil is a 1983 West Point graduate who holds a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Social Psychology from the University of North Carolina. Besides serving the U.S. Army in numerous command and staff assignments stateside and internationally, she currently serves West Point as Academy Professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership.

Social Responsibility

Addressing the issues of social responsibility, Colonel Brazil stressed the importance of being fully dedicated to family and community in order to make a positive impact on society. She spoke about emotional intelligence whereby individuals must know themselves and be able to understand others by seeing the world from their viewpoint.

“Leaders must have purpose, direction and motivation to accomplish the mission but must also be dedicated to improving the lives of people and their organizations.” According to Colonel Brazil, “true leaders are transformational since they impact change on the family, neighborhood, community and organization.”

Ethics and Responsibility

As a response to Colonel Brazil’s insights, my group discussed the importance of companies stressing social responsibility, especially in regards to corporate ethics, pollution, health care and outsourcing. They felt that in the long run a lack of social responsibility robs the employee, the shareholder, the community, and the nation. Conversely, they expressed that community outreach helps the bottom line since it inspires loyalty, good will and dedicated employees.

The students believe that America needs a renewed awareness to social justice issues including:

  • Trendsetting transformational leaders
  • Dedication to the environment including vehicle and gashouse emissions programs and ethanol usage development
  • Renewed public transportation upgrades and city design improvements as a response to population growth
  • Improvement of public works systems and increase of water purification systems due to water shortages and droughts
  • Enhancement of electrical systems to prevent blackouts

Tomorrow's leaders must understand the consequences of organizational selfishness and must work to build collaboration among all aspects of the community for the good of society.


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America

National Conference on Ethics
in America
(Part 4 of 5)

Tuesday began with a plenary session by Dr. Dana G. Mead, Chairman of the MIT Corporation. Dr. Mead is a 1957 West Point graduate, former Presidential Commissioner on White House Fellowships and the first Professor of the Practice of Leadership at MIT.

Enterprises of Character

"Business in America is no more ethical or unethical than other elements in society."

Dr. Mead, in his presentation on Enterprises of Character, stressed that trust, based on ethical reputation, must be inseparable from good business and that illegal, immoral or unethical acts can never be justified.

"Ethics must be the driving force behind any good company and leadership awards should be conferred upon those who exhibit high standards of moral and ethical behavior."

Dr. Mead also emphasized that an ethical, honest, and completely transparent, organization must be the goal of an organization, especially since globalization allows American companies to reflect values not only domestically but internationally. According to Dr. Mead, there are three major challenges of an enterprise in regard to ethical behavior:

  1. Profits
  2. Executive Compensation
  3. Conditioning the Public Market

Despite these challenges, a culture of character, integrity and ethics must be a business’ foundation. Dr. Mead quoted Marcus Aurelius in summarizing the call to ethics,

"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one."

Transformational Character

Dan Clark, the primary contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and author of twenty of his own best selling books, was the next plenary speaker. Dan is a motivational speaker who has flown in fighter jets at twice the speed of sound, carried the Olympic torch in the 2002 games, and spoken to military personnel all over the world.

Mr. Clark gave an emotional presentation calling the audience to appreciate the values of America and to be dedicated to changing society through personal commitment. He stressed the following points during his presentation:

  • One needs only to make a commitment one time. It should never have to be made again because one should always keep their word.
  • Character is expressed most clearly when no one else is around.
  • Character must be cultivated and developed. It can never be bought but unfortunately it can easily be sold.
  • Always take the higher ground.
  • Be dedicated to change and have the courage to be better than you have ever been.
  • Crisis can never break a leader. It brings the leader the opportunity to rise to the occasion.
  • Integrity begins with self-respect.
  • Character is always more important than popularity.
  • Trials are always an opportunity to grow stronger.

Empowering the Future Leader

After these two plenary sessions, student leaders met for the round table discussion and shared profound insights during a highly empowering discussion which included:

  • Aside from American colleges, society itself needs an honor code and people of character must set the example.
  • America must make a commitment to change and all must make sacrifices.
  • Ethical society is impossible without ethical people.
  • The courage to serve is the nation's recipe for success.
  • Perseverance is required as the driving force behind transformational leadership.
  • Social responsibility is rooted in personal responsibility.
  • Leaders must be aware of a balcony mentality that others look up to them for guidance and example.
  • There is always a way to do the right thing.
  • Ethical behavior must be practical not just discussed.
  • Inspiring others through public acts of character is great motivator.
  • Ethical courage inspires the first step which is always the move in the right direction.
  • Success in life is guaranteed by ethical behavior and prevents having regrets.

We would do well to remember the words of John Adams, founding father and second president of the United States:

"The people have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge — I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America

National Conference on Ethics
in America
(Part 5 of 5)

On the final day of the conference, opening remarks were made by Lieutenant General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, who spoke about the responsibility of each person to exemplify character.

"If just a few individuals or sometimes even just one person crosses the ethical line, it may compromise the reputation of the entire organization or even, in the case of a military scandal, of the nation. Conversely, when individuals are dedicated to moral principles and live accordingly, an epiphany that can dramatically impact the entire organization is possible."

Senior Leader Sessions

The superintendent’s remarks were followed by two question and answer panels comprised of leaders from business, government, and the military. The senior leaders included:

  • Martin Abbott, Chief Operations Officer, Quigo
  • Brigadier General (Ret) Leo A. Brooks, Vice President Boeing
  • Terrence P. Finley, President, West Point Thoroughbreds, Inc.
  • Theodore Griesinger, Chairman of the Board, Maguire Group, Inc.
  • Deborah Churchill Luster, Entrepreneur
  • Lt. Colonel (Ret) Haldane R. Mayer, Jurist, U.S. Federal Court of Appeals
  • Colonel (Ret) John Rust, Former President, Rust Tractor Co.
  • Jane M. Siebels, Chairperson, Green Cay Assets
  • Frederick G. Smith, Vice President, Sinclair Broadcast Group
  • Roland Smith, CEO, Arby Restaurant Group, Inc.
  • James P. Sullivan, Jr., CEO, Sullivan Technologies, Inc.
  • Brigadier General (Ret) Wesley B. Taylor, Jr., President and CEO George C. Marshall Foundation

These sessions led to a spirited interchange between the panel and attendees which gleaned the highlights of the conference:

  • Organizations must not only demand accountability for negative behavior but reward positive behavior.
  • Character needs to be cultivated within an organization.
  • Ethics must be held to high standards within companies by boards of directors.
  • An open door policy where individuals can address concerns at the highest levels of an organization should be cultivated.
  • Perseverance in a culture of character is critical even if the competition is more profitable with behavior contrary to ethics. In the long term the positive reputation will bring rewards.
  • Social responsibility inspires and in time attains buy in by others.
  • Moral decisions must always rule the day.
  • Integrity and moral courage are ethical principles which must always be followed, whether popular or not.
  • Leadership goes beyond the title. An individual can be profoundly effective and motivational in whatever role they play for a company or society. During the second question and answer session, another lively interchange highlighted the following:
  • Leaders are the “keepers of the flame” in their organizations. They must make the right decisions and never allow mediocrity.
  • Ethical is always inseparable from respectful even with disciplines and terminations which must be done in a dignified manner.
  • Human beings are the most valuable resource within a company and therefore the term human resources must always be lived accordingly.
  • Guidance, motivation and inspiration are needed by mentors within an organization, whether this takes place formally or informally.
  • Always appeal to reason and if individuals are uncomfortable with an assignment they should be able to freely express their concerns and if possible relieved of the task.
  • Leaders are always being watched both on duty and off duty. They must always live by high moral standards.
  • Words are very powerful as motivators since they have the ability to affirm someone’s dignity. Words are a treasure that should be used sincerely, gracefully and frequently within an organization to recognize, appreciate and affirm the values of others.
  • The values of a company should be clear, understood and continually rewarded both privately and publicly.
  • Character within an enterprise is like the embryonic fluid. Character sustains the life of an organization.

Conference Conclusion

The National Conference on Ethics in America concluded with the panel representatives visiting groups of mentors and students to discuss the panel findings. Afterwards, student leaders from each group summarized their group's feedback for the entire assembly.

In the evening, all conference participants celebrated in an extraordinary banquet with a presentation by the conference’s keynote speaker, Martha Raddatz, author and ABC News Chief White House Correspondent. She complimented the sessions held throughout the week by accentuating the importance of a dedication to truth, even in the most seemingly ordinary events of life.

Hope for the Future

As I listened to the future leaders of our great nation speak of the significance of this event, I was filled with the hope that America will be in great hands if these students continue their dedication to be citizens of character.

I can think of no better way to conclude this series than with the words of Cicero:


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Spotlight On: Captain Chad DeBos, United States Army

During the United States Military Academy's 22nd annual National Conference on Ethics in America which was held in October 2007 at West Point, New York, I was honored to meet many outstanding individuals. The theme of this year's conference was Providing the Nation with Citizens of Character.

Captain Chad DeBos, a Military Intelligence Officer with the United States Army, worked extensively with a group of young people as a conference mentor, guiding them to reflect on character, integrity and honor and what it means to be empowered as an ethical leader.

[Reprinted from the conference booklet]

Captain Chad W. DeBos was born 29 February 1972 in Massillon, Ohio. He graduated high school in 1990 and enlisted in the United States Army as an Airborne Infantryman. He served with A Company, 3rd Battalion, 325th Airborne Battalion Combat Team; Vicenza, Italy and XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Company; Fort Bragg. In 1995, he separated to attend college.

In 1999, Captain DeBos was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Military Intelligence Corps through the Kent State University Army ROTC program. As a Distinguished Military Graduate, Captain DeBos graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Education.

Captain DeBos was assigned to Fort Bragg’s 319th Military Intelligence Battalion (Operations) (Airborne), 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne). In support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, Captain DeBos was attached to 1st Battalion, 229th Aviation Regiment (Attack)(Airborne) as the Battalion Intelligence Officer. He deployed in July 2002 to Afghanistan and served as the Aviation Task Force Intelligence Officer in support of Coalition Task Force 82. Following redeployment and advanced military schooling, Captain DeBos was assigned to the United States Army Intelligence Center, Fort Huachuca. There he served as the Assistant G3/Operations Officer, Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General, Company Commander for Bravo Company, 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, and as Officer Lifecycle Manager for the Chief of the Military Intelligence Corps.

Captain DeBos is currently attending the University of Virginia to obtain a masters degree in Instructional Technology. After advanced civil schooling, he will be assigned to the United States Military Academy’s Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic.

Captain DeBos’ awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal w/ 2OLC, Army Achievement Medal w/ 1OLC, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal w/ bronze star device, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Senior Parachutist Badge, Belgian Armed Forces Parachutist Badge, German Armed Forces Parachutist Badge (Bronze), and the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (Gold).

Captain DeBos and his wife Jody have one son, Cody (8) and one daughter, Hannah (5).

In numerous conversations with Captain DeBos, I was impressed with his dedication to our nation, to his family, and to the future leaders entrusted to his guidance during the conference. Perhaps we can gain insight from the words of his group after discussing one of the conference sessions:


  • Camaraderie
  • Loyalty
  • Self-preservation
  • Family
  • Humility
  • Sense of humor
  • Selflessness
  • Lead by example
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Greater good
  • Do unto others
  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Passion
  • Discipline
  • Compassion
  • Understanding


Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 1 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 2 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 3 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 4 of 5 Click here to visit site
Preparing Young Leaders: The Future of America – Part 5 of 5 Click here to visit site
National Conference on Ethics in America Click here to visit site

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Friday, October 19, 2007

MySpace and Internet Security Concerns for Educators and Law Enforcement

On October 18, 2007, through an educational initiative of Lt. Patrick Fay, President of the North Jersey Regional Crime Prevention Officers Association and Sheriff Leo P. McGuire of the Bergen County Sheriff's Department, I was privileged to conduct a presentation entitled "Myspace and Internet Security Concerns for Educators and Law Enforcement." The initiative took place for 125 educators and law enforcement professionals in the state of the art auditorium at the Bergen County Jail on River Road in Hackensack, New Jersey.

Millions of young people, as well as parents, educators and law enforcement personnel, use various websites for social networking, communication and research resources. Those entrusted with the care of our youth must also use it to understand the pulse of their schools and communities.

When used safely and wisely, the internet offers remarkable opportunities for learning, communication and self actualization through research and study. Positive activities include:

  • Surfing the web
  • Email, instant messaging, webcams, video conferencing and webinars
  • Newsgroups, bulletin boards, blogs, vlogs, online communities, TV View on Demand
  • Educational research
  • Sharing photographs and video

The agenda covered:

Laying the Foundation

- Shattered Communities
- Crisis of Leadership
- Culture of Violence
- Filling the Void

Internet and Online-Community

- Overview
- Myspace
- Concerns

Parental Presence

- Warning Signs
- Communication

  ("An ounce of prevention")

American Military Personnel Tribute

- Remember, Reflect, Resolve

Many local organizations were represented:

  • Hackensack Police Department
  • Bergen County Sheriff's Department
  • Hackensack Public Schools
  • Lyndhurst Police Department
  • Rockaway Township Police Department
  • Glenridge Police Department
  • Springfield Police Department
  • Premier Security
  • Hackensack Constable's Office
  • Newark Police Department
  • Roseland Police Department
  • Clifton Police Department
  • Lodi Police Department
  • Lodi Public Schools
  • Alpine Police Department
  • Seaside Park Police Department
  • Paramus Police Department
  • Franklin Lakes Police Department
  • Oakland Police Department
  • Jersey City Police Department
  • Nutley Police Department
  • Garfield Police Department
  • North Haledon Police Department
  • Montclair Police Department
  • North Bergen Police Department
  • Caldwell Police Department
and participated through lively interaction and discussion.


Secaucus Reporter Article
Myspace: friend or foe?
Click here to visit site
Internet Safety Blogs Click here to visit site

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Diversity Alert: Hangman's Noose a Symbol of Bigotry


We must HONOR;

We must CHERISH;

the words of the

We must be concerned about the continued incidents of bigotry and hate in our society; and we must commit to do all we can to celebrate
diversity in our nation.

The recent incidents of the display of hangman's nooses at Columbia University, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut, Nassau County Police Headquarters in New York, and Jena High School in Jena, Louisiana remind us that respect for all cultures must be cultivated and supported in our nation's schools, campuses, and communities.

[Reprinted from the Fox News website –,2933,301046,00.html]

"Unfortunately, I'm not surprised," said one female African American doctoral student, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "Columbia is not a tolerant community. There is not only racism but classism. I feel voiceless and invisible at times, but I've learned to let my voice be heard."

Demonstrators with signs declaring "Intolerance Is Intolerable" and "Not on Our Campus" protested Wednesday afternoon outside Teachers College, and Constantine spoke publicly to condemn the "heinous and highly upsetting incident" of which she apparently was the victim.

"I would like us to stay strong in the face of such a blatant act of racism," she told the boisterous, multicultural crowd. "Hanging the noose on my office door reeks of cowardice and fear on many levels."

Constantine has written extensively about racism and teaches a racial justice course. She wasn't in her office Tuesday when her colleague noticed the noose, an inflammatory symbol recalling a bygone era of racially motivated lynchings in the South.

No one answered a knock on Constantine's office door in Horace Hall after Wednesday's rally ended, but a university employee emerged at one point and said he'd just had a meeting with her.

"It's definitely painful," the doctoral student at the rally said of the incident. "I'm from the South, where there are blatant forms of racism. Hidden forms are always worse."

She said she often feels isolated as a black woman on campus, and many of her fellow students frequently turn their backs on her instead of speaking to her. At first, she said, she wondered whether she was being too sensitive, but other minorities at Columbia, located in the heart of Harlem in New York City, have told her of similar experiences.

"It feels intentional because it constantly happens," she said.

An adjunct professor at Wednesday's protest said she has noticed an increase in discriminatory behavior and attributed it to the current political climate in the United States.

"It's horrifying obviously," said Cris Beam, who teaches creative writing. "We're in a culture right now of escalating racism, in an increasingly conservative (environment). We all live in this country, so it seeps in."

A junior at Pace University, located at the opposite, southern, tip of Manhattan, said he came to the rally to show his support for the fight against discrimination.

"Really obnoxious and blatant racism should be exposed in order to bring to light the larger systemic problems," said Brian Kelly, 20, who is studying politics at Pace.

First-year Teachers College student Michelle Miller of Canada believes the noose incident "shows a threat is looming."

"At an educational school, where they're trying to teach multiculturalism, that is sort of a slap in the face against them," said Miller, 22. "If it's happening at Columbia, in Harlem, then it can happen anywhere."

The gesture targeting Constantine is the latest in a string of similar incidents involving nooses. Hangman's ropes were left in the bag of a black cadet and the office of a woman giving race relations training at the U.S, Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut; at Nassau County Police headquarters in Long Island, N.Y.; and last year on the branch of an oak tree outside Jena High School in Jena, La.

In the Jena case, three white students were suspended from school but not tried for the crime. The town has since been rocked by racial strife, with a white student badly beaten three months later and mass demonstrations after the arrest of six black students for the assault.

Columbia's own brush with a noose crime has rattled the school, which has been steeped in controversy lately — most recently over the hosting of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. University officials vowed that whoever pinned the noose on Constantine's door would be punished.

Columbia prides itself on its diverse student body. The population is made up of those from about 80 countries and is 12 percent black, 11 percent Asian American and 7 percent Hispanic.

"This is an assault on African Americans and therefore it is an assault on every one of us," university President Lee C. Bollinger said in a statement. "I know I speak on behalf of every member of our communities in condemning this horrible action."


Fox News Article Click here to visit site
Diversity Blogs Click here to visit site

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INEOA: Honoring Leadership, Character, and Courage

The International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc. (INEOA) held its 48th Annual International Drug Enforcement Training Conference from
October 8-11, 2007 at the
Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort, Daytona Beach, Florida.

As the keynote speaker for the opening day awards ceremony, I was pleased to affirm the leadership exemplified through the INEOA as well as the character, courage and commitment of each of the award recipients. The awards included the association's medal of valor, commendation awards, special award of honor and international award of honor.

It was an honor to spend a few days in the presence of such noble young men and women who serve at the front lines of the war on drugs. Their bravery is to be commended.

[Reprinted from the Conference Program]

The International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association is committed to giving recognition to drug enforcement officers and other members of the law enforcement community who have distinguished themselves in the line of duty. Each year the Association presents awards to these courageous and dedicated men and women for their contributions in the area of drug enforcement. INEOA is privileged to bestow these honors. The awards presentation ceremonies are one of the highlights of our conferences.

Representation included:

  • Army
  • Air Force
  • Coast Guard
  • Navy
  • Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
  • Customs and Border Protection
  • Border Patrol
  • Immigration & Customs Enforcement
  • Department of Justice
  • Republic of the Philippines
  • California
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Tennessee


International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association (INEOA) Click here to visit site

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